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Topic - Review Etiquette and Rationale
Posted: 19 Jun 2012 at 5:17am By Kingcrimsonprog
I give out a lot of five star reviews... but this is because often only five star albums move me to write.
If something is bad I usually don't have anything to say about it, unless it is a warning about poor quality amateur DVDs being sold as if they were big budget affairs.

As for my likes and dislikes... I think I might have accidentally stolen UMMR's style. It wasn't intentional but I did notice when I got here that I had started to think it was the best possible way to write.

I recently wrote a blog post about what I dislike, phrases in particular:

What I also dislike is a lot of negativity, superiority complexes, trying to prove how smart you are and other general bad personality traits.

A few personal choice things, I don't like when a review scores each individual track. I have no reason to dislike it, and don't understand why I do, but I still do for whatever reason.

My absolute number one pet peeve is when a review isn't about the album. If its a story about how you went to download festival, or a rant about when the band sold out, or a question about amplifiers, or something else that isn't actually a review.

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