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Your thoughts on the Westboro Baptist Church

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Topic: Your thoughts on the Westboro Baptist Church
Posted By: Doomster
Subject: Your thoughts on the Westboro Baptist Church
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 2:58pm

Only one cure: Shotgun to the face.

These people are one reason I am sometimes ashamed to be a Christian. I've seen my knuckles turn white at some of the things these people say in the name of hypocrisy, hate, and neglect. One quote from the Bible is "Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself". Do these people even know what God they are praying to?
What do you think of this situation???

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:10pm
Haven�t heard of the situation. Any links?

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Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:13pm" rel="nofollow -  

Posted By: SKwid
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:16pm
wasnt this in the news like 5 years ago?


Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:24pm
It's still quite a problem to this day.

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:46pm
I'm an atheist, and I FUCKING DETEST the WBC and everything they stand for. A bunch of evil assholes is the only way I can describe that bunch. I support their right to be ignorant assholes (after all, that's protected in the first amendment), but that doesn't make me like them one bit. It'll be a great day when that organization is wiped from the Earth's existence. 

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Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:48pm

That's all. Smile

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Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 3:59pm
OK read a little bit of the wiki article and it made me sick Dead. People like that will never set foot in my home.

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Posted By: The Angry Scotsman
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 4:10pm
Thoughts? there really any other thought than utterly disgusted you can have? LOL
I'm surprised and kind of glad you never heard of them before Jonas!
They are pretty much the most hated group of people in America. There is not a division of society you can find that likes em. Seriously, even the KKK said they are not affiliated in anyway with WBC Shocked 

They REALLY made the shitstorm years ago when they started protesting funerals for soldiers that died in Iraq.

I must say though, it's a bit more twisted than some think. The head of the "church" Fred Phelps is pretty much just a narcissistic socipath, that has used his family as a personal cult.
Seriously, WBC has like 50 member and I believe almost all are his children, grand children, great grand children, and immediate families. I actually feel bad for the kids. They are brainwashed. Utterly and totally brainwashed.
The way we'd talk about how your day is, is how they talk about God Hates Fags.
They all live together, and have removed the fences so they have this big communal yard. It's fuckin twisted.

Also, I mentioned feeling bad for the kids. Seriously, there is this documentary, and at one point someone throws a milkshake at this 7 year old kid and he is crying and all. That boy will forever just think it's because "well those people were evil fag lovers" Cry and the mom says "hey its ok, u want your sign?" like the god hates sign is how she would give him an ice's horrifying.

Yet as people they are...almost normal.
If you got like 50 minutes watch this thing, it's the most surreal thing I've ever seen. You  do feel bad for the kids and will have nightmares about Fred Phelps... he is an extremely disturbed individual." rel="nofollow -

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Posted By: The Angry Scotsman
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 4:11pm
I recommend you all watch that, it is surreal shit.
Also the first 30 seconds will show why off the bat, every American hates them with a passionLOL

And even in you hate the war (no secret how I have) these are with families that have died, and you are ruining their say God hates Fags and these deaths are gods vengeance on the US?Dead

Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer and Testament. The real Big Four of thrash metal!

Listen to doom metal, worship Satan

Posted By: Diogenes
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 4:38pm
My thoughts:

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 4:39pm
Originally posted by Diogenes Diogenes wrote:

My thoughts:


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Posted By: The Angry Scotsman
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 4:52pm
Seriously, watch this." rel="nofollow -
It in no way makes you hate them any less, but you will feel bad for some of the family when you see have been born and bred into this cult Phelps has made. Also it's just surreal, it's like a novel they are such warped people.

Oh as for OP, I'm no Christian but don't feel ashamed for a moment. It's human nature to want to feel guilt by association but don't. First, to even call them Christian is....well a fuckin joke,  they are so out's beyond words. Stay proud of what you believe in, and when the few morons who say something like "well, what can you expect from Christians" or even "Well, that's America for you" screw em. WBC represents only themselves.

Megadeth, Metallica, Slayer and Testament. The real Big Four of thrash metal!

Listen to doom metal, worship Satan

Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 5:56pm
Originally posted by Diogenes Diogenes wrote:

My thoughts:

Hahaha this is EPIC LOL

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Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 6:41pm
Fuck 'em.


Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2011 at 9:08pm
I look forward to the day these dolts are wiped off the face of the Universe. A bunch of hypocritical pyschopaths who have nothing better to do but to ruin innocent peoples funerals. Also, what really pisses me off is that they think being gay is a sin. Homesexuality is in a person's genes, they have no choice but to be that way.

Posted By: Kingcrimsonprog
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2011 at 12:56pm
I know some of you aren't British, but did anyone see the Louie Theroeox special where he did a documentary with Westboro baptist, got to sort of live with them for a while, interview the members etc ?


My Blog:

Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2011 at 10:39pm
I didn't see that. Link?

Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2011 at 11:07pm" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 6:03am


Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 9:27am
^LOLThumbs Up

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Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 9:49am
That's a good one:

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Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 4:06pm
Originally posted by Time Signature Time Signature wrote:

lol, that was going to be the picture instead of the broken image in my first post in this thread.


Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 4:46pm
To be honest, I don't understand homophobia. What's so scary about homosexuality?


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 7:24pm
Originally posted by Time Signature Time Signature wrote:

To be honest, I don't understand homophobia. What's so scary about homosexuality?

I don't really get it either. A very irrational viewpoint IMO.

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Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 24 Dec 2011 at 9:46pm
J-Man you're back! I thought you were kidnapped or something...
Anyway, I believe the only reason some people are homophobic is because they are too scared to realize people's differences. Humanity has always been hateful, and, sadly, always will be.

Posted By: Stooge
Date Posted: 26 Dec 2011 at 9:59am
I was never truly homophobic at any point in my life, but it seemed to be the "manly" way to act for many young boys from 10 through high school.  It was always just the stupid name calling "fag" this, "queer" that.  Never anything serious with an actual homosexual involved.  I don't think I actually met anybody who I knew was gay (though I later learned my father had two gay friends) until I went to high school.
Speaking of that, there was a famous case from where I live where a gay student wanted to go to prom with his boyfriend, but it went to court.  He was initially not allowed to go as it was at a Catholic high school and against the "good book", but he ended up being allowed to go at the end.

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Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 26 Dec 2011 at 10:49am
Originally posted by Time Signature Time Signature wrote:

To be honest, I don't understand homophobia. What's so scary about homosexuality?

I do not understand it either. Well, maybe theoretically I'm able to understand why some prejudiced, hateful person is afraid of homosexuality but as far as I'm concerned, homosexuality is not only harmless, but even natural (in a way LOL). I mean, all animals have homosexual individuals among them but I've never seen a group of homophobic cats burning a gay cat couple at the stake! That leads to an obvious conclusion that human's self-consciousness is not only a gift but a curse as well Wink And another conclusion, based on my fragmentary knowledge about ancient history, is that the main reason why present day society is so homophobic, is judeo-christian religion (sorry bout dat). Really, as far as I know homosexuality was something more or less accepted in Ancient Greece and I don't think anyone was killed or punished for being gay.

The original sense of the word "gay" is "happy" so I think it's time to let these people be happy in our oh so modern society. I'm absolutely positive about legal gay marriage and even children adoption as I believe that in the era of broken families and unwanted children, we can be sure that gay couple will adopt a child only because they want to raise it well and with love.

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Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 26 Dec 2011 at 11:57am
Originally posted by bartosso bartosso wrote:

Originally posted by Time Signature Time Signature wrote:

To be honest, I don't understand homophobia. What's so scary about homosexuality?

I do not understand it either. Well, maybe theoretically I'm able to understand why some prejudiced, hateful person is afraid of homosexuality but as far as I'm concerned, homosexuality is not only harmless, but even natural (in a way LOL). I mean, all animals have homosexual individuals among them but I've never seen a group of homophobic cats burning a gay cat couple at the stake! That leads to an obvious conclusion that human's self-consciousness is not only a gift but a curse as well Wink And another conclusion, based on my fragmentary knowledge about ancient history, is that the main reason why present day society is so homophobic, is judeo-christian religion (sorry bout dat). Really, as far as I know homosexuality was something more or less accepted in Ancient Greece and I don't think anyone was killed or punished for being gay.

