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MASTER picture
Master are a legendary raw thrash and death metal band. They were originally formed in Chicago in the United States by Paul Speckmann, but have been relocated to Uherske Hradiste in the Czech Republic.
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MASTER Discography

MASTER albums / top albums

MASTER Master album cover 3.07 | 3 ratings
Death Metal 1990
MASTER On The Seventh Day God Created... Master album cover 3.00 | 2 ratings
On The Seventh Day God Created... Master
Death Metal 1991
MASTER Collection Of Souls album cover 2.50 | 1 ratings
Collection Of Souls
Death Metal 1993
MASTER Faith Is In Season album cover 2.00 | 1 ratings
Faith Is In Season
Death Metal 1998
MASTER Let's Start A War album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
Let's Start A War
Death Metal 2002
MASTER Unreleased 1985 Album album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Unreleased 1985 Album
Death Metal 2003
MASTER The Spirit Of The West album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Spirit Of The West
Death Metal 2004
MASTER Four More Years Of Terror album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Four More Years Of Terror
Death Metal 2005
MASTER Slaves To Society album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Slaves To Society
Death Metal 2007
MASTER The Human Machine album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Human Machine
Death Metal 2010
MASTER The New Elite album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The New Elite
Death Metal 2012
MASTER The Witchhunt album cover 3.50 | 2 ratings
The Witchhunt
Death Metal 2013
MASTER An Epiphany of Hate album cover 3.50 | 1 ratings
An Epiphany of Hate
Death Metal 2016
MASTER Vindictive Miscreant album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Vindictive Miscreant
Death Metal 2018

MASTER EPs & splits

MASTER Master / Abomination album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Master / Abomination
Death Metal 1990
MASTER Master / Excision album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Master / Excision
Death Metal 1996
MASTER Follow Your Savior album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Follow Your Savior
Death Metal 2001
MASTER Imperial Anthems album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Imperial Anthems
Death Metal 2013
MASTER Decay into Inferior Conditions album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Decay into Inferior Conditions
Death Metal 2017
MASTER Master / Paganizer album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Master / Paganizer
Death Metal 2019

MASTER live albums

MASTER Live in Mexico City album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Live in Mexico City
Death Metal 2000

MASTER demos, promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs)

MASTER 1985 Demo album cover 3.00 | 1 ratings
1985 Demo
Death Metal 1985
MASTER Rehearsal Demo album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Rehearsal Demo
Death Metal 1985
MASTER 1991 Demo album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
1991 Demo
Death Metal 1991
MASTER The Final Word album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
The Final Word
Death Metal 1995

MASTER re-issues & compilations

MASTER Pieces album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Death Metal 2003
MASTER Command Your Fate - The Demo Collection album cover 0.00 | 0 ratings
Command Your Fate - The Demo Collection
Death Metal 2017

MASTER singles (1)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Smile as You're Told
Death Metal 2011

MASTER movies (DVD, Blu-Ray or VHS)

.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Live in Mexico City
Death Metal 2000
.. Album Cover
0.00 | 0 ratings
Live Assault
Death Metal 2012

MASTER Reviews

MASTER Let's Start A War

Album · 2002 · Death Metal
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"Let's Start A War" is the fifth full-length studio album by US death metal act Master. The album was released through System Shock Records in March 2002. It´s the successor to "Faith Is In Season" from 1998. Master was put on hold by lead vocalist/bassist Paul Speckmann after the release of "Faith Is In Season" (1998). After joining Czech death metal act Krabathor in 1999, he moved to the Czech Republic, and assembled a new lineup for his next Master album. The lineup on "Let's Start A War" therefore consists of Speckmann on bass and vocals, Ronald Reagan on guitars and Harry Truman on drums. The two latter are of course not the real names of the musicians involved. The real names are Petr Kryštof (Speckmann´s bandmate from Krabathor) and Libor Lebánek (also of Krabathor). So it´s the same trio lineup who also recorded the two contemporary Krabathor albums "Unfortunately Dead" (2000) and "Dissuade Truth" (2003).

