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Topic - Music Appreciation
Posted: 28 May 2012 at 10:44am By Diogenes
Originally posted by Wilytank Wilytank wrote:

That said, I really find that the "I hated [x album] the first 999 times I listened to it, but I absolutely loved it on the 1000th listen." idea almost never applies to me.  Hit your hand a thousand times with a hammer and yeah it will eventually stop hurting, but you'll have seriously fucked your hand up.  If an album gets a 2.5 or less from me on a first listen, I find that on subsequent re-listens my score actually goes down.  Such an occurance happened with Gorguts' Obscura in my case.

I get what you're trying to say, but that analogy is a little extreme.  For one, there is no one out there claiming that hitting your hand with a hammer is awesome and that everyone should love it, and as such there would be no potential upside to doing so.  And what if the hammer looks like this?

I agree with you on internet radio though.  I can't remember the last time I found an artist through an internet radio station.  Waiting for a song that I like by an artist I don't know greatly exceeds my attention span.

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