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Movies that won't age well in the 2020s?

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Topic: Movies that won't age well in the 2020s?
Posted By: adg211288
Subject: Movies that won't age well in the 2020s?
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2021 at 4:01pm
I've started writing a short article for my List Challenges themed subreddit to try to help promote it. I've already done a couple on there, but I've come a bit unstuck on my current one.

The theme is movies that won't age well in the 2020s, with a focus on changing social attitudes and not letting people get away with crap like they used to, but other reasons could be valid. I'm hesitant to give fuel to the cancel culture crowd, but the movies I'm already writing about certainly have major issues despite continuing to be heralded as good movies (in fact several of my picks are excellent movies, but then one really problematic bit ruins it). 

It can't be movies that public opinion has already soured on, like Avatar. 

I only need a total of ten movies. I currently have five and one maybe. 

I'm interested in if there's any movies you think this could happen with during this decade. 

If I use a movie you suggest, I'll give you a contributor credit when I post the article. I will need some explanation from you about why you're nominating it, but I do plan to write my own text. 

I won't mention the movies I'm already using, as I'm interested to see if anyone mentions them without prompting as well. 

Cheers everyone!

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Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 04 Apr 2021 at 8:03pm
It'd be really easy just to list sci-fi movies set in the 2020s, but that isn't really what you're looking for.Wink

One I watched the other day - Show Boat (1936?) It's set in the 1880s through to the 1920s, and it plays up a lot of the old racial stereotypes about black people. The men are shiftless and lazy, the women all fat, jolly motherly types. It was remade again in the 1950s, but I don't know what that one is like.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 3:34am
Never heard of it. I think that's probably old enough that its already been put through the ringer. Right idea though. 

The oldest movie I earmarked is from the 60s and is more representative of an entire franchise. That may even be a give away about what it is. 

As for sci-fi, I already did a 'set in a future now past' list. No article on that one though. 

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Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 5:09am
Not exactly about political correctness, but what about Contagion / any other virus movie? Just feels too fucking real to be entertaining after the last couple of years.

Or better still: Songbird. A Covid cash-in movie released by Amazon during the height of the pandemic. Or maybe that's just bad to begin with.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 5:24am
Contagion's actually my Maybe pick. For that reason, but the trouble is that movie received a surge in popularity when the pandemic hit. I actually sold my blu ray copy of it, which I previously couldn't give away, for almost £10 on ebay last year. So I'm hesitant to actually include it except as a last resort condemning those who believe it's entertaining, so it doesn't quite ring true that it probably won't age well.

Songbird could be a good (dis)honourable mention. I haven't seen it and have no intention to. But I think to include it properly it needs to have a good reputation to begin with. Which it doesn't. The movies need to be reasonable well known and generally liked. The most obscure of my picks is a Japanese one, but it's in the RYM top 100 and one of a few titles rated over 4 stars, so I think it qualifies (and boy am I going to have a field day with that one!). 

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Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 5:53am
Another way to look at this would be 'classic movies with some real problematic moments'.

I'm up to six now, not counting Contagion. Latest pick will probably be okay from the cancel culture crowd and is certainly a controversial pick, but I intend to say my piece on it. 

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Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 6:14am
I think I've got one (so you probably have this already).


Jimmy Stewart's character in this has some highly questionable behaviour in regard to Kim Novak's when viewed through a modern lens (hell, it must surely have been questionable back then too or so I'd hope). Uncomfortable viewing for me today.

Still widely hailed one Hitchcock's best movie by many.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 6:44am
I didn't have that on my list, but yes I can definitely do something with that.

Vertigo is still a good movie (for me it is not exactly quintessential Hitchcock), but there's definitely bits of that film that really wouldn't fly if made today. I guess when I first saw it I just put everything down to it being a product of its day, but I must admit on a re-watch last year it bothered me a lot more. Movies are always going to have characters of a questionable nature (as well they should), but the reactions of the people around that are what seals this one. I can't recall the line verbatim but I'm sure there's one in there while he's trying to change her that a shop assistant says something like 'there's a man who knows what he wants' as if it's all completely normal and above board what he's doing. I'll have to re-watch that scene at least before writing this one up. 

