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How big is your metal collection?

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Category: Metal Music Lounges
Forum Name: Metal Music Lounge
Forum Description: General metal music discussions (no polls)
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Topic: How big is your metal collection?
Posted By: Metalbaswee
Subject: How big is your metal collection?
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 3:58pm
So, how big is it? In GB,Albums,Tracks?

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 4:12pm
So big that even Lawrence Welk would envy it.

- -brutalogan

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 4:14pm
My wife says it�s way too bigBig smile

-------------" rel="nofollow - Forever TRUE - Forever BLUE!" rel="nofollow - UMUR on RYM

Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 4:17pm
^ does she mean your collection?

- -brutalogan

Posted By: Balthamel
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 4:24pm
Opeth - Blackwater Park, Damnation, Deliverence, Ghost Reverice and Watershed
Mastodon - Remission, Leviathan, Blood Mountain and Crack the Skay
In Flames - Colony, Clayman,  Reroute to Remain and Soundrack of Your Escape
Meshuggah - Destroy Erase Iprove
Lamb of God - Sacrament and Wrath
Korn - Follow the Leader
Masterplan - MKII
Megadeath - the World Needs a Hero
Dream Theater - Images & Words, Awake, Train of Thought, Systematic Chaos and Black Clouds and Silver Linings
Planet X - Quantum
The Sword  - Gods of the Earth
Tool - Lateralus and Opiate
Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger and Superunknown
Anathema - Judgement
Atheist - Elements
Gojira - From mars to Sirius
Faith no More - Angel Dust
Ayreon - 01011001
Dimmu Borgir - In Sorte Diaboli
Vreid - Milorg
Cynic - Traced in Air
A.C.T - Imagenary Friends
Deftones - Andrenaline
and some more

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 4:50pm
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

^ does she mean your collection?

-------------" rel="nofollow - Forever TRUE - Forever BLUE!" rel="nofollow - UMUR on RYM

Posted By: Raff
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 5:06pm
Not as big as other people's, but not too minuscule either - especially if we include hard rock, grunge, alternative and such. For metal, as for prog, we tend to get stuff we are bound to like, so our collection will never be as enormous as some other people's. 

Posted By: Vehemency
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 5:16pm
Not too big either. I won't buy stuff just for collection's sake. Everything is for listening purposes only, no matter if it's a tape limited to 50 handnumbered copies. Includes other than metal releases too, of course:

Posted By: Matt
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 5:20pm
Medium size, not to big and not to little. Smile have to be a few hundred


Posted By: DeathOfSeasons
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 6:15pm
Well my CD collection is at around 800 and something albums at the moment and I'd guess three quaters of those are Metal albums.
I've got a photo of my collection on my RYM page: -

Posted By: birdwithteeth11
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 11:25pm
I'd say about 60-70% of my music is metal or hard rock-related in some way.


Posted By: coorpz
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2010 at 9:26am
Oh yeah. Big. Just getting more TR00 KVLT VNTERGROVND METAL 4 MY KOLLEKTION.

Witch t**t ^

Posted By: dean
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2010 at 11:19am
I have no idea - probably in thousands if I ever bothered count them. I tend to be a competist for many metal bands (Anathema, Paradise Lost, Opeth, Katatonia, Pain Of Salvation, My Dying Bride, Type O Negative, Moonspell, Sentenced, Limbonic Art, Emperor, Theatre of Tragedy, The Gathering, Nightwish, Craddle Of Filth, Savatage, John Oliva's Pain, Trans Siberian Orchestra, Tool) and cherry-pick the major part of the discographies from many more (Celtic Frost, Metalica, Megadeth, Nevermore, Morbid Angel, Cathedral, Threshold, Dream Theater, Orphaned Land, Ironing Maiden, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Neurosis/Tribes of Neurot...)


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2010 at 11:26am

It looks as though I have about 600 CDs that I have labelled as Heavy Metal.  That doesn't include albums that are included in either the alternative or progressive categories.  Most of it is 70's/80's/90's metal however.  Any new metal is most likely from the traditional prog metal category.


