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Manowar, The Kings of Metal Thread

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Topic: Manowar, The Kings of Metal Thread
Posted By: Unitron
Subject: Manowar, The Kings of Metal Thread
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 12:18am
Really been in the mood for the self-proclaimed kings of metal, and have been humming songs from "Fighting the World" all day. I've only heard that album and "Kings of Metal" though, so I'm going to have to listen to more of them. The title track of Fighting the World is one of the catchiest songs I've ever heard.

So here's an appreciation thread for the kings of metal anthems! 

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 2:01am
Manowar has just announced their farewell tour." rel="nofollow -

Fighting The World was the only Manowar album I could find for years. I always thought it was amazing how they managed to get Orson Welles on it, but then have since found out he was actually Eric Adams' uncle.Embarrassed

If you like those two albums, The Triumph of Steel is probably closest in style and sound. It features a 28 minute song, which I promise you is not boring.

I've never struck a bad Manowar album. They get so much stick from a lot of metal snobs for being a bit camp/silly/unintentionally homoerotic/over-the-top, but I've always loved their pomp and circumstance, and they're simply an uncompromising band who've always done whatever they liked, no matter what the current fashion.

Some of my favourite Manowar stories:
-Needing a second tour bus just for the groupies
-Making the drummer burn his old drum kit when joining the band, because the Drums of Doom are the only appropriate drum kit for Manowar
-Testing their amps and PA on a missile testing range because they were so loud- apparently peaked out at 160 decibels, which is far beyond safe volume for human ears, and is touching on deadly

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 2:06am
My Brother and I used to listen to Kings of Metal all the time, but I can´t say I´m much of a Manowar fan. I once saw them on a package tour with Dio and Motörhead (and I think Vanden Plas), and I skipped the concert about half way through Manowar´s set. I just couldn´t stomach watching more oil glistening male bodies wearing nothing but leather tangas (God damn I swear I didn´t purchase tickets to see the Chippendales) and White cowboy boots, playing guitar and bass solos on their knees looking like they were in great pain, while motorcycles came onstage and a special pit filled with screaming groupies were worshipping their heroes. My god... what a total cheese fest that was LOL
...oh well to each his own, and I do understand why others find them great Thumbs Up.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Forever TRUE - Forever BLUE!" rel="nofollow - UMUR on RYM

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 2:14am
Originally posted by UMUR UMUR wrote:

... oil glistening male bodies wearing nothing but leather tangas (God damn I swear I didn´t purchase tickets to see the Chippendales) and White cowboy boots, playing guitar and bass solos on their knees looking like they were in great pain, while motorcycles came onstage and a special pit filled with screaming groupies were worshipping their heroes...

Like I said, unintentionally homoerotic!LOL

Posted By: Vic
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 8:15am
I call bullshit on the "Orson Welles, uncle of Eric Adams" information. What is the source? Being among the most fanatic of the fanatics Manowarriors (i.e., Greeks) I would have heard this before! :P

Manowar was GREAT musically up until The Triumph of Steel. After, no. Warriors of the World has some good songs but other than that, uh, no

Seen 'em live once, they were good musically but terrible overall, because they spent more time with their metal antiques, talking, flexing, posing, breaking strings, killing the electricity (sorry, I meant the electricity grid could not take manowar's power) and making noises at the end of each song that it became unbearable. They were the headliners of a fest and they played 10 songs. It was BAD. Worst of all they played over Mercyful Fate (9 tour), who of course KILLED all competition.

There is a special pit of hell reserved for the Manowar fans who kept yelling "MANOWAR" during MF's set. 

Now, let's place some bets:

1. They will make a final farewell tour and disband.
2. They will make a LOOOOONG (Scorpions/Priest long) farewell tour for years and then disband.
3. They will make a long farewell tour, disband, then reunite because metal needs them.
4. Other.

I'm torn between 2 and 3.


Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 8:23am
My bet is on number 2. Their material hasn´t been especially relevant for years, and people who come to their shows probably only want to hear the "old" songs, so there´s not really much need to record more albums (I know hardcore fans will disagree, but I`m viewing the situation from a more casual listener perspective).

-------------" rel="nofollow - Forever TRUE - Forever BLUE!" rel="nofollow - UMUR on RYM

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 10:16am
^I'd say I agree, but I didn't even know Judas Priest was on a farewell tour.

