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Post Reply - Extreme metal with dual guitar harmony riffs?

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Topic - Extreme metal with dual guitar harmony riffs?
Posted: 18 Nov 2024 at 4:23pm By Orchidphile69
Please read the full post before commenting.

I'm looking for black or death metal albums that have predominantly dual guitar harmony riffs. That is, when both guitars play lead parts at the same time. Please, please, must have these:

• a more trad metal feel, not lots of tremolo, or dissonance, or groovy riffs.

• a sharper guitar note, nothing too bassy or chunky.

• no rhythm guitar playing under the melodies. Both guitars have to be playing a lead part simultaneously. This is non negotiable, if it has chords under the melodies, I don't want to hear it.

• minimal or no blast beats at all. I know this is a bit more beyond the guitar work, but it's also really important.

• I guess I don't have to say this, but the music of course has to be melodic in some form. If it's dissonant or anything, don't even bother.

Some examples of what I'm looking for:

Opeth - Orchid

Ophthalamia - A Journey in Darkness

Katatonia - Dance of December Souls

In Flames - Lunar Strain

Garden of Shadows - Oracle Moon

Dreichemere - Despair the Withered Shadows

Autumn Requiem - As I Beheld the Blazing Glory of the Rising Dawn

Fall of the Leafe - Storm of the Autumnfall

I know this is super specific and it's likely there isn't much else like what I'm looking for, so thanks in advance!

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