Posted By: A Person
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2010 at 11:48am
605 MB so far.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Pekka
Date Posted: 28 Mar 2010 at 12:03pm
I'd say a few hundred albums, I've never counted them per genre. somewhere between 200-400 I'd say.

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Posted By: thellama73
Date Posted: 29 Mar 2010 at 7:11pm
Not too big. Fifty albums, tops.

Posted By: Kashmir75
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 12:19am
I've got everything by the following artists:

Iron Maiden
Dream Theater
Led Zeppelin
All of the original Black Sabbath, and some of the Dio and Tony Martin era stuff

Not entire discographies, but I have albums by many other bands too:
Machine Head
System of A Down
Pain of Salvation
Rage Against The Machine
Alice In Chains
Faith No More
Symphony X
Judas Priest
Ozzy Osbourne
Van Halen

and many more...

Posted By: Sleeper
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 10:26am
I have about 450 albums and I'd say 200- 250 are metal, most of which are prog metal, but I do branch out slightly.

Posted By: CCVP
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 11:52am
My "pure/tr00" metal collection is pretty small, specially when compared with my prog collection. It would be around 15/20 albums top. But if you include my progmetal collection the number sharply grows to over 250/300 albums.


Posted By: FusionKing
Date Posted: 31 Mar 2010 at 11:03am
...Never as big as I'd like it to be...

Date Posted: 11 Apr 2010 at 8:19am
Ugh, that hits a sore spot Disapprove,

I "had" over 1000 Metal and Metal sub-genre CD's, but last Year was really tough and had to sell
almost HALF of them in small stacks  Month to Month Cry . . .
But I kept my faves and Collectors items.  All 500+ of my Metal LP's I still have though.
(I need to write them all down one day).

Recent Note:
Bad Bad MAV . . .
I "had" over 2500 Cd's until I had to sell bits and pieces of it from every genre of music.
My Classic Rock, Prog Rock/Metal, Thrash, Death and Heavy Metal got the brunt of the loss Cry.
But only the stuff I knew I could get again or have been re-mastered.
So basically I had over 1500 in the Metal sub-catagories . . . I need a steadier way of making a
living (Freelance Artist), so much Metal has come out that I've missed out on Unhappy.
I've had a collection going since 1977 with LP's up to about 1998 and my 1st purchase of a CD,
Cyclone Temple "I Hate, therefore I Am" in 1991.  A nice memory, and that the 1st purchase was
a Thrash Album makes sence (and buying it at a great Store that still resides in the Claremont
Village in Claremont Ca. "Rhino Music") Big smile.

"If you're happy to be an Ant in the Sand Box, you're welcome to it!" -Forbidden

For Progressive Metal and Prog Rock, come visit, request songs and explore at

Posted By: Murphy
Date Posted: 11 Apr 2010 at 11:11pm
Originally posted by MAVIIIVAM MAVIIIVAM wrote:

Ugh, that hits a sore spot Disapprove,

I "had" over 1000 Metal and Metal sub-genre CD's, but last Year was really tough and had to sell
almost HALF of them in small stacks  Month to Month Cry . . .

I can feel your pain. A couple of years ago, in a fleeting attempt to start life over I bundle up most of my black metal collection and burnt them in a bonfire out in the forest; goodbye LLN tapes, goodbye nihilistic misanthropy... good excuse to run naked through the white wilderness, the night winds caressing at my loins, tho'.

Guai ai gelidi mostri �Everything that is doddering, squint-eyed, infamous, sullying, and grotesque is contained for me in this single word: God� Andr� Breton

Date Posted: 12 Apr 2010 at 12:41am
Originally posted by Murphy Murphy wrote:

I can feel your pain. A couple of years ago, in a fleeting attempt to start life over I bundle up most of my black metal collection and burnt them in a bonfire out in the forest; goodbye LLN tapes, goodbye nihilistic misanthropy... good excuse to run naked through the white wilderness, the night winds caressing at my loins, tho'.