The original sense of the word "gay" is "happy" so I think it's time to let these people be happy in our oh so modern society. I'm absolutely positive about legal gay marriage and even children adoption as I believe that in the era of broken families and unwanted children, we can be sure that gay couple will adopt a child only because they want to raise it well and with love.

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Posted By: IMPF
Date Posted: 29 Feb 2012 at 4:16pm
This is actually pretty interesting if you have the time.

Posted By: gav1230
Date Posted: 13 Jun 2012 at 11:23pm
They say god hates us for tolerating homosexuality, so I say we ship them all to Uganda. After all it's a christian "paradise" where being gay isn't tolerated.

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are a comrade of mine"
-Che Gueverra

Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 14 Jun 2012 at 5:47am
I think the Westboro Baptist movement is missing the whole point of their religion.  Jesus said that the greatest commandment is to love God, and the second greatest is to love your neighbor.  I didn't hear him say "hate those gays" anywhere in there.... 

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Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 14 Jun 2012 at 11:13am
The Westboro Baptist Church, like so many other organizations of the same ilk, are just a bunch of clowns. 


Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2012 at 4:27am

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Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 12 Aug 2012 at 6:57am


Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 5:25am
One of the worst things about religion - indoctrination of children.

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Posted By: IMPF2112
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 2:03pm
Originally posted by bartosso bartosso wrote:

One of the worst things about religion - indoctrination of children.

Amen to that!

Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 2:20pm
Originally posted by IMPF2112 IMPF2112 wrote:

Originally posted by bartosso bartosso wrote:

One of the worst things about religion - indoctrination of children.

Amen to that!

It it illogical to take offense to the indoctrination of children - what you really are objecting to is that children are being indoctrinated with beliefs you don't agree with. Atheists indoctrinate their children just the same as anybody else.

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Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 2:37pm
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by IMPF2112 IMPF2112 wrote:

Originally posted by bartosso bartosso wrote:

One of the worst things about religion - indoctrination of children.

Amen to that!

It it illogical to take offense to the indoctrination of children - what you really are objecting to is that children are being indoctrinated with beliefs you don't agree with. Atheists indoctrinate their children just the same as anybody else.

No we don't, Geoff. I've never heard an atheist instruct their kids to blindly adhere to a set of beliefs at the expense of burning in hell for eternity.

Teaching your kids to be compassionate people, use critical thinking, and treat others with respect is not indoctrination.

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Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 2:42pm
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

Originally posted by IMPF2112 IMPF2112 wrote:

Originally posted by bartosso bartosso wrote:

One of the worst things about religion - indoctrination of children.

Amen to that!

It it illogical to take offense to the indoctrination of children - what you really are objecting to is that children are being indoctrinated with beliefs you don't agree with. Atheists indoctrinate their children just the same as anybody else.
...well not necessarily. I�ve chosen not to babtize my children, so they can make their own choice when they are old enough. I�m honest when they ask me if I think God exists and says no, but I also always tell them that there are people who believe in God and that they should make up their own mind if that�s something they want to believe in (I also read the bible to them for educational purposes). I�ll be honest and say that I would be disappointed if they chose to believe in God, but I�ll respect whatever choice they make and try not to make a fuzz about it. I think there is a big difference between indoctrination and giving your children a choice to believe in what they think is right, when they are old enough to make such a choice.

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Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 2:43pm
Thumbs Up

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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 5:04pm
The point is that everyone teaches their children what they believe in. Some are more constructive than others - using reason and logic to support those things that they believe in, and some are just repeating back what they have been taught as children without having ever developed an understanding of why they believe it, it is true. All religions have reasonable and unreasonable people in them. That includes Darwinists....

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Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 7:08pm
Well, the point is we're talking two different things here while you, correct me if I'm wrong, see that as a whole. These two things I'm talking about here are: 1) morality 2) dogma. I mean, atheism is by definition devoid of dogma. It's not a religion or even a real ideology. Atheism is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. 

