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MMA Best of Year 2017 Vote Will Open Jan 1st

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Topic: MMA Best of Year 2017 Vote Will Open Jan 1st
Posted By: adg211288
Subject: MMA Best of Year 2017 Vote Will Open Jan 1st
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2017 at 7:26am
It's getting close to that time of the year already - The MMA Collabs Best of Year vote. Wait! What's that strike-through for? That's right, we'll be opening up our best of year vote to anyone who wants to take part this year, so all from admins to brand new members will be welcome to take part. 

Voting will begin on January 1st, 2018 and will be open across the month. Exact details on voting rules will be released closer to the start date. The only important thing to remember for now is that you'll only be able to vote for releases that are present on MMA, so if your favourite album hasn't been added, or even the artist entirely, December is the month to head over to our Suggest new bands/artists to MMA or Report errors & omissions here forums and let us know about them!

You can check out the 2016 result" rel="nofollow - here .

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Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2017 at 10:07am
I hope that we get more voters this year now that the door is open. Last year seemed a bit poor to me.

Posted By: Nightfly
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2017 at 3:22pm
Great idea to open it up to everyone.

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2017 at 3:26pm
Originally posted by TheHeavyMetalCat TheHeavyMetalCat wrote:

I hope that we get more voters this year now that the door is open. Last year seemed a bit poor to me.

What, you didn't like that an album with an average rating of 2.31 at the time that was hated by almost everyone on the site was #3? Tongue

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2017 at 4:23pm
Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

Originally posted by TheHeavyMetalCat TheHeavyMetalCat wrote:

I hope that we get more voters this year now that the door is open. Last year seemed a bit poor to me.

What, you didn't like that an album with an average rating of 2.31 at the time that was hated by almost everyone on the site was #3? Tongue

I'm surprised it rated that high.Wink

Posted By: Unitron
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2017 at 5:51pm
Originally posted by Vim Fuego Vim Fuego wrote:

Originally posted by Unitron Unitron wrote:

Originally posted by TheHeavyMetalCat TheHeavyMetalCat wrote:

I hope that we get more voters this year now that the door is open. Last year seemed a bit poor to me.

What, you didn't like that an album with an average rating of 2.31 at the time that was hated by almost everyone on the site was #3? Tongue

I'm surprised it rated that high.Wink

It only rated that high because those who did like it LOVED it, so the few people that did had it high up on their lists. I think going back to the 2014 method would prevent that from happening again, where every person's top 5 albums is shown.

If I say fuck two more times that's forty-six fucks in this fucked up rhyme

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 4:36am
I meant more that it didn't seem like many people voted. Which I guess is the same thing. A liked but not loved album may feature in more lists low down and not chart the top 50 but an album a couple of people love will get a massive score boost, while the people who hate it simply won't vote for it, and as such can't do a damn thing about it.

But thinking on it, perhaps we can. Maybe as well as posting a best of list we can also post a (probably shorter) worst of list where the albums voted for get negative points which are then taken off the result from the best of lists?

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 4:43am
That's not a bad idea in theory but I would worry that with voting submissions being public it would be too easy for people to vote against albums they haven't even heard just to push their own favourites higher up the list. 

Unless submissions were made private this year. But I kind of like them being public because that way no one can accuse anyone of rigging the result. 

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Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 6:57am
I don't think anyone here who knows you would accuse you of that.

I'm not thinking submitting an as long list for worst album. Maybe 5 per person with each getting an equal deduction of a set amount of points. Let's say 10.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 7:00am
I'll throw the idea about in the AZ, see what the others think.

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Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 11:03am
I really dislike the idea of a worst albums vote, personally. The end of the year vote should be a celebration of the best (or at least people's favorite) albums from the year, so trying to throw negativity into it is a bad thing, imo, not to mention the potential back and forth we could get if people get upset over their favorite's being denied due to too many negative votes. The thing is, even doing a best of vote people are only going to be able to vote on album they've actually heard, and so it's possible for every worthy album to possibly get the amount of attention it deserves, and then when you throw in a worst of vote, it's even less likely people will have heard albums that are truly terrible enough to deserve that distinction, and so it'll either turn into a matter of downvoting the most popular albums or downvoting albums that aren't someone's personal favorite, regardless of if they've heard them or not.

I'll admit what happened with The Astonishing is weird, but that just goes to show what can happen with a really polarizing album. 

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 12:22pm
^ 10 voters would all have to give negative points to the same album for someone's number one to be completely counteracted, since the scoring system this year rewards higher placed albums more. As follows from #30 down to #1:


Point taken though Travis. This is why this is being discussed now and not once the event gets underway. 

It may even be a non-issue this year. I'm not sure 2017 has a real Marmite album like The Astonishing, at least not one that's by a major band.

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Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 12:29pm
Another change that's happening this year is that Metal Related tagged albums are being allowed back in (not Non-Metal). Disallowing MR last year almost invalidated the result when releases had to be moved after the event had taken place. It's safer this year to just allow them. I'll be expecting all voters to use their discretion on what Metal Related tagged albums really deserve to be voted for. 

