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Iron Bonehead - Newsletter 02.02.2013

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    Posted: 02 Feb 2013 at 1:36pm
Here are our latest arrivals:
* Absu (US) "Absu" Picture LP (Black/Thrash Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Ascended (Fin.) "Temple of dark offerings" MLP (Death Metal) - LPs - 12.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Dreams like deserts" LP (Black/Thrash Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Hades rise" LP (Black/Thrash Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "The merciless" LP (Black/Thrash Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Autopsy (US) "Shitfun" LP (Death Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Axxion (Can.) "Same" LP + Extras (Heavy Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Black Jesus (OZ) "Black Jesus Saves" MLP (Black) (Death Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Black Oath (Ita.) "Same" MLP (Doom Metal) - LPs - 12.00
* Black Shepherd (Bel.) "United evil forces" Tape (Thrash Metal) - LPs - 6.00
* Blood Mortized (Swe.) "The key to a black heart" Gatefold LP + Poster (Death Metal) - LPs - 16.00
* Convulse (Fin.) "Inner evil" MLP (Black) (Death Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Convulse (Fin.) "Inner evil" MLP (White) (Death Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Cult Of Occult (Fra.) "Same" Gatefold LP (White) (Doom Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "A blaze in the northern sky" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Goatlord" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Hate them" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Plaguewielder" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Ravishing Grimness" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Total death" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Transilvanian hunger" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Darkthrone (Nor.) "Under a funeral moon" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Demoncy (US) "Enthroned is the night" LP + Poster (Black Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Dodheimsgard (Nor.) "666 international" Gatefold D-LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 25.00
* Dodheimsgard (Nor.) "Supervillain outcast" Gatefold D-LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 25.00
* Dream Death (US) "Back from the dead" Gatefold D-LP in Slipcase (Death/Thrash Metal) - LPs - 22.00
* Dying Embrace (India) "Era of tribulation" Gatefold LP (Death/Doom Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Emperor (Nor.) "Wrath of the tyrant" Picture LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Enslaved (Nor.) "Vikingligr Veldi" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 22.00
* Eternity (Ger.) "Pestiferous hymns - Rev. I-I-XXXIII" LP + Poster (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Incantation (US) "Diabolical conquest" Gatefold D-LP + Poster (Black)  (Death Metal) - LPs - 19.00
* Incantation (US) "Vanquish In vengeance" LP (Black) (Death Metal) - LPs - 19.00
* Incantation (US) "Vanquish In vengeance" LP (Grey) (Death Metal) - LPs - 19.00
* Isengard (Nor.) "Hostmorke" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Isengard (Nor.) "Vinterskugge" Gatefold D-LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 25.00
* Kampfar (Nor.) "Fra underverdenen" Gatefold LP (Green) (Black Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Katatonia (Swe.) "Brave murder day" LP (Death/Doom Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Katharsis (Ger.) "Fourth reich" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Lobotomy (Mal.) "Satanic Speed Metal Ritual" LP + Extras (Thrash Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Malevolent Creation (US) "In cold blood" LP (Black) (Death Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Malevolent Creation (US) "In cold blood" LP (Clear) (Death Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Malign (Swe.) "Divine Facing/Fireborn" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Manilla Road (US) "Atlantis rising" Gatefold LP + Poster (Black) (Heavy Metal) - LPs - 16.00
* Manilla Road (US) "Atlantis rising" Gatefold LP + Poster (Blue) (Heavy Metal) - LPs - 17.00
* Manilla Road (US) "Mysterium" Gatefold LP + Poster (Black) (Heavy Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Manilla Road (US) "Mysterium" Gatefold LP + Poster (Green) (Heavy Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Necrowretch (Fra.) "Putrid Death Sorcery" LP + Poster  (Death Metal) - LPs - 17.00