Now THAT seemed like a good time to be blasting Skyclad while going through that Pagan Ritual LOL.
Mine however was due to the economic climate and trying to find a Steady 9 to 5 job.
Being a Freelance Artist is about all the work I'm finding (and it aint enough folks!).
Next time Murphy, trade them CD's and Tapes for cash . . . go "Skyclad" after (and nihilistic misanthropy
will just get you wacky friends)

"If you're happy to be an Ant in the Sand Box, you're welcome to it!" -Forbidden

For Progressive Metal and Prog Rock, come visit, request songs and explore at

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: 12 Apr 2010 at 3:32am
If we are to include every group that's so far included (or will be soon), I'd say I've some 30 to 40 albums maybe up to 50.... (Zep, Purple, Rainbow, BOC, grunge, RATM, RHCP  and Heep included)
But pure metal albums.... I'd say something like 15  or 20 (including Priest, Anvil,; Sabbath, Maiden etc...)

my music collection increased tenfolds when I switched from drug-addicted musicians to crazy ones....

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2010 at 2:37pm
Out of around 3000 albums in my collection I'd say about 1200 will be on this site. This is of course including proto metal bands like Zeppelin and Deep Purple etc.
just remembered I forgot to include the ones I have listed as prog that crossover to this site like prog metal, heavy prog etc so i guess that'll raise it to around 1600 - 1800.

Date Posted: 14 Apr 2010 at 2:44pm
Originally posted by Nightfly Nightfly wrote:

Out of around 3000 albums in my collection I'd say about 1200 will be on this site. This is of course including proto metal bands like Zeppelin and Deep Purple etc.

I'd been wondering when you "Audiophiles" were gonna' come out into the light Big smile.

Deep Purple and Blackmore are great! (I like the Morse era too and I like that they respect
each others music).  But Blackmore era is definately a Classic.

"If you're happy to be an Ant in the Sand Box, you're welcome to it!" -Forbidden

For Progressive Metal and Prog Rock, come visit, request songs and explore at

Posted By: The T 666
Date Posted: 14 Apr 2010 at 10:39pm
Of my 1500 cds, probably 500 are metal. 


Posted By: FusionKing
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 7:17am
I shall go and count them I can give a genuine answer to that! LOL

Posted By: FusionKing
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 8:02am
About 66 of my CD's are DEFINATELY PURE METAL. I left out everything that is potentially contentious, such as any proto metal/ hard rock  (Thus I did not count things such as Black Sabbath, Deep Purple and Alice Cooper) or any of my grunge related albums (So I did not count any of my Soundgarden, Alice In Chains or R.A.T.M. stuff either) I included only Trad, Glam and Thrash. I would have had more, only for the fact that my grunge collection has kind of took over my metal (and even my prog, for those of you who know me from PA!) Pretty measly for one who has over 600 discs of nothing but rock that only 10% is pure metal! I have disgraced myself, clogging up all that space with half of Seattle! (flogs oneself with a bullet belt)

Posted By: Negoba
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 8:14am
I had hundreds of cassette tapes. Most of them I have no idea where they are now. I've moved so many times, and heat and what not destroys magnetic tape.
A lot of CDs have come in and out of my life...I've bought, copied, re-purchased, etc. Mindcrime probably 5 times.
For some reason my copy of Mark Wood's Voodoo Violince is still sitting at my parents' house in my old bedroom. Anyone remember that one?

We're gonna do a little number featuring Randy Rhoads...

Wine is fine but whisky's quicker.

That's what Rock n' Roll's About!!!!

Posted By: FusionKing
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 8:22am
Nice avatar, Negoba! Clap

Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 12:05pm
I have exactly 66 albums in my collection. I'm probably going to wager 30-35 are metal, but I'm not sure and I haven't counted.
However I do know that I need 600 more albums. Evil Smile

Lost respect for these archives when I saw Creed added, among other bands. Not going to be foruming here anymore. You can keep my reviews if you want.

