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Topic - Music Appreciation
Posted: 26 May 2012 at 11:41am By Diogenes
Not boring at all.  You bring up some great points, especially 11.  A few days ago I was talking with Jeff about how I tend to associate songs or albums with certain time periods in my life, and when I listen to them, I can almost feel like I did back then.  As my taste in music changes, I stop listening to those bands, but they'll always be connected to me somehow.  It's hard to describe and it sounds really cheesy, but it's true; as much as I hate being a part of a hated stereotype, Korn played a huge part in getting me through high school (for about a year, anyway), and because of that, I'll always be up for listening to their self-titled, even though I may not own it anymore.  Same deal with Metallica, Soulfly, Disturbed, etc.  If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be on this site having this conversation right now.

Mind if I add a couple thoughts of my own?

BTW, I just realized this post was in Blogs.  We need more of those.

Edited by Diogenes - 26 May 2012 at 11:42am

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