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Post Reply - Review Etiquette and Rationale

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Topic - Review Etiquette and Rationale
Posted: 19 Jun 2012 at 8:48am By adg211288
Originally posted by Kingcrimsonprog Kingcrimsonprog wrote:

A few personal choice things, I don't like when a review scores each individual track. I have no reason to dislike it, and don't understand why I do, but I still do for whatever reason.

Track by track would never be my first choice of review format but I can tolerate it. The only thing I dislike about it is when a reviewer scores every track and then gives the album an overall score that doesn't match up with it, for example rating all tracks with at least 3.5 stars then saying it's only a 2 star album overall. I'll always say that text means hell of a lot more than numbers but it is something of a pet peeve of mine. Along the same lines I always have a WTF moment when a reviewer writes a score in the text which is different to the rating attached to the review. I'd say this is more than a pet peeve though and actually go as far to say I consider it bad practice and misleading to people who read the review, since if you're like me, and look at the rating first, and then read something that doesn't match up with it all that review ultimately told me that the reviewer wasn't actually ready to review that album. I know its a harsh view to take but I think the most important thing with any review is to be clear. Mismatched ratings of any kind of not clear IMO.

That turned out longer than intended. Embarrassed

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