* Paria (Ger.) "Blut & Knochenstaub" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Pentagram (US) "Day of reckoning" LP (Doom Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Pyogenesis (Ger.) "Ignis Creatio - The orgin of fire" Gatefold D-LP (Clear) (Death Metal) - LPs - 24.00
* Pyogenesis (Ger.) "Ignis Creatio - The orgin of fire" Gatefold D-LP (Marble) (Death Metal) - LPs - 24.00
* Sacramentum (Swe.) "Far away from the sun" LP + Poster  (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 17.00
* Sadistik Exekution (OZ) "K.A.O.S." Gatefold LP (Black) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 18.00
* Sadistik Exekution (OZ) "K.A.O.S." Gatefold LP (Red) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Sadistik Exekution (OZ) "The Magus" Gatefold LP (Black) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 18.00
* Sadistik Exekution (OZ) "The Magus" Gatefold LP (Red) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Sadistik Exekution (OZ) "We Are Death Fukk You" Gatefold LP (Black) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 18.00
* Sadistik Exekution (OZ) "We Are Death Fukk You" Gatefold LP (Red)) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Sentinel Beast (US) "Depths of death" LP (Black) (Thrash Metal) - LPs - 16.00
* Sentinel Beast (US) "Depths of death" LP (Blue) (Thrash Metal) - LPs - 16.00
* Sepulchral Temple (Fin./UK) "Same" MLP + Booklet (Etched Vinyl) (Death Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Shrine (Ger.) "Goat skin rite" LP + Extras (Black/Thrash Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Slayer (US) "Fuck the Slayer" LP (Blue) (Thrash Metal) - LPs - 22.00
* Spiritus Mortis (Fin.) "Fallen" LP (Black) (Doom Metal) - LPs - 16.00
* Spiritus Mortis (Fin.) "Fallen" LP (Gold) (Doom Metal) - LPs - 16.00
* Suffocation (US) "Same" Gatefold LP (Colour) (Death Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Sulphur Aeon (Ger.) "Swallowed by the ocean's tide" LP + Poster (Black) (Death Metal) - LPs - 15.00
* Svikt (Nor.) "I elendighetens selskap" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Svikt/Kirkebrann (Nor.) "Betrayal and blasphemy" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Taakeferd (Nor.) "Nar sirkelen brytes" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Teitanblood (Sp.) "Seven chalices" D-LP (Death/Black Metal) - LPs - 18.00
* Tortorum (Nor.) "Extinctionist" LP  (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Trelldom (Nor.) "Til et annet..." LP (Black) (Black Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Trelldom (Nor.) "Til et annet..." LP (Clear) (Black Metal) - LPs - 14.00
* Veneror (Ita.) "Percussimus foedus cum morte" LP  (Black Metal) - LPs - 13.00
* Voivod (Can.) "Target earth" Gatefold D-LP  (Thrash Metal) - LPs - 19.00
* Vomitchapel (US) "The house of the lord despoiled" LP (Black) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 18.00
* Vomitchapel (US) "The house of the lord despoiled" LP (Red) (Black/Death Metal) - LPs - 20.00
* Zyklon B (Nor.) "Blood must be shed" LP (Black Metal) - LPs - 22.00
* Atomic Cries (Ger./US) "Same" EP (Doom Metal) - EPs - 7.00
* Blaze Of Perdition (Pol.) "Necrosophist" Gatefold EP (Black Metal) - EPs - 6.00
* Drowning The Light (OZ) "Dead soul requiem" EP (Black Metal) - EPs - 6.00
* Evil Army (US) "I, Commander" EP (Black) (Thrash Metal) - EPs - 8.00
* Iron Kobra (Ger,) "Avenger" EP (Heavy Metal) - EPs - 5.00
* Johnny Touch/Doomed Beast (OZ) "Touched by the beast" EP (Heavy Metal) - EPs - 5.00
* Nazarene Whore (US) "Heaven bleeds black" EP (Black Metal) - EPs - 6.00
* Nunslaughter/Unburied (US) "Same" Split-EP (Death Metal) - EPs - 7.00
* Nunslaughter/Unburied (US) "Same" Split-Picture EP (Death Metal) - EPs - 8.00
* Obscure Infinity/Deathronation (Ger.) "Same" Split-EP (Death Metal) - EPs - 5.00
* Sathanas/Spawn Of Satan (US) "Tartarus" Split-EP (Black) (Death Metal) - EPs - 7.00
* Unaussprechlichen Kulten (Chile) "Lucifer Poseidon Cthulhu" EP (Death Metal) - EPs - 5.00
* Vale of Amonition (Uganda) "Infernal supremacy" EP  (Heavy/Doom Metal) - EPs - 6.00
* Whipstriker/Los Rezios (Bra.) "Nuclear death" Split-EP (Thrash Metal) - EPs - 15.00
* W�rm (OZ) "Vultures of the southern seas" EP (Black/Thrash Metal) - EPs - 5.00
Second Hand
* Cyclone (Bel.) "Brutal destruction" LP (Thrash Metal) - Second Hand - 15.00
* Hate Forest (Ukr. )Battlefields" LP (Black Metal) - Second Hand - 25.00
* Mord (Nor.) "Unholy inquisition" EP (Black Metal) - Second Hand - 6.00