Anyway, by indoctrination I understand putting religious dogma into the heads of children. Children cannot decide for themselves and they are "programmed", through the process of evolution, to take everything their parents say as an indisputable truth. So they learn about God and Jesus, about heaven and most notably hell, the place they go to if their lives are full of sin (I'm not going to elaborate on why morality based on fear is a bad thing, that's another story for another discussion).

Now that's where that aforementioned division steps in. You can't make your kids Christian without combining dogma and christian morality together. Their morality is based on dogma, that heaven/hell dualism defines their approach to what is good and bad. Many Christians claim that Christianity has exclusive rights to morality which is just not true. They tend to overlook the fact that respecting animal rights, equality of women, respect for nature and ecology are all fruits of moral philosophy called ethics and it has very little basis in religion.

My point is that atheists, whatever kind of people they are, teach their children that dogma doesn't exist, in other words they teach to be objective. The only thing they put into their heads (or at least they should) is morality, yet unrestrained by dogma.

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Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 7:19pm


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 7:44pm
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

The point is that everyone teaches their children what they believe in. Some are more constructive than others - using reason and logic to support those things that they believe in, and some are just repeating back what they have been taught as children without having ever developed an understanding of why they believe it, it is true. All religions have reasonable and unreasonable people in them. That includes Darwinists....

Darwinists? Confused Accepting the theory of evolution does not make you a religious person, Geoff.

...and that's not necessarily true. I will teach my children what I believe in (kindness, compassion, skepticism, scientific thought, etc), but I am not in any way forcing them to adhere to my beliefs. Do you not see how that is different than telling your children "here is what I believe, and if you disagree with me, you will be going to hell."? That is an inherently harmful position to put children into.

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Posted By: IMPF2112
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 8:02pm
>All religions
>That includes Darwinists

lol what

Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 8:05pm
Originally posted by Skwid Skwid wrote:


Posted By: IMPF2112
Date Posted: 12 Nov 2012 at 8:20pm

Posted By: UMUR
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 1:40am
[QUOTE=Wilytank] [QUOTE=Skwid]
Hear, hearSmoke

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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 12:15pm
How can you teach morality without dogma? There is no reason to be moral without dogma, except that with governmental law it becomes an issue of the preservation of self.

And yes, Darwinists must have faith as well. If you believe that billions of years ago all matter compacted into a ball and then exploded and this caused the processes which eventually resulted in life, but you cannot explain where that matter came from, and cannot explain the astoundingly low mathematical chances that everything would be just right in order to cause this, you are also living by faith.

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Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 1:27pm
So, in order to keep this discussion clear to the outsidersTongue, you said:
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

The point is that everyone teaches their children what they believe in. Some are more constructive than others - using reason and logic to support those things that they believe in, and some are just repeating back what they have been taught as children without having ever developed an understanding of why they believe it, it is true. All religions have reasonable and unreasonable people in them. That includes Darwinists....
Jeff said:
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

 Darwinists? Confused Accepting the theory of evolution does not make you a religious person, Geoff.

...and that's not necessarily true. I will teach my children what believe in (kindness, compassion, skepticism, scientific thought, etc), but I am not in any way forcing them to adhere to my beliefs. Do you not see how that is different than telling your children "here is what I believe, and if you disagree with me, you will be going to hell."? That is an inherently harmful position to put children into.

My response to Geoff's post:
Originally posted by bartosso bartosso wrote:

Well, the point is we're talking two different things here while you, correct me if I'm wrong, see that as a whole. These two things I'm talking about here are: 1) morality 2) dogma. I mean, atheism is by definition devoid of dogma. It's not a religion or even a real ideology. Atheism is the rejection of belief in the existence of deities. 

Anyway, by indoctrination I understand putting religious dogma into the heads of children. Children cannot decide for themselves and they are "programmed", through the process of evolution, to take everything their parents say as an indisputable truth. So they learn about God and Jesus, about heaven and most notably hell, the place they go to if their lives are full of sin (I'm not going to elaborate on why morality based on fear is a bad thing, that's another story for another discussion).

Now that's where that aforementioned division steps in. You can't make your kids Christian without combining dogma and christian morality together. Their morality is based on dogma, that heaven/hell dualism defines their approach to what is good and bad. Many Christians claim that Christianity has exclusive rights to morality which is just not true. They tend to overlook the fact that respecting animal rights, equality of women, respect for nature and ecology are all fruits of moral philosophy called ethics and it has very little basis in religion.

