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Catagorising your ratings.

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Topic: Catagorising your ratings.
Posted By: renkls
Subject: Catagorising your ratings.
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2012 at 6:46pm
What would you describe each of your star ratings as being?
For me:

0.5: Nothing redeemable or a joke album, CD serves better use as a coaster then for music.
1.0: Nothing close to representing listenability, or a very poorly constructed piece of work.
1.5: Not unredeemable, but will seldom be revisited, if ever.
2.0: Niche, probably fans only, but even then, probably pretty mediocre.
2.5: Divided opinion. Has some good, some bad, but decent overall.
3.0: Decent stuff, may revisit now and then.
3.5: A solid, enjoyable listen. Probably give it a spin monthly.
4.0: Excellent work, seldom a dull moment and well worth anyones time.
4.5: Close to the best, a few minor flaws withstanding. Innovative and unique.
5.0: Cream of the crop, masterpiece, magnum opus of audial ectasy. Genius from beginning to end.

And yours?

Posted By: IMPF2112
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2012 at 7:36pm
In a word:

5.0 Dude
4.5 Amazing
4.0 Awesome
3.5 Great
3.0 Good
2.5 Alright
2.0 "Not Very Good"
1.5 Bad
1.0 Shit
0.5 Dude

Posted By: renkls
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2012 at 7:52pm
Originally posted by IMPF2112 IMPF2112 wrote:

In a word:

5.0 Dude
4.5 Amazing
4.0 Awesome
3.5 Great
3.0 Good
2.5 Alright
2.0 "Not Very Good"
1.5 Bad
1.0 Shit
0.5 Dude
I suppose the emphasis on the 5.0 dude is more like 'Duuuuuuuuude!'

Posted By: J-Man
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2012 at 9:00pm
5.0 - Absolute masterpiece and one of the greatest albums of its genre.
4.5 - Nearly perfect album that leaves me stunned every time I hear it.
4.0 - Great album that may be lacking in originality or consistency, but still excellent.
3.5 - Above average. Nothing essential, but worth hearing for fans of the respective genre.
3.0 - Average. While it's nothing special, the performances are solid and the songwriting is decent.
2.5 - A mediocre album that's plagued with a severe flaw or two.
2.0 - Not recommended except for die-hard fans.
1.5 - Apart from one or two redeeming qualities, this is pretty awful.
1.0 - A terrible album with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.
0.5 - Emmure.

Of course, where I place an album is largely subjective, but I try to stick with this general guideline. Thumbs Up

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Posted By: Kingcrimsonprog
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2012 at 3:18pm
Mine are generous.

5 - Good. Its good in general.
4 - Good. It is good for what it is.
3 - Good, I like it, but I can see its not good enough to get a higher rating.
2 - Bad. Its not merit-less but I just don't like it.
1 - There's some actual fault with it or its unauthorized.


My Blog:

Posted By: Kingcrimsonprog
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2012 at 3:20pm
Originally posted by Kingcrimsonprog Kingcrimsonprog wrote:

Mine are generous.

5 - Good. Its good in general.
4 - Good. It is good for what it is.
3 - Good, I like it, but I can see its not good enough to get a higher rating.
2 - Bad. Its not merit-less but I just don't like it.
1 - There's some actual fault with it or its unauthorized.

Oh and .5s between each are 'I want to give it a higher rating, but don't want to get criticized for being too generous.' LOL


My Blog:

Posted By: Wilytank
Date Posted: 28 Nov 2012 at 3:41pm
5- Space Wolves/Orks
4.5- Black Templars/Chaos Space Marines
4- Imperial Guard/Tyranids
3.5- Blood Angels/Dark Eldar
3- Dark Angels/Eldar
2.5- Vanilla Marines
2- G(r)ay Knights
1.5- Tau
1- Chaos Daemons
0.5- Sisters of Battle

I do believe that is all of them.


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