Non-Metal / Alternative Metal / Metal Related • United States — the ultimate metal music online community, with discographies, reviews and forums
Bloodhound Gang is a band which has explored a number of genres over the years, from hip hop to alternative metal.

The first incarnation of the band started in 1988 in Trappe, Pennsylvania as an alternative band called Bang Chamber 8. It consisted of James Franks (guitar, vocals) and Michael Bowe (bass, vocals), who later took on the names Jimmy Pop Ali and Daddy Long Legs. Bang Chamber 8 released a demo tape in 1990, before changing their name to Bloodhound Gang the next year. The band's name came from a segment on the 1980s PBS kids' show 3-2-1 Contact that featured three young detectives solving mysteries and fighting crime.

While at Temple University, Pop met up with bass player Evil Jared Hasselhoff, who has falsely claimed to be actor David Hasselhoff's illegitimate son, cousin, and tennis partner. However, he did not join the band until some time later.

Bloodhound Gang
Thanks to Vim Fuego for the addition and adg211288 for the updates



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BLOODHOUND GANG albums / top albums

BLOODHOUND GANG Use Your Fingers album cover 2.14 | 2 ratings
Use Your Fingers
Non-Metal 1995
BLOODHOUND GANG One Fierce Beercoaster album cover 5.00 | 1 ratings
One Fierce Beercoaster
Metal Related 1996
BLOODHOUND GANG Hooray for Boobies album cover 3.75 | 2 ratings
Hooray for Boobies
Alternative Metal 1999
BLOODHOUND GANG Hefty Fine album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
Hefty Fine
Metal Related 2005
BLOODHOUND GANG Hard Off album cover 2.00 | 1 ratings
Hard Off
Non-Metal 2015


BLOODHOUND GANG Dingleberry Haze album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Dingleberry Haze
Non-Metal 1994
BLOODHOUND GANG Mama Say album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Mama Say
Non-Metal 1995


BLOODHOUND GANG demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

BLOODHOUND GANG Just Another Demo album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Just Another Demo
Non-Metal 1993
BLOODHOUND GANG The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to Hitler's Handicapped Helpers album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to Hitler's Handicapped Helpers
Non-Metal 1994
BLOODHOUND GANG Kids In America album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Kids In America
Alternative Metal 1995
BLOODHOUND GANG Use Your Fingers album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Use Your Fingers
Non-Metal 1995
BLOODHOUND GANG The In-Store Play CD album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The In-Store Play CD
Alternative Metal 1996
BLOODHOUND GANG One Fierce Beer Coaster (cassette promo) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
One Fierce Beer Coaster (cassette promo)
Alternative Metal 1996
BLOODHOUND GANG One Fierce Beer Coaster (sampler) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
One Fierce Beer Coaster (sampler)
Metal Related 1997
BLOODHOUND GANG One Fierce Beer Coaster / Like Swimming album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
One Fierce Beer Coaster / Like Swimming
Alternative Metal 1997
BLOODHOUND GANG Hooray For Boobies album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Hooray For Boobies
Alternative Metal 1999
BLOODHOUND GANG Hooray For Boobies (cassette sampler) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Hooray For Boobies (cassette sampler)
Alternative Metal 1999
BLOODHOUND GANG Hooray For Boobies (CD sampler) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Hooray For Boobies (CD sampler)
Alternative Metal 1999
BLOODHOUND GANG Three Point One Four album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Three Point One Four
Alternative Metal 2000
BLOODHOUND GANG Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss
Non-Metal 2005
BLOODHOUND GANG Hefty Fine (cassette sampler) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Hefty Fine (cassette sampler)
Metal Related 2005
BLOODHOUND GANG Hefty Fine (CD sampler) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Hefty Fine (CD sampler)
Metal Related 2005
BLOODHOUND GANG Hefty Fine (enhanced CD sampler) album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Hefty Fine (enhanced CD sampler)
Metal Related 2005

BLOODHOUND GANG re-issues & compilations

BLOODHOUND GANG Playlist Your Way - Hits CD album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Playlist Your Way - Hits CD
Alternative Metal 2008
BLOODHOUND GANG Show Us Your Hits album cover 4.00 | 1 ratings
Show Us Your Hits
Alternative Metal 2010

