Superbe prog metal album released by a band with a huge technical and componistic potential-ICE AGE from USA!This second and final album released by the prestigious MAGNA CARTA label,is superior to the first one under all aspects!It's especially better produced-with a far much better sound then the first superbe album,but the compositions and the musicianship is truly spectacular and improved on LIBERATION!Great keyboard parts on this album,perfect balance between the excellent voice of the vocalist and the way how the instruments sound,great musical duels between keys and guitar!A clever and intelligent mixture of prog in the classic style and the modern touch of technology,used with inspiration!Wonderful instrumental passages,long and inspired-plenty of space for the competent musicians to express their amazing potential-MUSICAL CAGES is true musical pearl,where all the guys in the band are completely unleashed and ready to kill!It's sad that the band didn't made another album after this one,it seems that they split long time ago already but this 2 albums are a precious legacy,2 monuments of inspired and catchy prog metal,made by virtuosos in a big style!4.5 STARS for a superbe and inspired album!