Avant-garde Metal

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Avant-garde metal, experimental metal, or art metal is a subgenre of heavy metal music characterised by the use of innovative, avant-garde elements, large-scale experimentation, and the use of non-standard sounds, instruments, and song structures.

The term avant-garde metal refers to bands and musicians who "incorporate new and innovative elements in metal, who break conventions, tear down walls, violate borders." The genre has also been described as "the art of creating deep and strange atmospheres by experimenting with new instruments and sounds, strange vocals, unconventional song structures, rhythms and harmonies, unusual lyrics or uncommon artwork" or alternatively, "progressive, psychedelic, surrealistic, phantasmagoric, expressionistic, dissonant or extravagant interpretations of extreme metal."

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avant-garde_metal

Sub-genre collaborators (shared with Progressive Metal):
  • siLLy puPPy
  • DippoMagoo
  • Sisslith
  • adg211288

avant-garde metal top albums

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KAYO DOT Hubardo Album Cover Hubardo
4.50 | 24 ratings
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SIGH Imaginary Sonicscape Album Cover Imaginary Sonicscape
4.42 | 36 ratings
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ARCTURUS The Sham Mirrors Album Cover The Sham Mirrors
4.31 | 60 ratings
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KAYO DOT Choirs Of The Eye Album Cover Choirs Of The Eye
4.26 | 61 ratings
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SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM Of Natural History Album Cover Of Natural History
4.23 | 41 ratings
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SHINING Blackjazz Album Cover Blackjazz
4.24 | 27 ratings
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MAUDLIN OF THE WELL Leaving Your Body Map Album Cover Leaving Your Body Map
4.18 | 54 ratings
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SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM Grand Opening and Closing Album Cover Grand Opening and Closing
4.29 | 14 ratings
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MAUDLIN OF THE WELL Bath Album Cover Bath
4.16 | 61 ratings
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DIABLO SWING ORCHESTRA Sing Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious Album Cover Sing Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious
4.18 | 33 ratings
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DØDHEIMSGARD A Umbra Omega Album Cover A Umbra Omega
4.42 | 7 ratings
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SHINING Grindstone Album Cover Grindstone
4.29 | 11 ratings
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avant-garde metal Music Reviews

DØDHEIMSGARD Black Medium Current

Album · 2023 · Avant-garde Metal
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"Black Medium Current" is the sixth full-length studio album by Norwegian avant-garde/progressive black metal act Dødheimsgard. The album was released through Peaceville Records in April 2023. It´s the successor to "A Umbra Omega" from March 2015. Eight years also passed between the release of "Supervillain Outcast" (released in March 2007) and "A Umbra Omega", so the long time between albums isn´t unusual for Dødheimsgard. There have been a few linuep changes since the predecessor as lead vocalist/guitarist Aldrahn has left and along with him also drummer Sekaran aka Terghl. The latter has been replaced by Myrvoll, but Aldrahn has not been replaced. Instead band leader Vicotnik has taken over the vocal duties in addition to handling guitars, synthesizers, effects, and programming. Tommy "Guns" Thunberg (lead guitars) and L.E. Måløy (bass, piano, cello, theremin, effects) remain from the lineup who recorded "A Umbra Omega" along with Vicotnik.

In essence "Black Medium Current" continues the progressive/avant-garde black metal style of "A Umbra Omega", but Dødheimsgard have grown as composers and musicians since the latter mentioned release. The compositions are more fluent and natural in structure, less abstract and more atmospheric. It´s also less technical and experimental than the predecessor. In the case of "Black Medium Current" that´s not a complaint though, but instead a praise, because some of the songwriting ideas on "A Umbra Omega" didn´t always work. It often felt like Dødheimsgard wanted to do more than they were capable of or reached the limits of their songwriting abilities. "Black Medium Current" is more economic in that sense and it´s an important factor when evaluating why this is such a strong release. Dødheimsgard have found the right balance between epic atmospheres, odd avant-garde songwriting ideas, progressive song structures, and their as always strong musicianship. Vicotnik steps up with no problems delivering both strong raspy black metal vocals and various types of melancholic, sorrowfilled, and sometimes desperate sounding clean vocals (even occasionally bordering deranged). The many choirs, harmony- and backing vocals provide interesting textures to that part of the music, and it´s hard not to be impressed by how intriguing and well performed "Black Medium Current" is (both the vocals and the instrumental part of the music). The lyrics are performed in both Norwegian and English.