Date Posted: 15 Apr 2010 at 1:37pm
Originally posted by Negoba Negoba wrote:

I had hundreds of cassette tapes. Most of them I have no idea where they are now. I've moved so many times, and heat and what not destroys magnetic tape.
A lot of CDs have come in and out of my life...I've bought, copied, re-purchased, etc. Mindcrime probably 5 times.
For some reason my copy of Mark Wood's Voodoo Violince is still sitting at my parents' house in my old bedroom. Anyone remember that one?

Yup! The man sure knows how to play . . . a VIOLIN!!!! Big smile Violin VIOLINCE!
I love that he's on the Combat Label - The Label of Guitar Shredders Tongue

"If you're happy to be an Ant in the Sand Box, you're welcome to it!" -Forbidden

For Progressive Metal and Prog Rock, come visit, request songs and explore at

Date Posted: 16 Apr 2010 at 3:26pm
By the way folks . . .

You guys with the smaller "Physical" collection of Metal, does that mean the rest of your Metal Music is
on MP3?  I'd say that is your "Collection" as well.  And are they FULL Albums or just selected Tracks
you purchased?
Questions questions . . .

"If you're happy to be an Ant in the Sand Box, you're welcome to it!" -Forbidden

For Progressive Metal and Prog Rock, come visit, request songs and explore at

Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2010 at 3:43pm
My non-psysical collection corresponds exactly to my physical one. I like to buy the CDs, because I like having the physical token (and I don't like illegal downloads - I mean, we should support the bands, eh?) and then I transfer them to my iPod.

As to the size of my collection, I don't really know since it's integrated into the rest of my music collection (of which metal albums do constitute a considerable majority), but I'd say it's probably not too impressive to some of the super ultra metal afficionados. But it ain't small either.


Posted By: topofsm
Date Posted: 19 Apr 2010 at 11:56am
Originally posted by MAVIIIVAM MAVIIIVAM wrote:

By the way folks . . .

You guys with the smaller "Physical" collection of Metal, does that mean the rest of your Metal Music is
on MP3?  I'd say that is your "Collection" as well.  And are they FULL Albums or just selected Tracks
you purchased?
Questions questions . . .
MP3 collection =/= a music collection.

Lost respect for these archives when I saw Creed added, among other bands. Not going to be foruming here anymore. You can keep my reviews if you want.