My point is that atheists, whatever kind of people they are, teach their children that dogma doesn't exist, in other words they teach to be objective. The only thing they put into their heads (or at least they should) is morality, yet unrestrained by dogma.

And your response:
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

How can you teach morality without dogma? There is no reason to be moral without dogma, except that with governmental law it becomes an issue of the preservation of self. 

And yes, Darwinists must have faith as well. If you believe that billions of years ago all matter compacted into a ball and then exploded and this caused the processes which eventually resulted in life, but you cannot explain where that matter came from, and cannot explain the astoundingly low mathematical chances that everything would be just right in order to cause this, you are also living by faith.

No, the difference between believing in something and knowing something is that you don't need ANY proof to believe. If you have the proof, you know it. I think you can agree with me that from the scientific point of view, religious dogma has nothing to do with science. It can't be empirically proved by any means. That's why it's called belief, and that's why dogma is by definition indisputable. How would you describe God with the use of physics? How did he come to existence? How would you explain God's eternal life with the use of biology? That is impossible. Big Bang, on the other hand, is a highly probable scientific theory based on physics. And yeah, we don't know yet what was there before the big bang. So what? At least atheists are not afraid to admit they simply don't know something. In my opinion looking for answers is more creative and more human than settling for dogma and have answers to all questions provided from the very beginning.

As for morality, that's IMO another misconception. Morality has been there before religion and it's a direct result of self-consciousness. Basic ethical values are the first values understood by infants - "the good is that what's good for me, the bad is that what's bad for me". In later stages of life children learn about empathy, so their morality evolves into "the good is what is good to people in general, the bad is that's what harmful to people in general".

If you need another proof, take Calvinists and their predestination. According to their beliefs, the life and its afterlife are already planned by God. No matter what your decisions are during your life, you'll go either to heaven or hell. It doesn't depend on your deeds. Still Calvinists were never less moral than Catholics, what's more, they were even more decent people even though their morality was not imposed on them with the use of dogma. They simply choose to be good. Just as most of atheists. To me the idea of being good only because I'm going to be punished if I'm evil is... primitive. I want to be a decent human being and I don't expect any reward for that.

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Posted By: IMPF2112
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 1:48pm

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 2:35pm
Originally posted by dtguitarfan dtguitarfan wrote:

How can you teach morality without dogma? There is no reason to be moral without dogma, except that with governmental law it becomes an issue of the preservation of self.

Sorry Geoff, but I find this stupid and offensive. Morality is based on empathy and compassion - NOT a set of rules from various texts written thousands of years ago. Millions of people are moral without dogma, and to claim that false belief in a supreme being is essential to acting like a decent person is patently absurd.

And yes, Darwinists must have faith as well. If you believe that billions of years ago all matter compacted into a ball and then exploded and this caused the processes which eventually resulted in life, but you cannot explain where that matter came from, and cannot explain the astoundingly low mathematical chances that everything would be just right in order to cause this, you are also living by faith.

1) Darwinism is NOT a religion.
2) Big bang cosmology has absolutely NOTHING to do with evolutionary theory (mixing those two things up really baffles me).
3) Basing beliefs on scientific principles and evidence is NOT faith - faith is defined as a belief without evidence, which is the exact opposite of a rational and scientific worldview.
4) My lack of an explanation does NOT mean that you can just stick a God in and claim that you 'know' the origins of the universe. That's the argument from ignorance fallacy.
5) How the hell did you calculate the mathematical probability of the universe existing?

I'm not trying to be a dick, but do you not see the flaws in what you're saying?

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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 4:25pm
No need to get PO'd. I'm merely pointing out that Atheists/Darwinists must also have a certain level of faith to believe what they do.