Stylistically it´s hard to describe exactly how Dødheimsgard sound, because they sound very much like their own. It´s difficult to reference other artists, but the progressive mindset of artists like Opeth, Ihsahn, and Enslaved aren´t all wrong (Hail Spirit Noir should also be mentioned as a possible valid reference), but still not completely true. The slight industrial influence which Dødheimsgard have previously flirted with is minimal on "Black Medium Current", although a track like "Interstellar Nexus" still features a touch of it. "Black Medium Current" is the type of album which needs to be listened to, to truly be able to understand how it sounds. The many different influences and musical elements combined offers the listener a unique listening experience, which just isn´t easily described.

It´s a long album featuring no less than 9 tracks and a total playing time of 69:36 minutes, but not a second of that playing time is wasted on anything non-essential. The album is loaded with epic melancholic atmospheres, interesting changes in texture and dynamics within- and between tracks, and a generally otherworldly/alien approach to writing music. The way the futuristic synths sometimes come in and change the tracks, or surprising moments like the absolutely brilliant closing minutes to album opener "Et Smelter" or the epic melodic choir middle section of "Tankespinnerens Smerte" prove not only the brilliance of Dødheimsgard, but also bring great emotional impact. Atmospheric album closer "Requiem Aeternum" is definitely an example of the latter too.

"Black Medium Current" features a clear, detailed, and powerful sounding production. It´s not a raw black metal oriented sound production, and the most harsh black metal parts of the music sound relatively civil and even a bit polished (not sterile though), but that type of sound production perfectly fits the material on this release. Upon conclusion "Black Medium Current" is a high quality release from Dødheimsgard, proving once again that they are one of the most interesting and unique progressive/avant-garde black metal acts out there. A 4.5 star (90%) rating is deserved.

UNEXPECT Fables of the Sleepless Empire

Album · 2011 · Avant-garde Metal
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"Fables of the Sleepless Empire" is the third full-length studio album by Canadian avantgarde/progressive metal act Unexpect. The album was independently released in May 2011. It´s the successor to "In a Flesh Aquarium" from 2006, which was the band´s breakthrough album.

"In a Flesh Aquarium" was a highly complex, technically well played, and experimental avantgarde metal release and it has received a lot of praise over the years, and not surprisingly Unexpect have chosen a relatively similar sound and approach on "Fables of the Sleepless Empire", although "Fables of the Sleepless Empire" sound a little less chaotic and polished compared to its direct predecessor. The vocals vary between female semi-operatic cleans, male cleans, and a varity of male extreme metal vocal styles (growling, snarling, screaming...etc.). In addition to the vocals, drums, guitars, bass, violin, piano, and samples are the instruments used to create the sound. The instrumental part of the music features elements of death metal, black metal, and symphonic metal, and often features classical music influenced sections or elements. All packed into abstract and complex avantgarde metal structures and dissonance. The tracks are ever changing and they take a while to get into and remember.

"Fables of the Sleepless Empire" features a clear, powerful, and detailed sound production, which perfectly suits the material and which help bring all elements of the band´s music to the listener. Upon conclusion "Fables of the Sleepless Empire" may suffer a bit from not being as surprising to the listener as "In a Flesh Aquarium" was, when it was released, but it´s overall another high quality release from Unexpect, and if you enjoyed the sound of "In a Flesh Aquarium", this one is a safe bet. A 3.5 star (70%) rating is deserved.

SARMAT Determined To Strike

Album · 2023 · Avant-garde Metal
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"Determined To Strike" is the debut full-length studio album by US, New York based death metal/avantgarde metal act Sarmat. The album was released through I, Voidhanger Records in June 2023. Sarmat formed in 2020 and they released the "Dubious Disk" live EP in April 2023.

Stylistically the material on "Determined To Strike" is dissonant and technical death metal, but with an avantgarde twist and some serious journeys into jazz/fusion territory. While Sarmat can certainly be both brutal and quite extreme, their at times chaotic sounding music is ultimately quite sophisticated, not to mention very creative and intriguing. This is not just another dissonant technical death metal act. The jazz/fusion elements are too dominant and they are an integral part of the compositions. Add to that some pretty weird and adventurous guitar riffs, and the whole thing is quite impressive and at times also jaw-dropping. The vocals are also very well performed and the listener is exposed to both deep growling and snarling growling. The inclusion of piano and especially horns is a touch of genius, which Sarmat use as an integral element of their already eclectic music.

