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Topic - Music Appreciation
Posted: 26 May 2012 at 12:12pm By dreadpirateroberts
#2&3 stand out for me, especially as I have to remind myself of #3 sometimes, before writing a review etc

I think, drawing on your point from #1, the idea of knowing more about music, especially in terms of a wide range of genres, is great. That's powerful knowledge for a listener, I think it best allows us to contextualise what we're hearing. (For a simple example, imagine approaching Led Zeppelin with no knowledge of Folk or the Blues.)

And by range, I don't mean 'Metal sub-genres A through Z.'  So many teenagers I teach seem to be under the impression that if they have one genre covered, they 'Love Music' - when what they actually seem to love is a certain style of music.  I reckon I did the same thing in high school with the Rock genre, I was closed to other genres, if it wasn't Zep, Sabbath or Deep Purple I wasn't keen. Took me a while to break free. Good times since then.

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