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Topic - Innovation
Posted: 11 Nov 2011 at 7:29pm By Triceratopsoil
I wouldn't ever argue with Neurosis and Melvins, and I might even agree to some extent with how influential you say Soundgarden and AiC were to sludge/stoner metal.  I'm not sure I could agree with Jane's Addiction though.

another band I might mention are Swans, for their early material

Depending on how far back you want to go, the obvious thing to say is Black Sabbath.
There are also groups like Earth and Sleep that played pretty crucial roles relatively early on when it comes to stoner and sludge metal.  I won't comment on doom metal because my knowledge in that area is woefully pitiful.

One group I think often gets left out of such discussion is Boris (although more on the post-metal side of things).  When you take into account that Amplifier Worship only came out 2 years after Through Silver and Blood (widely regarded the first post-metal album), and Flood another 2 years after that, it shows that they beat out a lot a lot a lot of other bands with that particular style.

I don't really remember where I was going with this

Chris, one thing worth noting is that some Agalloch albums are under sludge/post on this site not because they are sludge, but because they are basically post-metal.  Agalloch is extremely hard to classify, though.  A band like Baroness (Intronaut, The Ocean, early Mastodon etc.) I'd call progressive sludge metal.  Isis is basically the quintessential post-metal band, but their early EPs and first studio album are more like sludge metal.

Edited by Triceratopsoil - 11 Nov 2011 at 7:32pm

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