Moving to a new country and having strong ties to Krabathor haven´t resulted in any changes to the sound of Master though, and "Let's Start A War" sounds like the natural successor to "Faith Is In Season" (1998). Stylistically this is old school death metal with strong thrash metal leanings (sometimes this is actually more thrash than death metal), and quite a few punk styled drum parts. It´s very simplistic in nature and not exactly the most challenging music. Speckmann does a pretty good job here and his vocals are nicely aggressive, brutal, and intelligible. The material are neither varied. The cover of "Miss Misery" by Nazareth and the odd attempt at playing heavy blues rock on "Purchase A New Handgun" are the variation you´ll hear on this album. The material is not particularliy interesting or memorable either. It´s as if it´s almost too simplistic for it´s own good, and it´s hard not to loose interest quickly once you gain an understanding of the core elements of the band´s sound.

"Let's Start A War" features a decent sounding production job, but it could have been more powerful sounding, and the drums in particular feature a rather lifeless tone. Upon conclusion "Let's Start A War" isn´t an album which moves Master away from the streak of mediocre (some of them even bad) albums they were delivering at this point in their career, but it´s not the worst Master album from this era either, and it does feature enough redeeming qualities to warrant a 3 star (60%) rating.

MASTER Faith Is In Season

Album · 1998 · Death Metal
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"Faith Is In Season" is the fourth full-length studio album by US death metal act Master. The album was released through System Shock Records in April 1998. It´s the successor to "Collection Of Souls" from 1993 and feautures quite a few lineup changes since the predecessor as the only remaining members of the lineup who recorded "Collection Of Souls" (1993), are lead vocalist/bassist Paul Speckmann and guitarist Brian Brady. New in the lineup are guitarist Sage Gonzales and drummer Sage Johnson.

Stylistically the material on "Faith Is In Season" continue the simple, raw, and relatively one-dimensional death metal style of the predecessor, and if you expected just a slight bit more sophistication in the songwriting department considering it took the band 5 years to release "Faith Is In Season", you will be disappointed. Master have changed nothing and they sound just as uninspired and tired on "Faith Is In Season" as they did on "Collection Of Souls" (1993). The whole thing goes by without a single great riff or catchy moment to hold on to, and how the band themselves find pleasure in playing and listening to this is beyond me. This is simply not good quality death metal.

"Faith Is In Season" features a decent but not particularly powerful sounding production job, and of course that doesn´t exactly help the material to shine either. After releasing a pretty good quality debut album, Master have been in decline since, and that trend continues on "Faith Is In Season". A 2 - 2.5 star (45%) rating is warranted.

MASTER 1985 Demo

Demo · 1985 · Death Metal
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"1985 Demo" is the first demo release by US death metal act Master. The demo was independently released in 1985. Master was formed by lead vocalist/bassist Paul Speckmann and drummer Bill Schmidt after leaving War Cry. Speckmann had a lot of different projects going in those days (Death Strike and Abomination in addition to Master), and he was probably in doubt which project he should focus on, because it took quite a few years before Master released their 1990 eponymously titled debut full-length studio album and only a 1985 rehearsal demo bridges the gap between this demo and the debut album (although a full-length album was actually recorded in 1985 and shelved. It ultimately saw a release in 2003). All five tracks from the demo would be re-recorded and included on the debut album.

Stylistically this is an early extreme metal release featuring elements from both thrash metal, hardcore punk, and the extremity of death metal. It´s certainly understandable that many early death metal pioneers cite this demo as an inspiration to become more brutal sounding themselves. While many other early death metal artists like Morbid Angel, Death, Autopsy, and Obituary all experimented with song structures and creative songwriting ideas, Master is a more simple, effective and pummeling listen. Once a track gets going, the same pounding drum beat continues for the remainder of the song, and most tracks only feature very few riffs, a one-dimensional raw shouting (semi-growling) vocal style, and the occasional screaming guitar solo. In other words this is the most basic and simplistic style of death metal imaginable (and it´s interesting that Master have pretty much stuck to their guns since then).

The demo features a raw, but still detailed and well sounding production job, which helps the material shine. So it´s a good quality 1985 extreme metal demo which deserves it´s reputation as a seminal death metal release. The songwriting keeps it from being a real blast though, and a 3 star (60%) rating isn´t all wrong.