The question beckons...can this even be labelled death metal? or is it actually extreme avantgarde jazz/fusion music with technical death metal elements just being a part of the sound? "Determined To Strike" is both a highly challenging but also strangely accessible release. "Accessible is probably a wrong description of what´s going on here, but despite all the craziness and the chaos featured on "Determined To Strike", I personally still find it quite memorable.

Maybe it´s because the band have chosen a production style for their album, which isn´t overtly brutal and pummeling, instead aiming for a more detailed production, although the sound production is ultimately still quite raw. Upon conclusion "Determined To Strike" is definitely one of the more unique sounding extreme metal albums I´ve listened to in a while, and they deserve a lot of attention for being this creative and for pulling it off with what sounds like a natural ease. Honestly I´m a bit at a loss for words here...but I´ll tell you one thing. This is amazing and definitely gets a recommendation from me. A 4.5 star (90%) rating is deserved.


Album · 2024 · Avant-garde Metal
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siLLy puPPy
Following the trajectory of the Finnish psychedelic black metal band ORANSSI PAZUZU is like experiencing an Earth based band fall into a wormhole and accidentally tagging along for the ride. While starting out as a somewhat recognizable black metal band all the way back in 2009 with its debut “Muukalainen Puhuu,” ORANSSI PAZUZU incrementally left the gravitational pull of our host planet and has taken a bonafide space journey into a world of its own making. This eclectic quintet has returned after a four year hiatus with its latest effort MUUNTAUTUJA which translates into something like “Transformative” or “Shapeshifter” which is exactly what this idiosyncratic and eccentric band has clearly become.

MUUNTAUTUJA marks another step beyond the once established parameters of black metal and takes the band into a bizarre web of neo-psychedelia that finds electronic influences taking a much larger role in crafting strange futuristic soundscapes that offer wild otherworldly spaced out effects. While the black metal hasn’t been totally usurped by gurgling synthesizers, trip hop based beats and ominous industrial sounds, any traces of Scandinavian kvlt majesty have been set way down in the mix as to leave only distorted guitar distortion rumblings and the band’s classic raspy vocal style as a beacon of light that points to its origins. Something like a modern day Ulver that never jettisoned the black metal furor, ORANSSI PAZUZU has reached the middle of its wormhole journey with one of its strangest albums yet.

One of the most inventive black metal bands to have emerged in the 21st century, ORANSSI PAZUZU set off like a voyage on the Star Trek Voyager and has crafted a truly unique sound that never remains stationary from album to album. While the earlier albums showcased a post-metal-like procession with cyclical riffs that slowly ratcheted up to crescendoing uproar, the band has always teased in psychedelic embellishments that have indubitably initiated a completely new genre called space metal. By the time the band got to “Mestarin Kynsi” it was apparent that these Finns were heading to the stars without looking back and boldly going where no black metal band has gone before. And the best thing of all is that these talented musicians actually created interesting song structures that made you want to tune in rather than send them off on their mission.

This band has always reveled in juxtaposing the most polarized opposite musical genres together and making strange bedfellows sound like a predestined fit. MUUNTAUTUJA only ups the ante as it takes you on a transcendental musical excursion into an alternate universe where Blut Aus Nord and Portishead commingle in darkened corners with Death Grips and Philip Glass with a touch of Massive Attack, Ministry and Mad Capsule Markets. From the very first oscillating tones of “Bioalkemisti” it’s clear that MUUNTAUTUJA is a completely different beast than what came before and another incremental leap down the avant-garde rabbit hole with surreal musical motifs that shapeshift from one track to the next that sample from a cauldron where the disparate worlds of progressive rock, black metal, trip hop, 20th century classical and industrial rock have been simmering in an undisclosed locus in the midst of the vast Finnish forests.

Along with Dodheimsgard, Ulver, Ved Buens Ende and Ram-Zet, ORANSSI PAZUZU has become one of Scandinavia’s most forward thinking bands and with the closing “Vierivä usva” totally drifting off into space and leaving the metal mojo behind one can’t help but wonder if this band is going to pull an Ulver on us and completely jump into the world of avant-garde electronica. Wherever this inventive band leads many of us avant-metal nerds will surely follow as it is virtually guaranteed that this band will take you somewhere you never knew existed. While i personally found the previous album to be more of my liking, this one is definitely a wild ride into the world of cosmos metal that will leave you gasping for air as you drift beyond the limits our Earthly realms.

