what are your opiniouns about this (to my opinion) fabulous series,
personly it blowed me away and have laid such a strong impact on me that
it have literly change some whay to how I think about life and such .
ballance of caracter development and science fiction with beutifull yet
also great actors who pull of their roles in a near perfect and
viewable precision.
I have seen almost 100 hours of inside
actors studio so I have learnd alitle about method acting (theoretical
and through own impressions) and other acting methods and I can see that
in Kyle XY the acting is superb and the dialogs are superbly done and
the chemestry between the cast is really there, in a very good an
trusworthy way.
the show have a mixed cast of Canadian and
American actors, (most Canadians as i believe it is a Canadian series)
which actualy is noticable in some of the atmosphere and how the pase is
not forced, it take the time the plot needs to have to develop itself
thruogh the frist 2 seasons to make nothing seem to quik or unealirsick
(it is Sci/fi we talk about here)
it can remind of series like
Smallville, Dark Angel, Merlin and Heroes alitle, but is different in
the way that (I actualy really care for the actors and the plot and is
just a very enjoyable show/series
any thoughts is welcomed