Posted By: lucas
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2010 at 4:45am
artist / band title of the album year recorded genre
A.C.T Imaginary Friends 2001 metal/progressive
A.C.T Last Epic 2003 metal/progressive
AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 1976 rock/hard
Alice In Chains Facelift 1990 metal/grunge
Alice In Chains Dirt 1992 metal/grunge
Altura Mercy 1996 metal/progressive
Anthrax Persistence Of Time 1990 metal/thrash
Antigama Warning 2008 metal/grindcore
Arch, John A Twist Of Fate 2003 metal/progressive
Assjack Assjack 2009 metal/hardcore
Beck Group, The Jeff Beck-Ola 1969 rock/hard
Behemoth Satanica 1999 metal/blackened death
Black Sabbath Black Sabbath 1970 rock/hard
Black Sabbath Master Of Reality 1971 rock/hard
Black Sabbath Vol 4 1972 rock/hard
Black Sabbath Live At Last 1974 rock/hard
Black Sabbath Sabotage 1975 rock/hard
Blue Cheer Vincebus Eruptum 1968 rock/hard
Blue �yster Cult Blue �yster Cult 1971 rock/hard
Blue �yster Cult Tyranny And Mutation 1972 rock/hard
Blue �yster Cult Secret Treaties 1974 rock/hard
Blue �yster Cult Fire Of Unknown Origin 1981 rock/hard
Burning The Masses Mind Control 2010 metal/death
Carnival In Coal Vivalavida 1999 metal/grindcore/pop
Coalesce 012 : 2 2008 metal/hardcore
Crimson Glory Crimson Glory 1986 metal/progressive
Crimson Glory Transcendence 1988 metal/progressive
Cult, The Beyond Good And Evil 2001 metal/heavy
Dead Soul Tribe A Lullaby For The Devil 2006-2007 metal/progressive
Deep Purple Deep Purple 1968 rock/hard
Deep Purple Fireball 1971 rock/hard
Deep Purple Machine Head 1972 rock/hard
Deep Purple Who Do We Think We Are 1973 rock/hard
Deep Purple Burn 1974 rock/hard
Deep Purple Come Taste The Band 1975 rock/hard
Def Leppard Pyromania 1983 metal/glam
Dickinson, Bruce The Chemical Wedding 1998 metal/heavy
Dickinson, Bruce Tyranny Of Souls 2005 metal/heavy
Disharmonic Orchestra Expositionsprophylaxe 1990 metal/death
Dream Theater Images And Words 1992 metal/progressive
Extreme Extreme 1989 metal/glam
Extreme Pornograffiti 1990 metal/glam/funk
Extreme III Sides to Every Story 1992 metal/glam/funk
Faith No More Angel Dust 1992 metal/rap
Fates Warning Awaken The Guardian 1986 metal/progressive
Fates Warning Perfect Symmetry 1989 metal/progressive
Fates Warning Parallels 1991 metal/progressive
Fishbone Truth And Soul 1988 metal/funk
Fishbone Fishbone 2002 metal/funk
Fishbone Live At The Temple Bar And More 2008 metal/funk
Helloween Keeper Of The Seven Keys Pt 1 1986-87 metal/power
Helmet Betty 1994 metal/hardcore
Ice Age The Great Divide 1999 metal/progressive
Ice Age Liberation 2001 metal/progressive
Iron Maiden The Number Of The Beast 1981 metal/heavy
Iron Maiden Powerslave 1984 metal/heavy
Iron Maiden Somewhere In Time 1986 metal/heavy
Iron Maiden Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son 1988 metal/heavy
It Bites Eat Me In St Louis 1989 rock/hard
iwrestledabearonce It's All Happening 2009 metal/mathcore/pop
Jelly Jam, The The Jelly Jam 2002 metal/groove
Judas Priest Sad Wings Of Destiny 1976 metal/heavy
Judas Priest Sin After Sin 1977 metal/heavy
Judas Priest British Steel 1980 metal/heavy
Judas Priest Painkiller 1990 metal/heavy
King's X Gretchen Goes To Nebraska 1989 metal/groove
King's X Faith Hope Love 1990 metal/groove
King's X XV 2008 metal/groove
Kiss Dressed To Kill 1975 rock/hard
Kyuss Welcome To Sky Valley 1994 metal/stoner
Kyuss ...And The Circus Leaves Town 1995 metal/stoner
Lady Pank Zawsze Tam Gdzie Ty 1990 rock/hard
Lady Pank Nana 1994 rock/hard
Led Zeppelin I 1968 rock/hard
Led Zeppelin II 1969 rock/hard
Led Zeppelin III 1970 rock/hard
Led Zeppelin IV 1971 rock/hard
Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy 1972 rock/hard
Malmsteen, Yngwie J. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force 1984 metal/neo-classical
