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Topic - Better with age?
Posted: 30 Jun 2021 at 1:32am By Vim Fuego
I recently listened to this for the first time in years...
MEGADETH - Countdown to Extinction cover
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction

...and it was better than I remembered. Yeah, I didn't like it much compared to what had come before. It was slow and a bit clunky like Metallica's Black album when I was wanting more fast and heavy thrash like the previous albums. This wasn't it.

Listening to it now though, it's damn good. Yes, Symphony of Destruction has been played to death, but to back it up there's some incredible songs. The title track, Architecture of Aggression, Foreclosure of a Dream, This Was My Life, Ashes in Your Mouth are all killers. There's still a couple of clunkers, like High Speed Dirt and Psychotron, but the good songs outweigh the bad. And I enjoyed this album.

So I thought, what else have I been dismissing and haven't listened to in years because I didn't really like it initially? So I'm going to go through my collection and check out albums from bands I generally like, but I don't think much of a particular album. So next...

KREATOR - Coma of Souls cover

Kreator - Coma Of Souls

I'm not really sure why I didn't like this, but it could be because it didn't sound like Extreme Aggression. It doesn't quite have the ripping rhythm guitar sound or memorable riffs. What I didn't know at the time is it sounds more like Terrible Certainty and Pleasure to Kill, and what I also didn't know was they were amazing albums. And so is this. It's no Extreme Aggression. It's Coma of Souls, and it's amazing in it's own right.

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