BLOODHOUND GANG singles (21)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
KIDS Incorporated
Alternative Metal 1995
.. Album Cover
5.00 | 1 ratings
Fire Water Burn
Alternative Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
Alternative Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Why's Everybody Always Pickin' on Me?
Non-Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
One Censored Beer Coaster
Non-Metal 1997
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Along Comes Mary
Alternative Metal 1999
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
The Bad Touch
Non-Metal 1999
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
The Ballad Of Chasey Lain
Alternative Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope
Non-Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Alternative Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo
Non-Metal 2005
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss Uhn Tiss
Non-Metal 2005
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
No Hard Feelings
Alternative Metal 2005
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Alternative Metal 2005
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Screwing You On The Beach At Night
Non-Metal 2007
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Altogether Ooky
Alternative Metal 2011
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
American Bitches
Non-Metal 2014
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Chew Toy
Non-Metal 2014
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Non-Metal 2015
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Clean Up In Isle Sexy
Non-Metal 2015
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Uncool As Me
Non-Metal 2015

BLOODHOUND GANG movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
One Fierce Beer Run
Alternative Metal 2003



Album · 1995 · Non-Metal
Cover art Buy this album from MMA partners
Vim Fuego
The totally unofficial Bloodhound Gang `Use Your Fingers' Q&A

Q: So was the mega-successful, multi-platinum Rock/Hip-Hip crossover masterpiece `One Fierce Beer Coaster' the Bloodhound Gang's first album? A: No, it wasn't. The band's first album was `Use Your Fingers', released in 1995.

Q: So how come I've never heard of it? A: You haven't been looking in the bargain bin at your local record store.

Q: Was it any good? A: The record-buying public didn't seem to think so, and neither did the band. Bloodhound Gang actually split up after the release of `Use Your Fingers' because of the poor response it received, but reformed again.

Q: So what's the title all about then? Is it referring to Guns n Roses or female masturbation? A: Yes to both.

Q: So what's it sound like? A: It sounds just how you might imagine the predecessor to `One Fierce Beer Coaster' would sound.

Q: So it's got the funky beats then? A: Er, sort of.

Q: And it's got the silly lyrics? A: Yes.

Q: And the dumb bits between the songs? A: Of course it does. It's a Bloodhound Gang album isn't it?

Q: And does the CD have some dumb instructions on it? A: Yes! These questions are really dumb!

Q: Sorry, but I'm doing my best. There are lots of obscure references to American pop culture here. Can you help me out? A: I'll try...

Q: Is that really Rip Taylor on the first track? A: Yes, it is.

Q: So who's Rip Taylor? A: A camp American comedian, famous for being fat, having spiky hair, throwing confetti when he tells jokes, and being camp. Also known as the Prince of Pandemonium.

Q: And what is a sprinkle genie? A: You really, really don't want to know!

Q: Who are Vera, Flo, and Mel? A: All three are characters from the sitcom "Alice". Vera and Flo are waitresses, while Mel is the cook who owns Mel's Diner.

Q: Who are Jerry's Kids, and why do they need a sponsor? A: Comedian Jerry Lewis got all serious when he started getting old, and started a charity for disabled children. The children helped by the charity are known as Jerry's Kids.

Q: What was the Rockford Files? A: It was a 1970s police show starring James Garner.

Q: What are spaghettios? A: Little rings made of spaghetti, shaped like the letter O.

Q: What was Barbara Eden doing in a bottle? A: She was Jeannie in the sitcom "I Dream Of Jeannie", where she was a genie who lived in a bottle. Look, this is getting boring. Ask some questions about the music!

Q: Er, OK, I'll try. Um, did Bloodhound Gang write all the music? A: Of course not! They ripped stuff off all over the place and covered Kim Wilde's "Kids In America". However, The Cure wouldn't let them rip off a sample, which is probably a good thing, because this album is bad enough on it's own.

Q: Is it as good as Lawnmower Deth's "Kids In America"? A: No.

Q: Is "One Way" a Blondie cover, "Go Down" an AC/DC cover, and "No Rest For The Wicked' an Ozzy Osbourne cover? A: Sort of, no, and no.

Q: Are any of the songs clever and funny? A: No, but some are stupid and funny, like `You're Pretty When I'm Drunk', and he's pretty fucking drunk.

