Some people really need to cut the elitist bullshit for just a minute.
Note that the above sentence does not pertain to any of the users here. No, it only applies to a few of the shallow grunge-hating idiots I have seen spawn from the dark bowels of the internet ever since cyber music reviewing began.
I have no problem if you dislike this type of music, or any type of music for that matter. I only dislike some of the shallow morons who criticize this genre for not being "METUHL ENUFF!111" like some of the alternative rock hating morons I've seen on some places (I for one welcome our new Encyclopedia Metallum overlords).
No; Nirvana, Mudhoney, Pearl Jam, or any of those bands of the sort are not nu-metal, and anyone who believes so is an honest to God moron. There is a thick line between grunge and nu-metal, but elitist assholes, being the shallow whiners they are, will refuse this fact even if it came up and bit them on the edge of their fuckin' dicks. People complain that "Grunge started the nu-metal craze" and, even if that's debatable (In my opinion it is absolutely NOT the reason for nu-metal, but I digress this point for the sake of the matter), why should people care? It's as if anything with any HINT of nu-metal on it is automatic shit because some elitists think it's ruining metal. If you think it's ruining metal, ignore it. Just ignore it. Listen to whatever you like in this type of music. My problem here though is the seemingly empty problem that people have with it, and that is usually JUST BECAUSE OF THE GENRE, which is the most unbelievably ridiculous logic that has ever graced my young eyes. It seems that, to metal elitists, if it's not metal, it's automatically shit, and this pisses me off whenever I hear this being uttered from a person's mouth.
Besides, many of these bands, such as Pearl Jam and Nirvana, distanced themselves from being metal and even said themselves that being labeled as that made them sick, so why give a shit? It's music, and if someone is going to hate it for being attached to a genre, then they can kindly go jump off the Golden Gate Bridge.
Okay, rant over. Sorry if these seemed harsh and all, but I really needed to express my thoughts on this. You can all proceed with your lives now.