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Posted By: DippoMagoo
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 12:46pm
Yeah, I don't see my number 1 album this year causing as much problems as The Astonishing did, for sure. I guess I've just been around enough negativity on the internet that I'd personally rather not deal with it. 

And yeah, while it didn't effect me last year and probably won't this year, either, I can understand allowing metal related albums again. For example, I know last year people had a problem with not being able to vote Opeth, and while I didn't like that album enough to vote it personally, I think it's an example of an album that should be allowed, because #1, that band got big as a metal band and #2, that album did have a fair amount of metal elements in it, so it's not like it was completely non metal. So yeah, at least in certain cases I think that inclusion makes sense.

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 12:55pm
I´m with Travis here. I don´t support the idea of voting for the worst albums of the year. A lot of negativity and hostility among members could spawn from that, and that´s one thing MMA don´t need, given the relatively low membership we already have. We don´t want any more people leaving. We need as many people as possible on this site celebrating what a great genre of music heavy metal is Thumbs Up

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Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 1:41pm
I was in favour of a worst of the year thing earlier, but only in a humorous way. I take your points about the negativity, and it would too easily turn into a big ugly mess.

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 2:29pm
I suggested the idea to re-balance the result a bit. I know I wasn't the only one surprised by such a largely hated album being voted in at number three on account of a few people loving it. That's not representative of the best albums of the year if everyone else either hates it or is just totally meh about it.

But if we can get more voters through the door it should balance out anyway. In theory.

Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2017 at 2:30pm
And just to be clear, I meant list five albums that each get a set point penalty (I suggested 10) on their place from the best of vote. Not present a worst of list alongside the best of list.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2017 at 1:19pm
A formal voting thread will open on December 31st but in the meantime you can read this year's rules/guidelines in advance below and make use of this thread to ask any questions before the event starts.

MMA Best of Year 2017 Voting Thread

Who Can Vote?

Unlike previous years where the MMA best of year vote was restricted to site collaborators and metal reviewers, this year we have opened the vote to anyone. This means that everyone from new members to site admins will be eligible to vote. 

What is the Voting Deadline?

The deadline for submitting your votes is February 1st 2017.

You may edit your submission at any point up until the closing date. 

There is a little leeway for last minute edits, dependant on what time of the day we can look at the results. The vote only ends once an MMA admin posts in this thread saying that it is closed. 

What Can I Vote For?

You may vote for any release that is tagged as 2017 on Metal Music Archives with some restrictions:

Release Sub-Genre: Non-Metal and Proto-Metal. The latter is likely to only have been used for any archival releases that may have come out during the year. These are not be counted among the best 2017 albums. Unlike some previous years, Metal Related tagged albums are permitted this year. We expect voters to use their discretion with such albums and considered whether a Metal Related tagged release really deserves to be placed on a metal website's best of year list.

Release Type: Live Album, Single, Boxset/Compilation, Demo, Promo/Other and Split unless that split can be considered a full, unique record in its own right and is not just random tracks taken from the contributors other releases. An example from this year that is OK is Pure Wrath and Onirism's Endless Journey. If in doubt, ask an admin before voting. EP's are generally okay so long as they are made up entirely of new studio material. 

You cannot vote any something that is not in our database at all. If it should be, then please" rel="nofollow - suggest the artist for inclusion  as soon as possible, or if the artist is here but not the release," rel="nofollow - report the need for an update .

Making Your Votes

You may vote for up to 30 releases in your submission. No minimum, but it is preferably that you get as close to the maximum as you can. 

Please only post one submission and edit it if you change your mind. We will work through adding everyone's votes from the start of this voting thread which means that your earliest submission will be the one that is counted. We will not go back and edit the one we have already taken if we encounter a second from the same member. 

Please lay your submission out in the following format only - others will not be counted.

Artist – Release
Artist – Release 

And so forth, where the album you list first is your top album of the year. 

To be perfectly clear, this means no numbering, no Release – Artist lists, no spaces between each line (your list should be a maximum of 30 lines long, one for each album) and no commentary on your choices, at least in line (you may talk about your choices separately to your hearts content). And especially important: no reverse lists even when the rest of this is taken into account: you don't want us to count your opinion in the wrong order and give the most points to your 30th ranked album instead of your first. 

Sticking to the requested format speeds up tallying the result considerably, so please be considerate and stick to it. 

How Will the Submissions be Scored?

This year we will be using a score range of 1 to 100 points, rewarding higher places albums on everyone's list with more points. The exact breakdown from 1st placed to 30th is as follows:

Place - Points
1 – 100
2 – 85
3 – 70
4 – 60
5 – 55
6 – 50
7 – 47
8 – 44
9 – 41
10 – 38
11 – 35
12 – 32
13 – 29
14 – 26
15 – 23
16 – 20
17 – 18
18 – 16
19 – 14
20 – 12
21 – 10
22 – 9
23 – 8
24 – 7
25 – 6
26 – 5
27 – 4
28 – 3
29 – 2
30 - 1

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Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2017 at 4:25am
A couple of days early as usual, but voting is now live:" rel="nofollow -

Have fun!

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