NEPHALL - A Path of no Return... Absence of Light (Official Music Video)
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Ficha técnica
Vocalista - Rohh Krammer Schroder
Guitarra- Lenyn Pitta
Guitarra - Gbr Luiz
Baixo- Beto Factus
Bateria- Felipe Veiga
Ficha técnica:
Gravação, Mixagem e Masterização - Rogério Wecko (Dual Noise Estúdio)
Composição - Rohh Krammer Schroder, Beto Factus e Lenyn Pitta
Orquestras - JV Landi
Direção e roteiro: Rohh Krammer Schroder
Moviemaker: Xtudo
Maquiagem - Dennis Dal Bello
Padre - Rodrigo Gonçalves
Vocal - Rohh Krammer Schroder
Guitar- Lenyn Pitta
Guitar - Gbr Luiz
Bass- Beto Factus
Drum- Felipe Veiga
Recording, Mix and Mastering: Rogério Wecko (DualNoise Studio)
Composition : Rohh Krammer Schroder, Beto Factus e Lenyn Pitta
Orchestra- JV Landi.
Director and Script: Rohh Krammer Schroder
Moviemaker: Xtudo
Make FX - Dennis Dal Bello
Priest - Rodrigo Gonçalves
A path of no return… :
Abusive creeds creates bonds in their followers
Suffocated by infamous words uttered by their leaders
Generating a collective blindness in weakened minds
Culminating in a path of no return
Absence Of Light:
Denying dogmatic leader’s imposition
Who never hear their people’s claims and despite them
Using false faith to conquer power around us
Untruth speeches and worthless ideas
Persuaded with a holy book, raising his hands
Begging for salvation with blooded hands in your pockets
Persuaded with a hope by fear stuck in their knees
Deceiving all to monetize for the lighted path
Deny your prophets
Cutting ties
Incinerate the symbols
Rebel against these lies
Smothered with false promises
Drowning in a mud full of sin
Cursed by the preachers
Scourged by a religion that can't serve a god
Nocturnal lights guiding souls to the obscure secrets
In the deepest darkness of our souls
Where the absence of light remains
In the deepest darkness of our souls
Cursed preachers will burn the saviors
Paralyzed by persuasion of their leaders
Bringing our condemnation
Creating wars and torturing souls in vain
Murdering people induced by your hatred
Teaching meaningless rules to kill them
Using a false salvation for those souls
Persuading and preaching of love
Judging our sins with shameless hypocrisy
Persuading and preaching of peace
Declaring war for those who don’t follow your doctrine
Deny your prophets
Cutting ties
Incinerate the symbols
Rebel against these lies
Smothered with false promises
Drowning in a mud full of sin
Cursed by the preachers
Scourged by a religion that can't serve a god
Nocturnal lights guiding souls to the obscure secrets
In the deepest darkness of our souls
Where the absence of light remains