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(Visceral Circuitry Records ) Dal 2013 i Kouristus di Tampere, Finlandia,
suonano un grindcore/hardcore punk che da quell’anno è stato diffuso attraverso
release su formati disparati. Il demo del 2022
contiene due pezzi e si caratterizzano per una tendenza crindcore-crust, mentre
il demo del 2019 contiene cinque pezzi sferraglianti, registrati in maniera
approssimativa, cruda, con cariche a testa bassa e continui scatti impetuosi
per un grindcore estremo a tratti, nettamente d’estrazione hardcore in altri
frangenti. Hardcore punk molto veloce, molto duro, d’impatto, esasperato ma
sostanzialmente hardcore ”Teurastamo”, l’EP del 2019, il quale però non manca
di punte grindcore ma dalla durata breve. I Kouristus sembrano dei punk a dir poco
arrabbiati che estremizzano lo stesso codice di stile del punk, a tratti
superandolo e sforando nel grindcore, mentre in altri veleggiando in scariche
di crust e hardcore essenziali ma devastanti. Tra queste mazzate alcune non
sono mai state pubblicate in formato fisico. Visceral Circuitry Records,
etichetta francese, pubblica questa raccolta in CDr e in formato digitale QUI.
I had never heard of this Finnish band before, but it appears they have been
releasing music for a decade now. The music on here is a wild, violent, high
energy and pissed off sounding hardcore punk music that is mixed hints of
grindcore. The songs are good, always fast and driving with some catchy tempo
variations. The vocals are classic hardcore punk with some crazy screeching and
inflections that remind me slightly to The Accüsed vox. Check it out if that
sort of thing is for you.
Kouristus are a Grindcore/ Punk band from Finland that are about as
‘underground’ as one can get. With a variety of demos, EPs, and a live album
out there, those who like the ferocity and grimness of extremely early
Leviathan and the aggressive, yet catchy barbs of earlier Napalm Death and less
guttural than Nasum, the result is a TON of short tracks that last less than 2
minutes. While with a lot of Grindcore or Noisecore tracks, these short bursts
hit relentlessly and with little mercy. Some Hardcore elements are also mixed
in that are a bit grittier than your average Hatebreed or earlier Earth Crisis,
but the groove is certainly infectious (such as on ‘Haaveita vakivallasta’ from
“Demo 2019). These tracks are rare and few between as many of them barely
eclipse the 1 minute mark, and are just short machine guns bursts of aggression
that sound like a less bass-y Insect Warfare. Your average Metal fan who even
has delved into the short 2 minute hits from the likes of Cannibal Corpse or
Superjoint Ritual which sounds like them amped up on rage-roids will find this
a bit hard to stomach with the level of aggression that Kouristus delivers.
It should be noted that these guys have been raging since 2013, and don’t have
much out there as far as information, so that adds to whole ‘underground’
mystique which makes them all the more intriguing. Their demos are demo quality
so expect a rather raw, noisy approach that is just fast, fast, fast with
little in between or variety. That’s the double edged sword of Grindcore- you
get a lot of fast, same sounding tracks versus longer, more drawn out ones with
room for more variety. That’s what makes this a bit of a niche genre, and
Kouristus do fall into it quite well and deliver quite well between the albums
they have so far. Their “Teurastamo” EP will have the best ‘quality’ sound-
especially in the drum department- and less in the groove. The levels of Punk
and Hardore bleed through the noise with almost a Speed Thrash approach, but
Kouristus aim to the Grindcore standard of making their music abrasive versus
pleasant, even with the barking vocals amidst almost pained screams (such as on
‘Sairas unelma’). Still, it isn’t as aggressive or uncomfortable to sit through
compared to a band like Nails as this band tries to retain some sort of
sensible listening to grab listeners. But these ‘grabs’ tend to be almost too
short, so it is kind of like dealing with the claw machine at the mall as one’s
ears snatch to try to get that prize of a really good riff or vocal delivery
The new tracks from the 2024/ 2022 demo showcase a bit more of a shift in sound
for the band as tracks like ‘Perintolahja’ are more bass laden, and while still
retain the Grindcore elements of their earlier work, the Punk and Hardcore bits
are much clearer, and the overall thicker sound is a better. One could even say
they ‘slowed down a bit’ to aim more for groove than annihilating the ear, but
it isn’t by much. Kouristus have a lot going for them, and whether or not fans
will see a full length album in the near future is hard to say, but these guys
have a good mix of Hardcore and Punk mixed with Grindcore. The vocals tend to
shy away from the typical guttural growl or grunt of the better known bands out
there, so those who are expecting something along the lines of more recent
Napalm Death might be disappointed. If one can absorb the short bursts of music
without getting frustrated that they aren’t hearing enough, then maybe there
just might enough here with Kouristus to give a near 20 minute listen of
aggressive, yet head banging fun. This one is a true ‘underground’ gem so
expect it to be raw, unapologetic, and avoiding the typical tropes of
‘mainstream’ Metal.
