Regarding the Dream Theater clones, there is also a vast category of bands that could be labelled (sometimes fairly, other times a bit unfairly) as Queensryche clones. Especially after the release of The Warning and Rage for Order, a multitude of bands in that vein flooded the scene, most of which remained underground though. Lethal's Programmed is a famous example (and one of my all time favorite albums). From more recent years, Malison Rogue stands out.
Maiden clone bands: Most striking example I can think of is Attick Demons from Portugal. The singer is a complete copy of Dickinson and the band totally immitates IM, to the point where there is a song of theirs posted as a new Iron Maiden track and many people thought it was the real deal or at least that Dickinson was a part of it.
Similarly, Monument have another Bruce clone:
Strangely enough, they used to sound like Iron Maiden with Ozzy on vocals:
Wolf from Sweden, one of my favorite bands active at the moment, were heavily influenced by Iron Maiden on their first 3 releases (esp. on ther debut), although their singer does not sound like Bruce and they had some Mercyful Fate and speed metal elements that gave them an edge. They progressed steadily and by their 4th album (and their best imo) Children of the Black Flame have a complete character of their own. Very much worth checking them out anyway, as they are the best heavy/power metal band of the past 15 years imo. Here is one of their most Maiden-ish songs from their debut:
I have spoken with their mainman Niklas (guitar/vocals) and he said that at the time (1999) they wanted to write the songs "that Maiden forgot to write". Then again, like I said they had the Mercyful Fate element as well, even from that time. Here's a speedy number that combines Maiden and Mercyful Fate from the same album (best song on the album imo):
Here's a killer sample of what they sounded like ten years later (produced by Roy Z, who heard their third album and was enthusiastic about it and got in touch with them):
Try to guess who this band worships and immitates: Blazon Stone - Return to Port Royal
(actually better than the current state of the original band)
Blind Guardian: Savage Circus, featuring Thomen Stauch, after he left BG after A Night at the Opera for wanting to play the original speed/power stuff. The clue is in the singer (from Persuader) who does a nice Hansi immitation.
Death. Just recently a total-Death (Leprosy/Spiritual Healing era) clone album was released: Gruesome - Savage Land Again, the vocalist is doing a perfect immitation of Chuck (of that period). The music is borderline theft though!
These will do for starters!
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