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Posted By: Vim Fuego
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 1:24pm
A movie I have seen mentioned and I forgot about yesterday would be Revenge of the Nerds. There's sexual assault (Lewis sneaking into bed with Becky), a dreadful gay stereotype (Lamar Latrelle, although at the same time maybe it's demonstrating gay characters can be positive?), Asian stereotyping,  voyeurism and distributing nude pictures of girls without their permission, and the violence against the nerds just for being nerds.

Posted By: adg211288
Date Posted: 05 Apr 2021 at 4:39pm
Originally posted by Vim Fuego Vim Fuego wrote:

A movie I have seen mentioned and I forgot about yesterday would be Revenge of the Nerds. There's sexual assault (Lewis sneaking into bed with Becky), a dreadful gay stereotype (Lamar Latrelle, although at the same time maybe it's demonstrating gay characters can be positive?), Asian stereotyping,  voyeurism and distributing nude pictures of girls without their permission, and the violence against the nerds just for being nerds.

I've never seen it (not sure I want to). I think it's well called out already to be honest. Otherwise a good pick. 

Okay, so I'll reveal the films I've already got singled out and why I picked them (feel free to offer counterarguments if you think I'm calling these wrong or overthinking them).

Blazing Saddles: one of the recurring jokes in the movie is the continual use of the N word. Even the director said in 2012 that if they remade Blazing Saddles they wouldn't do that and then there's no movie. Hmm... This is otherwise a good film but seeing it for the first time maybe two years ago, it just wasn't funny. People complain when Tarantino does it in much more serious movies like Django Unchained. 

Goldfinger and James Bond in general: Bond basically rapes Pussy Galore in Goldfinger, which suddenly miraculous causes her to change sides. Yeah...right. Might be too called out already same as Revenge of the Nerds, but it was one of the first I thought of. For me this is still the best Bond movie I've watched, but that one scene is especially awkward. 

Isle of Dogs: I only watched this last night. It's a great movie. Got a fair of controversy since day one for perceived cultural appropriation and white saviour tropes, but I'm including it for the oft overlooked part about calling supposed cannibal dogs Aboriginals. 

Love Exposure: This movie is so well loved on RYM in particular it's fucking nauseating. It basically glorifies voyeurism through it's protagonist being an expert at capturing upskirt photos and if that wasn't enough, accidentally convinces the girl he actually likes while cross-dressing that she's a lesbian and continues to crossdress to lead her on and start a relationship with her, and it's obvious right through it that the relationship with his real self is completely one sided. The final nail in this coffin is that at the end of all this problematic shit, the girl goes and falls for him. This is the movie that's in RYM's top 100 and have an average score of over 4, which is so rare on that site. It's a really well made movie despite it's content, but the most awkward viewing imaginable. It's also almost four fucking hours long, though that's neither here nor there. 

Do the Right Thing: my controversial pick. Another great movie and it was especially poignant to see it for the first time last year not long after George Floyd's murder and the movie absolutely does it job at raising awareness of excessive force used by police; George Floyd proved that it's a very relevant movie for the 2020s. There's just one massive problem: everything happened because the two guys we're supposed to see as victims were complete arseholes. I'm going to have to be very careful about how I write about this one. 

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Posted By: TheHeavyMetalCat
Date Posted: 07 Apr 2021 at 2:24pm
Originally posted by adg211288 adg211288 wrote:

Love Exposure: This movie is so well loved on RYM in particular it's fucking nauseating. It basically glorifies voyeurism through it's protagonist being an expert at capturing upskirt photos and if that wasn't enough, accidentally convinces the girl he actually likes while cross-dressing that she's a lesbian and continues to crossdress to lead her on and start a relationship with her, and it's obvious right through it that the relationship with his real self is completely one sided. The final nail in this coffin is that at the end of all this problematic shit, the girl goes and falls for him. This is the movie that's in RYM's top 100 and have an average score of over 4, which is so rare on that site. It's a really well made movie despite it's content, but the most awkward viewing imaginable. It's also almost four fucking hours long, though that's neither here nor there.

I have no intention of ever watching that movie.

I presume the bulk of RYM members are male, if this is considered a top 100 movie?

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