There have been many mathematical studies done of the probability of evolution occurring. What they do is they take the combination of things which must occur in order for an organism to work, and the number of wrong combinations that would not work, and calculate a probability. And the numbers are astounding. Evolutionists will say "well, the numbers are actually less because there are so many planets and the universe is billions and billions and billions and billions of years old." But it doesn't hold water to me. Imagine two ants, Bill and Ted, who come across an airplane. The conversation that follows:
Bill: "Clearly this was designed by a being much bigger than us - it has a function, a level of complexity, there must be a precise combination of parts that are shaped and weighted just right for it to work. It must have been designed."
Ted: "you're stupid. You have no proof of this bigger being. Clearly this came about by chance - a whirlwind swept through a junkyard and out popped this airplane."
Bill: "That can't possibly work - the mathematical chances of the pieces coming together just right are too high!"
Ted: "Well, the earth is billions and billions and billions and billions of years old, and there are many many many many junkyards, and so there have been many many many whirlwinds over this period of time. So the probability is actually much higher than you think."
Bill: "Well, how did all the parts come into being? How did the nuts and bolts get shaped, which were thrown together just right by this astoundingly high number of whirlwinds?"
Ted: "Volcanoes."
Bill: "Volcanoes? The magma was shaped just right by volcanoes? What about the fact that magma is not pure metal?"
Ted: "Well...the magma was sifted just right water...and stuff...."
Bill: "You're adding more complexity to this, so your mathematical probabilities are going lower here...."
Ted: "ZILLIONS...ZILLIONS of years. Yes, that'll fix it."

Now, the human cell has been found to be far more complex than an airplane, and has also been found to be irreducibly complex - that is, they require the existence of numerous complex components, each essential for function, but each function being useless on its own without the other functions. So they would have all had to have developed just right, all at the same time.

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Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 5:08pm
Geoff, I wish you would understand that atheism is simply 'a lack of belief in a god or gods' and accepting a scientific fact does not require faith. If you can't get that basic concept, I don't think the conversation is worth continuing.

Also, do you realize how thoroughly debunked the idea of 'irreducible complexity' is? There's a reason why scientists have not accepted this absurd notion - there is no evidence to support it, and it's only another thing imagined by creationists to accommodate for their God. I'm seriously getting the impression that you do not understand what the theory of evolution actually states. You're creating a straw man, and then using that straw man to make way for an argument from ignorance.

Can you provide any peer-reviewed journals from reputable sources that actually confirm what you're saying?

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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 5:58pm
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Geoff, I wish you would understand that atheism is simply 'a lack of
belief in a god or gods' and accepting a scientific fact does not
require faith. If you can't get that basic concept, I don't think the
conversation is worth continuing.Also, do you realize how
thoroughly debunked the idea of 'irreducible complexity' is? There's a
reason why scientists have not accepted this absurd notion - there is no
evidence to support it, and it's only another thing imagined by
creationists to accommodate for their God. I'm seriously getting the impression that you do not understand what the theory of evolution actually states. You're creating a straw man, and then using that straw man to make way for an argument from ignorance.Can you provide any peer-reviewed journals from reputable sources that actually confirm what you're saying?

How is "irreducible complexity" debunked? Do any of the functions of a cell have meaning without the ability to reproduce itself? I am a computer programmer, so let me speak to what I know - consider a computer virus. I could write one that does nothing but reproduce itself with a few lines of code. None of these lines of code would be a computer virus without the others, and if I did not have all of them the virus would not reproduce itself, and would thus, for lack of a better term, die out. Each line of characters contains a certain number of characters which would mean nothing without the others, and must be in a precise order and must not contain any extra characters or the virus will not compile. Add to this the fact that I am creating this computer virus using code that is based on other frameworks written by other programmers, and the virus will only work in certain operating systems (which are written by many programmers and used many thousands of lines of code) and the probability that the virus would just randomly pop into existence becomes quite small.

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Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 6:24pm
Once more,

Originally posted by Skwid Skwid wrote:


Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 6:27pm
Geoff, a computer virus analogy is not evidence in favor of irreducible complexity. That's something that requires actual proof. Do you have a peer-reviewed published work that I could look at to prove this position? Otherwise, we're at a stalemate and the conversation is not worth continuing.

Furthermore, even if I were to grant you irreducible complexity, what difference does that make? Disproving evolution does not add an ounce of credibility to god claims. The only rational position that a person could possibly reach if evolution were proven false is that "we don't know".

