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In Aevum Agere - Interview, April 2013

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    Posted: 03 Apr 2013 at 1:02pm
Bruno Masulli - In Aevum Ageres axe-wielding main manThe Italian epic doom metal band In Aevum Agere released their debut album The Shadow Tower in December 2012. The album proved to be both an artistic success, a success among the critics and a fan favorite. In March, Pure Steel Record's issued an exclusive vinyl edition in March this year. We have had a chat with In Aevum Agere main man and guitarist/bassist Bruno Masulli who discusses The Shadow Tower, the attraction of epic doom metal, and - of course - the joys of vinyl. This interview should be of special interest to fans of epic doom metal, as it gives you a unique insight into the mind of a fellow fan, and creator, of classic epic doom metal.

Firstly, congratulations on The Shadow Tower which was released in 2012 (and of course, the LP version was released here in March 2013).

Thank you so much, that's a great satisfaction after a long time of hard work.

How has the album been received so far since its release?

I'm receiving wonderful responses, great reviews and lots of supporters write me often to congratulate and that's really great!

How do you feel about the album now that it's been out for some months?

Tired! (I'm kidding!) I'm so happy for the great work and so enthusiastic about my label's work: Pure Steel Records released the album in three versions! Including the vinyl version. For me that's a new excellent starting point, that's a true motivation to do better in the future!

What is the motivation behind releasing it in vinyl in addition to the CD-format?

Pure Steel always loved this format a lot, but vinyl is also very important for the underground scene. It's a pleasure for me and the label to say thanks to all our fans. The whole underground scene loves this format, the 'black gold'. Pure Steel has been making vinyl releases for 6 years, also in 'only CD times'. They hold vinyl in the heads of the fans, so we are very proud that we got also an exclusive edition. It's a tribute to our fans and supporters too.

In Aevum Agere is typically described as a power doom band. How would you describe your 'power doom' style in your own words?

In the early years of In Aevum Agere, German reviewers called it 'epic power doom metal'. You see, the sound of a band can be very personal, and it is not always easy to find the "trademark" of your music. In Aevum Agere's style is based on typical classic doom metal riffs but I'm not a true doomster; I love slow beats, epic elements, but my touch is not entirely doom! Power Doom could be a right compromise to understand our genre but our sound is versatile. in addition to the obvious influences I think there's a lot of personality in the sound of In Aevum Agere.

What are the main attraction points of The Shadow Tower to people who enjoy doom metal?

Fans and supporters say: epic elements, good and powerful vocals, strong guitar playing and good songwriting. I think for spontaneity and real inspiration too.

Representing classic doom metal!Doom metal has of course developed in a lot of directions such as sludge doom, death doom, drone doom, stoner doom etc. However, In Aevum Agere operates within the more traditional type of doom metal. What is it about this variant of doom metal that attracts you as musicians?

Well, despite the music influences, personality is a great feature of In Aevum Agere. The variants come from my background. I'm mainly a thrasher and I like speed riffing. Other musicians have their style and this can also be good to make the sound even more personal. But, you see, I composed songs for two other different doom metal projects, different ways, I like to put a lot of versatility in each song or new project .

And, again as a musician, what are the challenges, and gains, of playing doom metal?

About me, I can tell you that I play and sing that kind of genre simply because I love this kind of music too. I never thought about challenges and gains, I always played what I wanted to play. All styles and genres inspired me, and inspire me every day! Now, the goals are more concrete: I want write new songs, I want record new albums but I don't change my mind. I'll try to do the best I can, the rest will follow.

Melancholy is an important ingredient in the music on The Shadow Tower. How have you, would you say, captured the essence of melancholy and expressed it in your music?

Melancholy and solitude are fundamental elements of The Shadow Tower, but they could describe a realistic view of life. I think you do not need to be particularly pessimistic or cynical to understand that melancholy and solitude are part of life. Of course, to me, they are important ingredients to make a complete description of the existence, and through music and lyrics, it is very interesting, I can disclose them to myself too.

Although most of the tracks on The Shadow Tower are heavy and doomy, there are some uptempo tracks, too. For instance, 'Act of Faith' is quite groovy, what is the story behind this track?

Each of the songs is born spontaneously, without thinking about if it is fast or slow song, that's the main element of In Aevum Agere work. About 'Act Of Faith' I started with a good riff and after a while I had made a part of the song.

'Iniquitous Judgment' features some fast, and even aggressive, parts, as do 'Il Poema Illusorio' and 'Ire of Solitude'. What are the stories behind those three tracks?

I refer you to the former question. Anyway, 'Ire Of Solitude' is one of two bonus tracks of the album, this song is born like 'Act Of Faith' or 'The Shadow Tower', as any song, only I thought immediately that the sound was too different from the songs on the album and I decided to record this song as bonus track exactly like 'Son Of Unknown'. 'Iniquitous Judgement' is aggressive but it had something that convinced me to include it in the album tracklist.

Are there any particular tracks on The Shadow Tower that you are particularly fond or proud of, and, if yes, which ones, and why?

No, I composed each of song with the same inspiration. All songs describe a different state of mind but I really can't answer you!

What is the album about lyrically? Is it a concept album?

Well, not really a concept album. The meaning of The Shadow Tower evolves around solitude and disillusion! Sorrow and misunderstanding, abandonment and melancholy, a realistic travel in the darkest side of existence but lyrically I consider The Shadow Tower an album that includes deep current issues.

Doom-laden paesaggiThe cover artwork is pretty dark and gloomy - and awesome! It has that dark feel that characterizes a lot of paintings from the era or Romanticism. Who made the artwork?

I love this kind of painting, I used italian painting about 'paesaggi' (landscapes), very light colors, symbolic objects, I tried to do a small summary of The Shadow Tower's meaning.

How does the artwork link up with the music and lyrics on the album?

Oh, artwork is absolutely joined with the lyrics, although I like to give people the ability to empathize spontaneously.

Now, you make no secret of the fact that you are very inspired by Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus. Are there other bands that serve as inspirations for In Aevum Agere?

Candlemass is really main inspiration, I loved LPs like Nightfall and Tales of Creation or the entire old Candlemass discography, but the years of composing and writing songs have created a personality in the sound of band, like all my bands after all.

Where can The Shadow Tower be purchased, and where can people go for more information on In Aevum Agere?

The abum can be purchased online at Pure Steel Records, (in the Pure Steel Shop) and people can contact us through the official site or on Facebook, Myspace and ReverbNation.

Thanks for doing this interview, and - again - congratulations on a brilliant doom metal album.

Thank you for the opportunity, for your nice words and good questions!

Edited by Time Signature - 06 May 2014 at 11:06am
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