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Topic - Music Appreciation
Posted: 19 Jun 2012 at 9:32pm By Nick Dilley
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by Triceratopsoil Triceratopsoil wrote:

Originally posted by Wilytank Wilytank wrote:

7) I never liked internet radio.  I don't like not having control of what I listen to, because if something comes on that I already do despise like Suicide Silence when I want Immolation or Incantation I'm going to flip shit.  I prefer my music played in the order it was intended to be set in on the album it appears on.  If I need new bands, all I really need to do is ask around.  This is all personal preference though.

I agree.  If I am going to preview music on the internet, it will be via something I can actually listen to the whole album on (ex: grooveshark)

Well, when you have over 200 GB of music on your hard drive, sometimes it's very difficult to decide what to listen to, and so a personalized radio station can be quite freeing.  Wink

Haha, I have the same problem. I'd have to check my external hard drive, but I'm definitely into the hundreds of gigs of music area.

I dig sites like Pandora when the user interface is simple and whatever algorithms they are using to predict the music selection ACTUALLY WORK! I can't recall the names, but when internet radio first came out, I was soooo frustrated with how poorly they actually functioned. Pandora is cool, though--works great, and the music selection is usually pretty accurate when choosing "like artists."

If not for Pandora, I never would have found Amon Amarth! LOL, I love those guys (to an extent)!

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