Willkommen im unerbittlichen und unbarmherzigen „geordneten Chaos“! So oder so
ähnlich könnten die allerersten Gedankengänge sein, wenn man sich die 15
Tracks, welche sich in gerade mal in gut 16 min. über einen ergießen, zum
ersten Mal reinzieht. Dass bei den seit 2012 rumrödelnden Finnen die Songlänge
irgendwo zwischen 30 Sekunden und knapp 2 Minuten liegt, lässt ja schon mehr
als erahnen, dass das hier definitiv nix für zarte Gemüter oder
irgendwelche Melodie verliebten Metaljünger sein wird. Ne ganz im Gegenteil,
hier musst du schon recht hart im Nehmen sein und sowohl deine Seele wie auch
dein Herz vollkommen der extremen Ausrichtung verschrieben haben. Denn in
erster Linie heißt es hier, schnell, schneller, immer in Richtung
Hochgeschwindigkeitstempo, ohne hierbei mal wirklich großartig was an
Abwechslung, Innovation oder unnötigen „Ruhephasen“ mit reinzubringen. Aber der
eingefleischte Fan von Grind und Crust, welchem auch ne gehörige Prise an Punk
wohltun, braucht so ein Scheiß eh nicht, wenn er mal wieder so richtig
ausrasten und volle Pulle abgehen will. Roh, laut und schnurstracks geradeaus
ist das Motto, mit dem man hier jede Party in eine absolut ausartende Orgie verwandeln
wird. Natürlich passt das limitierte Tape auch soundtechnisch mehr als
hervorragend zu dieser musikalischen „Gewaltaktion“. Wer bei Bands wie „Nasum“
oder auch „Napalm Death „in Schwitzen kommt, der muss nach dem Genuss dieser
Scheibe ohne jeden Zweifel auch sein T-Shirt wechseln. (LEO)
Kouristus is a grindcore band from Finland. They have been spreading their kind
of musical chaos since 2013. This release, which is a compilation of sorts, by
the way, contains 15 tracks clocking in at just over 15 minutes. Two short
songs from their 2022 demo start the disc. Both tracks explode straight away,
there's no time to catch your breath, ha-ha... That's what I call dedication,
hats off to them. To my surprise, the sound production is very good and
enjoyable. Then we have 5 songs from their 2019 demo. These short cuts sound a
bit rawer, nastier and crazier, partly because of the hysterical vocal
outbursts. It's really cool when they suddenly slow down to break the fast pace
with some ultra-heavy and groovy riffs and then explode again with new energy.
It's not a mindless mess, it actually has great riffs and song structures, just
played really fast. The second half of the disc is the 8 songs of the
"Teurastamo" EP from 2018. This EP sounds incredible. I'm not sure of
the purpose of this disc, but it's limited to 50 copies, so Kouristus fans
should act fast. In any case, I warmly recommend this Finnish band to
grindcore, hardcore and punk maniacs. They are definitely worth investing in. I
hope we get more music from them in the near future, but in the meantime, try
to get this stuff from Visceral Circuitry Records!!!
Je sors pour une fois de l'aspect glauque
et morbide de la scène finlandaise (j'avoue adorer bon nombres de leurs groupes
de doom/death) pour vous embarquer, au travers de cette compile qui ne dit pas
réellement son nom, dans l'univers de Kouristus (de Tampere).
Ici, il est uniquement question
de grindcore frénétique quoique fort bien calibré et réalisé de main de
Leur nom signifie « spasmes » et au travers de ces trois
enregistrements (au son évidemment un peu différent d'une sortie à l'autre), on
comprend très vite pourquoi.
On se retrouve à fréquemment à taper du pied et à appuyer sur
« repeat ».
Croyez-moi sur parole si je vous dis que cela n'est pas du uniquement au
format très court des titres, mais aussi à leurs qualités évidentes.
Sorti chez Visceral Circuitry, un sous-label de
Nihilistic Holocaust, on se dépêchera donc d'aller se procurer son exemplaire...enfin
tant qu'il en reste (limité à 50 exemplaires seulement) !
Kouristus est un quatuor formé quelque part en Finlande. Il joue une musique à
la croisée du grindcore et du hardcore punk avec quelques touches de power
violence. Exit donc les parties complexes ou progressives dans sa musique, tout
est plutôt fait pour être speed, intense, agressif et vachement énergique. Le
batteur blaste pas mal, souvent très vite. Les voix sont plutôt gueulées mais pas
gutturales. Les guitares saturées oscillent la plupart du temps entre des riffs
joués en accords barrés ou en « tremolo », et d’autres joués en « palm mute »
agressifs leur donnant quelquefois un petit côté « thrashy ». La basse a
parfois une « vraie présence » et peut être aussi distincte que les autres
instruments, ce qui fait plaisir à entendre. Quant aux textes, vu que je
comprends pas un seul mot de finnois, mieux vaut que je m’abstienne de les
Le CD, sorti chez Visceral Circuitry Records, rassemble deux démos et un EP du
groupe, soit 15 titres assez courts. Leur son, ou plutôt leurs productions sont
assez variables, pas homogènes, ce qui ne veut pas dire dégueulasses, bien au
contraire. Elles sont suffisamment propres, agressives et adaptées pour mettre
autant en valeur l’intensité que l’efficacité des compositions ; leur diversité
permettant aussi de suivre l’« évolution » du combo.