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Topic - Music Appreciation
Posted: 21 Jun 2012 at 10:23pm By Nick Dilley
Originally posted by UMUR UMUR wrote:

I think what was meant, was that you might not fully appreciate a certain release the first or the second time, but you can still hear that there is something there and you keep coming back to take another listen, because something intrigues you even though you still don�t really like what you hear. Sometimes repeated listens help open your mind to new things.


The point of multiple listens isn't to force yourself to like something you don't like. Sometimes you're just not in the right zone to appreciate something. I'm someone who is pretty sure about whether or not I like something on the first listen--but I've been wrong many times, and I'm not afraid to admit that.

When you know that you do like something, multiple listens can reveal how good something is and increase the pleasure of the experience, or it can show you how a piece can get stale relatively quickly.

Lastly, I think that there is something to be said for listening to music that doesn't appeal to you all that much, as an exercise. I used to do it all the time, and guess what: I like pretty much everything for some reason or another and I get a lot more out of listening to music than I used to. But, I totally get not wanting to use music as an academic exercise. It appeals to me personally, but not so much for a lot of people.

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