Melvins, The A Senile Animal 2006 metal/sludge
Melvins, The Nude With Boots 2008 metal/sludge
Mephistopheles Songs Of The desolqte Ones 1999 metal/blackened death
Meshuggah obZen 2007 metal/thrash/avant-garde
Metallica Ride The Lightning 1984 metal/thrash
Metallica Master Of Puppets 1985 metal/thrash
Metallica ...And Justice For All 1988 metal/thrash
Metallica Death Magnetic 2007-2008 metal/thrash
Ministry Psalm 69 1991 metal/industrial
Morbid Angel Blessed Are The Sick 1991 metal/death
Mr. Big Bump Ahead 1993 metal/glam
Mr. Bungle Mr. Bungle 1991 metal/avant-garde
Mr. Bungle Disco Volante 1995 metal/avant-garde
Mudhoney Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge 1991 metal/grunge
Mumakil Behold The Failure 2008 metal/grindcore
Mundanus Imperium The Spectral Spheres Coronation 1997-98 metal/symphonic black
Neuraxis The Thin Line Between 2008 metal/death
Osbourne, Ozzy No More Tears 1991 metal/heavy
Osbourne, Ozzy Ozzmosis 1995 metal/heavy
Pain Of Salvation One Hour By The Concrete Lake 1998 metal/progressive
Pain Of Salvation The Perfect Element Pt I 2000 metal/progressive
Pain Of Salvation Remedy Lane 2002 metal/progressive
Pearl Jam Ten 1992 metal/grunge
Planet X Quantum 2007 metal/instrumental
Platypus When Pus Comes To Shove 1998 metal/groove
Platypus Ice Cycles 2000 metal/groove
Queen Queen 1973 rock/hard
Queen Queen II 1974 rock/hard
Queen Live Killers 1979 rock/hard
Queen Live At The Bowl 1982 rock/hard
Queensr�che The Warning 1984 metal/progressive
Queensr�che Rage For Order 1986 metal/progressive
Queensr�che Operation: Midcrime 1988 metal/progressive
Queensr�che Empire 1990 metal/progressive
Queensr�che Promised Land 1994 metal/progressive
Rainbow Ritchie Blackmore's Rainbow 1975 rock/hard
Rainbow Rising 1976 rock/hard
Rainbow Long Live Rock'N'Roll 1978 rock/hard
Rush Snakes And Arrows 2006 rock/hard
Sherinian, Derek Planet X 1999 metal/instrumental
Skid Row Skid Row 1989 metal/glam
Slayer Hell Awaits 1985 metal/thrash
Slayer Reign In Blood 1986 metal/thrash
Soudgarden Superunknown 1994 metal/grunge
Strapping Young Lad City 1996 metal/extreme/industrial
Strapping Young Lad Strapping Young Lad 2003 metal/extreme
Strapping Young Lad Alien 2005 metal/extreme
Suffocation Blood Oath 2009 metal/death
Sweet Noise Getto 1996 metal/hardcore
Sweet Noise Koniec Wieku 1998 metal/hardcore
Thin Lizzy Jailbreak 1976 rock/hard
Thin Lizzy Johnny The Fox 1976 rock/hard
Titan A Raining Sun Of Light & Love, For You & You & You 2007 rock/stoner/psychedelic
TRUST R�pression 1980 metal/heavy
Uriah Heep Salisbury  1971 rock/hard
Uriah Heep The Magician's Birthday 1972 rock/hard
Uriah Heep Demons And Wizards 1972 rock/hard
Van Halen Van Halen 1978 metal/heavy
Van Halen Fair Warning 1981 metal/heavy
Van Halen Diver Down 1982 metal/heavy
Vesania God The Lux 2004-2005 metal/blackened death
Waltari Blood Sample 2007 metal/eclectic
Whitesnake The Early Years 1978-1984 rock/hard
I didn't include the first two Danzig albums (more bluesy rock than hard rock)

Posted By: bonnek
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2010 at 5:47am

About a third of my albums is metal of related (hard rock, grunge,...).
That's around 600 or 700 titles.

Posted By: NecronCommander
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2010 at 12:22pm
I just started collecting CDs last fall, and out of my 70 or so CDs, I would say that about 50, give or take, are metal or metal-related.

Posted By: FusionKing
Date Posted: 15 May 2010 at 7:38am
It's gone from 66 discs to 90 discs now, so hopefully when my next trip to the city pushes it over the hundred mark, it will be a more honourable collection of metal. Big smile

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