Hailing from Texas, Dangerous Toys tale began in 1981 when Scott Dalhover, Mike Watson, and Tim Trembley formed Onyxx. In 1987, Trembley recruited Jason McMaster from Watchtower to became their singer, changed their name to Dangerous Toys, and landed a deal with CBS to release their debut in 1989. Ironically, Trembley eventually left the band and replaced by Danny Aaron. This album was well-received and certified Gold in the USA.
Dangerous Toys music fell into the sleaze glam category where they played a mean stab of animalistic hard rock, like a dynamite ready to explode, this is the type of music your mama will hate. The first single, "Teas'n and Pleas'n", is a good starter and getting better with "Scared", a groovy song with catchy chorus. My other favourites here are "Take Me Drunk", "Outlaw", and the peak of the album, "Queen of The Nile", probably the most commercial composition and featured a shaky stomping chorus.
Jason McMaster's vocal type reminded me of Axl Rose a bit and the band played quite tight here. Even though Dalhover and the rest of the gang ain't no virtuoso, but for what its worth, they made a great record and this is an exciting album if you want to just go crazy and have a couple of drinks on your Friday night.