* Unholy Archangel (Gre.) "Blessed by Aris" EP  (Black/Death Metal) - Second Hand - 15.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Hades rise" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Hades rise" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Hades rise" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Hades rise" T-Shirt (SMALL) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Aura Noir (Nor.) "Hades rise" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt black (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt black (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt black (SMALL) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt black (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt black (XX-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt red (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt red (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt red (SMALL) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt red (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt red (XX-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt white (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt white (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt white (SMALL) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt white (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* B�lzer (CH) "Lightning" T-Shirt white (XX-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Grave (Swe.) "Extremely rotten flesh" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Grave (Swe.) "Extremely rotten flesh" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Grotesque (Swe.) "In the embrace of evil" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Grotesque (Swe.) "In the embrace of evil" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Inquisition (US) "Hail...Lucifer" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Inquisition (US) "Hail...Lucifer" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Inquisition (US) "Lvcifer" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Inquisition (US) "Lvcifer" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Inquisition (US) "Lvcifer" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Iron Dogs (Can.) "Cold bitch" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Iron Dogs (Can.) "Cold bitch" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Iron Dogs (Can.) "Cold bitch" T-Shirt (SMALL) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Iron Dogs (Can.) "Cold bitch" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Kerasphorus (US) "Through the spiral void" Sweatshirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 25.00
* Kerasphorus (US) "Through the spiral void" Sweatshirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 25.00
* Morbid (Swe.) "Ancient morbidity" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Morbid (Swe.) "Ancient morbidity" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Mortuary Drape (Ita.) "Logo" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Mortuary Drape (Ita.) "Logo" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Mortuary Drape (Ita.) "Logo" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Nihilist (Swe.) "Premature autopsy" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Pest (Swe.) "Rest in morbid darkness" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Pseudogod (Russia) "Death to the sun" NWN! Fest T-Shirt () - Shirts - 15.00
* Repugnant (Swe.) "From beyond the grave" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Repugnant (Swe.) "From beyond the grave" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Repugnant (Swe.) "From beyond the grave" T-Shirt (SMALL) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Rotting Christ (Gre.) "Passage to arcturo" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Sadistic Intent (US) "Ancient black earth" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Sadistic Intent (US) "Ancient black earth" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Sadistic Intent (US) "Ancient black earth" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Undergang (Dk) "KTDM" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Undergang (Dk) "KTDM" T-Shirt (MEDIUM) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Undergang (Dk) "KTDM" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Von (US) "Satanic blood angel" T-Shirt (LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Von (US) "Satanic blood angel" T-Shirt (X-LARGE) () - Shirts - 15.00