MASTER Collection Of Souls

Album · 1993 · Death Metal
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"Collection Of Souls" is the 3rd full-length studio album by US death metal act Master. The album was released through Nuclear Blast Records in 1993. It´s the successor to "On The Seventh Day God Created... Master" from 1991. Since the release of the predecessor session guitarist Paul Masvidal has returned to Cynic and he is replaced here by two new guitarists in Brian Brady and Jeff Kobie. The remaining part of the lineup, who recorded the predecessor, are lead vocalist/bassist Paul Speckmann and drummer Aaron Nickeas. "Collection Of Souls" marks the end of the band´s partnership with Nuclear Blast Records.

Master was always a pretty simple old school death metal act with thrash metal leanings, and that sound is as such continued on "Collection Of Souls". It´s even more simple this time around though and there are also quite a few nods toward punk. On the preceding releases by the band there were always at least one or two memorable tracks, but the material on "Collection Of Souls" is a bit of a shallow experience, with next to nothing to hold on to. It´s never a sign of good health when the most memorable track on your album is a hideous slaughter of "Jailbreak" by Thin Lizzy (which on a funny sidenote is credited to Paul Speckmann and not Thin Lizzy)...

...add to that some sloppy playing (Speckmann´s vocals are pretty weak on this release too), and powerless unpolished production values, and "Collection Of Souls" ends up a very mediocre release by Master. After two decent releases they hit rock bottom with this one, and a 2.5 star (50%) rating isn´t all wrong.

MASTER On The Seventh Day God Created... Master

Album · 1991 · Death Metal
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"On The Seventh Day God Created... Master" is the 2nd full-length studio album by US death metal act Master. The album was released through Nuclear Blast Records in the fall of 1991. Master had a relatively long and complicated history before releasing their eponymously titled debut full-length studio album in 1990. That album earned them great underground success though, and they were more or less at the top of the world ( relative terms) at this point. Since the release of the debut album both drummer Bill Schmidt and guitarist Chris Mittleburn have left the band. They are replaced here by new drummer Aaron Nickeas and Cynic frontman/guitarist Paul Masvidal (who handles guitars on the album). Band founder Paul Speckmann is the only remaining member from the lineup who recorded the debut album. He handles vocals and bass on the album. John Tardy from Obituary makes a guest vocal appearance on "Latitudinarian" and "Submerged In Sin".

Stylistically the music on "On The Seventh Day God Created... Master" continues the old school death metal with strong thrash metal leanings of the debut album. The song structures, riffs, and playing style are predominantly simple and at least to some degree catchy. It´s hard to imagine that it took very long for a capacity like Paul Masvidal to learn the guitar parts for this album. His solos are also more simple and raw than what we´re used to hearing from him. The drumming is pretty simple too and a bit one-dimensional. Clicky double kick drumming almost constantly throughout the album, and only few tempo changes. Speckmann´s vocals are somewhere between growling and raw more thrash metal oriented vocals.

"On The Seventh Day God Created... Master" opens with a decent trio of tracks in "What Kind Of God", "Latitudinarian", and "Heathen", but it´s like the band can´t keep the quality of the opening tracks up throughout the album. There´s nothing terribly bad on the album, but quite a few of the tracks are unremarkable. Master´s version of the American national anthem "America The Pitiful" is one of the few other standout tracks on the album.

The album was recorded at Morrisound Recording in Tampa, Florida in August 1991, and features a rather time typical Morrisound production. It´s not as bass heavy as most of the other productions out of the studio from that time, but there´s still no mistaking where the album was recorded. It´s not a particularly well produced release though and especially the messy guitar sound and clicky kick drums don´t sound too great.

Upon conclusion "On The Seventh Day God Created... Master" is probably an album that´ll please fans of the band´s debut album, but viewed within a broader death metal reference frame, it´s not the most interesting release on the scene, and considering the amount of death metal classics released in 1991, this one drowns in mediocrity. A 3 star (60%) rating is warranted.

MASTER Movies Reviews

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