Originally posted by Vim Fuego Vim Fuego wrote:

Originally posted by UMUR UMUR wrote:

... oil glistening male bodies wearing nothing but leather tangas (God damn I swear I didn´t purchase tickets to see the Chippendales) and White cowboy boots, playing guitar and bass solos on their knees looking like they were in great pain, while motorcycles came onstage and a special pit filled with screaming groupies were worshipping their heroes...

Like I said, unintentionally homoerotic!LOL

Yeah, that part about them I don't like, but unlike Marilyn Manson, they're a band that plays better music than their image would make you think. LOL

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: LittleBig
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 3:48pm
Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

Yeah, that part about them I don't like, but unlike Kiss and Marilyn Manson, they're a band that plays better music than their image would make you think. LOL

image would make you think? about what?
good stuff in the 80s, but beyond that, not so much

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 26 May 2016 at 4:16pm
Originally posted by LittleBig LittleBig wrote:

Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

Yeah, that part about them I don't like, but unlike Kiss and Marilyn Manson, they're a band that plays better music than their image would make you think. LOL

image would make you think? about what?
good stuff in the 80s, but beyond that, not so much

Not about anything in particular, I was just saying that in terms of quality of music. Kiss and Marilyn Manson have made some good music, but they focus more on their image than their music.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 27 May 2016 at 1:01am
Originally posted by Vic Vic wrote:

I call bullshit on the "Orson Welles, uncle of Eric Adams" information. What is the source?

I was using this as my source:" rel="nofollow -

but it looks like our intrepid reviewer is wrong and we'll all have to bow down to Vic's superior knowledge!Clap" rel="nofollow -

This is an interview with Eric Adams:

On your first record you had Orson Welles do some narration. Did you get to meet him?

Joey (DeMaio, Manowar bassist) and Ross (�The Boss� Funicello, former Manowar guitarist and alumnus of punk-metal legends the Dictators) met him, but I was busy in upstate New York at the time.

When he recorded his parts in New York City, they met Orson.

What sort of impression did he leave on them?

I think it�s the same impression he would have left on anybody who met him. He was this huge, huge guy, so he had to go up in this freight elevator. He brought his dog with him. That�s pretty amazing. What an amazing voice he had, for him to do �Defender� and �Dark Avenger� for us, then also announce the band. We still use that every night. We use that tape where he says, �Ladies and gentlemen, from the United States of America, all hail Manowar!�

That�s fantastic. Of course, Orson Welles goes down in history as being one of the great pranksters. Now, considering that you don�t joust and you had Orson Welles on your first record, are you playing a prank on the metal fans of the world?

Not at all, brother. Not at all. We�re giving them the very best that we can. Originally, I was supposed to do the narration and it didn�t sound as good as it possibly could. We went to our record company and we said, �We need a voice like Orson Welles. He�s the king. He�s the man with the deep voice, great for narration.� Look what he did when he made people believe �The War of the Worlds� thing. C�mon, what a voice he�s got!

And there�s also that movie he did about forgeries.

Oh�what was the name of that?

I forgot the name too. You know the one I�m talking about? It�s like a documentary.

I can�t remember the name of that, but, anyway, he�s very convincing and very straightforward. He�s the best and Manowar needed the best. I don�t think it�s trickery or trying to pull one over on the fans. We�re very honest with our fans.

Did he challenge either Ross or Joey to a duel?

To a duel?


Who? Orson? Nah, not at all. In fact he was behind the band, one-hundred percent. He knew that we couldn�t get the time of day in America, but over in Europe we would do well. Same thing with him. He couldn�t get the time of day in America so he had to make it in Europe first, then come back to America. His heart and soul were into it. It was a very cool thing.

So you were kind of like kindred spirits.


Posted By: Vic
Date Posted: 27 May 2016 at 8:51am
Hahaha, you did notice what my source of skepticism was though, right? Not my superior knowledge (oh, but I like the sound of that, haha!) but my blind trust that Greek Manowar fanatics (and I am definitely NOT one!) would have unearthed this info waaay sooner! :P 

Seriously, they are insanely dedicated. THEY EVEN LOVE THE LORD OF STEEL, that's above and beyond any reasonable call of duty, is it not?


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