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Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 7:21pm
Alright guys can we settle down? I just started this thread awhile ago to express opinions on this subject, not spark an argument. Please.

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 7:33pm
Sorry, Joseph. I have a tendency to get a little fired up on this sort of topic. Embarrassed

If Geoff wishes to continue the conversation, I'd be glad to move it over to private message, although I don't think we'll reach an agreement anytime soon. No hard feelings. Beer

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Posted By: Diogenes
Date Posted: 13 Nov 2012 at 10:40pm
Originally posted by J-Man J-Man wrote:

Sorry, Joseph. I have a tendency to get a little fired up on this sort of topic. Embarrassed

If Geoff wishes to continue the conversation, I'd be glad to move it over to private message, although I don't think we'll reach an agreement anytime soon. No hard feelings. Beer

Yeah.  That was a good debate to read but it's easy to see why some people, such as myself, choose not to get involved in these things.  A person's beliefs are not so easily swayed, no matter how logically you think you're presenting your argument.  Nothing wrong with that of course, it just doesn't seem like it's worth the effort.

Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2012 at 2:00am
^ Well, I enjoy every opportunity to practice my English, this discussion was perfect for that and I don't feel like I wasted my time, even though I failed to change Geoff's mindTongue

I just don't like the absolute morality being used as an argument for religion being morally superior to moral philosophy. That is all, I'm outta here

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Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2012 at 2:41pm
I would like to move on as well, however I need to point out there there ARE peer reviewed journals from the other side, which one can easily find with a little searching...and even if they did not exist, it does not mean the ideas are not sound: it only means that the people who are politically controlling the area of science didn't like the ideas themselves because they disagree with them. A sound idea is not made unsound by the fact that a majority of people dislike it.

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Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2012 at 3:06pm
Head on wall If there are peer-reviewed journals by actual scientists, why don't you post them? Scientific consensus is determined by the amount of evidence supporting a theory - not some sort of 'political control'. You have a fundamental misunderstanding in how science works, and I will refrain from responding past this point.

If anyone else wants to take this from here, feel free.

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Posted By: IMPF2112
Date Posted: 14 Nov 2012 at 3:25pm
No thanks, I think you've hit it spot on with everything you've said, and there is no point in continuing on with this conversation. It will lead nowhere, as clearly nothing we say will be able to convince Geoff, and vice versa.

Let's just end this here for now and agree to disagree. Smile

Posted By: Time Signature
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2012 at 11:24am
To me it's simple:

  • Christianity (and other religions) are beliefs because they consist of propositions/statements cannot be empirically tested and falsified (or verified).
  • Evolutionary theory is scientific because it consists of propositions/statements(/theses)  that can be, and continually are, empirically tested and falsified (or verified).

I think that religion is a private affair, and everybody has the right to have whatever beliefs they want to.... as long as it doesn't interfere with other people's lives. Unfortunately, organized religion tends to interfere with other people's lives constantly, which is why I do despise organized religion. I also don't like religion disguised as science - fortunately, all cases of religion disguised as science can be dismissed as non-sciences because they cannot be empirically tested and falsified (or verified).


Posted By: dtguitarfan
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2012 at 12:59pm
There is just as much belief in Evolution. It has not been proven - there is a difference between Evolution and other scientific facts: there is no mathematical formula for Evolution. All other scientific theories that have gotten to a point where they are considered to be fact have mathematical formulas, and are repeatable. There are a number of parts of the evolutionary theory that people have come up with ideas where, if the perfect conditions existed, the very unlikely event would cause this one part of the theory to happen.

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Posted By: bartosso
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2012 at 4:56pm
^ yeah, okay, let's assume hypothetically that it's not proven, do you think it is an evidence for the existence of God? I mean, if it turned out that DNA could not have been conceived by forces of nature and/or the evolution doesn't occur...  
I'm sorry I'm back here, I'm just really curious about the answer.

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Posted By: Doomster
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2012 at 6:03pm
I request this thread be locked.

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 15 Nov 2012 at 7:04pm
Originally posted by Doomster Doomster wrote:

I request this thread be locked.

Done. Feel free to continue any conversations through private message. Thumbs Up

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