* Witchrist (NZ) "Death Mantra" Hooded Zipper (Medium) () - Shirts - 45.00
* Witchrist (NZ) "Death Mantra" Hooded Zipper (X-Large) () - Shirts - 45.00
* BlackHorns (US) "The Oath" Demo (Black Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Dawn Of Crucifixion (Bel.) "Piss, Blood, Destruction" Tape (Black/Thrash Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Deathgate Arkanum (Ger.) "Projektion Alpha - Thanatos" Tape Box (Black Metal) - Tapes - 9.00
* Deiphago (Phil.) "Rapeslay of the Virgin Mary" Demo (Black/Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Et Verbi Sathanus (Chile) "Genocide command" Demo  (Black/Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Festering (Por.) "From the grave" Demo (Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Goat Invocation (Bra.) "Invocation of black evil" Demo (Black/Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Goatbaphomet (Ecuador) "Ritual goat molestor" Demo  (Black Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Insepulto (Chile) "Sparcing the black vomit" Demo  (Black/Thrash Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Leraje (Ger.) "Occulta epiphania tenebrae" Demo (Black Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Necrot (US) "Same" Demo (Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Nihil Domination/Abominablood (Ecuador/Arg.) "Two satanic conspirations" Split-Tape (Black/Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Psycopath Witch (Ita.) "Stench of human hallucinosis" Demo (Death/Black Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Sadokist (Fin.) "Imperator of evil" Demo  (Black/Thrash Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Spelljammer (Swe.) "Vol. II" Demo  (Doom Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Trajeto De Cabra (Can.) "Antichrist dominum" Demo (Black/Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Undergang (Dk) "Indhentet af d�den" Tape (Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Undergang (Dk) "Til d�den os skiller" Tape  (Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Unholy Crucifix (US) "Iniquity" Demo  (Black Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Vemod (Nor.) "Venter p� stormene" Tape  (Black Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
* Warstrike 666 (US) "Satanic nuclear domination" Demo (Black/Death Metal) - Tapes - 5.00
Tickets & Others
* Undergang (Dk) "Logo" Patch () - Tickets & Others - 4.00
* Burning Churches (Fra.) "Issue # 10" Zine () - Zines - 4.00
* Hellfukking Metal (Gre.) "Issue # 3" Zine () - Zines - 5.00
* Slaves (UK) "Issue # 1" Zine () - Zines - 5.00
* Soleil Tryste (Ger.) "Issue # 3" Zine () - Zines - 5.00
* Terozin (Bul.) "Issue # 3" Zine () - Zines - 4.00
* Vatra I Sumpor (Croatia) "Issue # 1" Zine () - Zines - 11.00
Soon Available
* Agatus (Gre.) "Dawn of martyrdom" Gatefold LP (Soon available) (Black Metal) - Soon Available - 17.00
* Damien (Swe.) "Shades of the past" Gatefold D-LP (Soon available) (Thrash Metal) - Soon Available - 27.00
* Mgla (Pol.) "No solace" Zipper (MEDIUM) (Soon available) () - Soon Available - 35.00
* Old Funeral (Nor.) "Our condolences 1988-1992" Gatefold D-LP (Soon available) (Death Metal) - Soon Available - 20.00
* Shroud Of The Heretic (US) "Boiled to death" LP (Soon available) (Death Metal) - Soon Available - 14.00
* Teitanfyre (Rus.) "Hymn to death" EP (Soon available) (Black Metal) - Soon Available - 10.00
* Vampire (Swe.) "Same" EP (Yellow) (Soon available) (Death Metal) - Soon Available - 9.00
* Voices From The Darkside (Ger.) "Isssue # 1 - # 10" Hardcover Book (Soon available) (- PRE-ORDER -) - Soon Available - 40.00
* Wicked Angel (US) "Demo 1987" 10"MLP + Booklet & Poster (Die Hard) (Soon available) (Speed Metal) - Soon Available - 16.00
* Wicked Angel (US) "Demo 1987" 10"MLP + Booklet & Poster (regular) (Soon available) (Speed Metal) - Soon Available - 14.00



Voices From The Darkside Book


"Europe In Ashes Tour 2013"


22 March: Tilburg / Netherlands - Little Devil
23 March: London / United Kindom - The Dome
24 March: Oostrozebeke/ Belgium - Jh �t Ipperste
25 March: Paris / France - Le Klub
26 March: Buelach / Switzerland - Kulturzentrum Guss39
27 March: Bresso (MI) / Italy - Blue Rose Saloon
28 March: Vienna / Austria - Viper Room
29 March: Strasbourg / France - Venue tba
30 March: Tannheim Egelsee / Germany - Club Schwarzer Adler
31 March: Neustadt-Orla / Germany - Raging Death Date Festival
01 April: Berlin / Germany - K17
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