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I want more...
Genre: traditional metal / power metal / speed metal
You may not have heard about Zarpa before if you are not a Spanish speaker. However, these guys have been around since the late 1970s are are bona fide metal veterans. They are insanely productive, and are known to release several albums within the same year (they released no less than four albums and an EP in 2012). "Dispuestos Para Atacar" is the first Zarpa-album I have heard, and, if this album is an indicator of the overall quality of their music, I definitely have to check out the rest of their discography.
Genre-wise "Despuestos Para Atacar" belongs to the traditional heavy metal genre. Still, the Spanish band reach out beyond this genre, as they integrate speed and power metal elements into their music. The songs on the album are generally very well composed, and rich in layers of guitars which generate an epic sound. The vocal melodies are very catchy, and, although, I am not exactly proficient in Spanish, I find myself singing along to most of the choruses. The production is extremely good as is the performance and songwriting displayed on this album.
Fans of traditional metal and power metal should find this album a very enjoyable listen.