Q: So what else can you tell us about the music? A: That's a stupid question! Um, well, it sounds like the demo tunes on tinny little hand held keyboards, but it took five guys to make the sounds. Occasionally a guitar pops up, but not often enough.

Q: So, um, is this like, any good, or worth getting? A: It depends. If you like other Bloodhound Gang albums, then you might like this. If you are just a casual observer, who quite liked "Fire Water Burn" then you'd probably be very disappointed.

Q: So it's rubbish then. A: I wouldn't go quite that far, but it's not a masterpiece. Finished with the questions?

Q: Yes. A: Good.

BLOODHOUND GANG One Fierce Beercoaster

Album · 1996 · Metal Related
Cover art Buy this album from MMA partners
Vim Fuego
Dick jokes, toilet humour, cheap swearing, tacky pop culture references, and so-uncool-they're-cool '80s New Romantic songs. Hmm. Must be Bloodhound Gang.

To say `One Fierce Beer Coaster' redefined dumbfuck, lowest common denominator rap metal is stealing a bit of Limp Bizkit's thunder, but take a look at the similarities. Both bands were/are loved and hated in equal quantities, both were quite keen on borrowing other people's material, and both have white boy wannabe Rappers for front men. But that's where the similarities end. For a start, Fred Durst takes himself far too seriously. Jimmy Pop Ali has a big squishy nose and knows it. Fred Durst couldn't write a rhyme to save himself. Jimmy Pop Ali's lyrics rhyme some of the least expected, dumbest words ever.

From go to whoa, “One Fierce Beer Coaster” is pretty much a series of jokes tacked together and called an album. Much of the humour is self-effacing, the Bloodhounds thinking of themselves as low down Gen-X slacker types, and they're probably right. However, Jimmy Pop and his crew have plenty to say about their safe and boring suburban society, the same way OG Rappers of the past commented on the ghettoes and slums of their youth. Basically, the suburbs are shallow breeding grounds for the mediocre and the superficial. Um, but most of this is just good, dumb fun.

First track "Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny" is an ode to the hazards of eating pussy. It has a big, simple guitar riff, a bit of scratching, a few samples, and Jimmy Pop singing like an idiot. And that's pretty much the formula for the rest of the album.

"Lift Your Head Up High (And Blow Your Brains Out)" touches on teen suicide, basically saying if you're thinking about it because of your crappy life, go ahead and do it, because you fuckin’ suck. "I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks" pre-empted the TV show "Queer Eye For The Straight Guy" by a good few years, but basically reinforces the point that what women want in a man is a man who doesn't really want women. "Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me?" is self-explanatory, while "Going Nowhere Slow" is a big list of cities The Bloodhound Gang have played in, with New Jersey somehow upsetting the band, so it ain't ever going to be on their itinerary.

Even if they can't write a decent song of their own, Bloodhound Gang can spot a good tune. Stealing the memorable melody line from Duran Duran's "Hungry Like The Wolf" for "Your Only Friends Are Make Believe" was probably the brightest thing these guys did on this whole album. It's a slow paced, guitar driven song, breathing new life into the old '80s standard.

Even with their love of homoerotic New Romantic pop, some things were still too uncool, even for the Bloodhounds. Rob Van Winkel guest starred on "Boom". "So what?", you might say. Another wannabe nobody white boy rapper, right? Well, yeah, except this one used to go by the name Vanilla Ice, but don't tell anyone, OK? "Boom" is the slickest song on the whole album, the pair trading insults in a good old fashioned face off.

"Fire Water Burn" stands head and shoulders above the rest of the album. Sure, the formula is similar to the other songs, but the tune is the most memorable here, the lyrics the easiest to follow, and the double entendres are the funniest. Try not singing "The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire/We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn/Burn, motherfucker, burn!" after hearing it. It's a rap song for those who hate rap, and a rock song for the non-rocker. This is the song on which Bloodhound Gang have built their career, and good on them for doing so.

If your idea of a good laugh is the day's political cartoon in the paper, don't even bother with “One Fierce Beer Coaster”. If a good time for you involves women with big boobs, inserting foreign objects where they don't belong, beer, and making fun of those less fortunate than yourself, you've found the perfect album.


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