ÖXXÖ XÖÖX (2) + (The Opening of the Hypercube)

Album · 2024 · Avant-garde Metal
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siLLy puPPy
The umlaut-rich avant-metal band from France returns with another electrifying dose of surreality in the form of yet another musical mind fuck which highlights this freakfest’s love of symbols with a new album titled simply +. However it just became apparent on the Bandcamp page that these abstruse albums now have secondary titles with this one adopting THE OPENING OF THE HYPERCUBE thus putting more of a reasonable spotlight on what the hell this band is all about which upon first exposure for listeners it will come off as weirdness for its own sake. And they wouldn’t be completely wrong. Forged with a slight sense of over-the-top haughtiness, this trio of Laurent Lunoir aka ÖXXÖ XÖÖX (all instruments, lead vocals), Laure Le Prunenec aka Rïcïnn (piano, guitars, female vocals) and Isarnos (drums) delivers another purposeful difficult music session steeped with the same mix of doom metal, gothic rock, electronica and Igorrr related unorthodoxies due to the fact the weirdo outsider musician Igorrr actually contributes with the programming.

Listening to an ÖXXÖ XÖÖX is like stepping into a music festival in a parallel dimension where nothing is familiar and everything is completely alienating with symbolism and musical motifs that seem like they are simply stitched together randomly like interlocking pieces of a jigsaw puzzle with no discernible context or purpose but that’s really exactly the point of this style of weirdo music, namely to engage in the rare act of total escapism despite the somewhat familiar elements of doom metal, gothic rock and what sounds like tribal ritual sacrifice music. If discerning any particular ÖXXÖ XÖÖX proves difficult then finding the differences between albums can prove to be even more challenging as poetry in some ancient alien language will tend to sound the same no matter what the actual meaning conveys thus highlighting the paradox of such musical extravagances. The fact is that ÖXXÖ XÖÖX succeeds all too well in its alienating effect and seems to take pride in taking an extreme calculated approach to ensure that everything is as wildly avant-garde and bizarrely impenetrable as possible.

Reminding vaguely of the Slovenian / Italian act Devil Doll, ÖXXÖ XÖÖX showcases an equal dose of flamboyance only rather than nurturing musical familiarities structured in unorthodox ways, this band tackles bizarre soundscapes that progress in strange ways that when i have played for friends literally freaked them out! So what’s new on +? Well actually i must say that this is ÖXXÖ XÖÖX’s most accessible album yet, although that is in relative terms of what they have presented on their previous three albums of course. This is still totally out there although one can be comforted that the band’s goal is to liberate the soul with their strange eclectic musical stew. Now how’s that for far fetched? LOL. After all according to the band: ÖXXÖ XÖÖX mixes the symbols of yin and yang/ouroboros/binary coded decimal system (0110 = 6 and 1001 = 9). Öxxö Xööx therefore means 69, symbolizing the desire for sublimation: transforming the 6 into 9 (find again the original light)! OK now :)

OK, back to the album. Yes, indeed + is crafted with more familiar styles of melodic touches this time around with melodic guitar riffs, licks and classically infused keyboard parts amongst the bizarre menagerie of gothic vocal harmonies and hairpin turns into unrelated musical motifs. This is the ultimate ADD type of music where there’s really no goal other than present various scattered melodies and ideas that are thrown against the wall like spaghetti. The art of indeterminacy is fully intertwined into this bizarre band’s master plan just like random atoms clashing and banging against each other in a gaseous state. Despite the weirdness there is the subtle beauty this band exudes through its darkened brume of atmospheres and proggy zigzagging through labyrinthine compositions with freakier than average vocal weirdness as if Dracula joined the choir at a Cirque du Soleil performance.

As with every ÖXXÖ XÖÖX this is an exhausting affair if you actually want to focus on the music actively. It’s impossible to make heads or tails out of any real purpose here and the band has a propensity for making the longest albums possible that will fit onto a modern CD in the case of + that means a sprawling 80 minutes or an hour and twenty minutes of artistic excess sounding like a distorted journey through the very hypercube that is supposed to be a part of the indecipherable lyrical subject matter. All in all this album although a bit easier on the ears for those who need melodic elements may prove tolerable in small doses but probably won’t win over any new converts as this music is still so friggin’ freaky that even those of us who totally dig this kind of warped sound salad can only engage rarely as it is one of those types of bands that scratches the itch when you want to say screw it all and totally escape into a completely unfamiliar world of estrangement.

For some reason it’s cathartic to feel out of control because it puts the real world into perspective. So perhaps this Freudian head trip actually has some real purpose after all but remains as bizarre and divorced from the greater world of rock and metal despite any leanings towards slightly more melodic touches. Personally this appeals to me on an intellectual level if nothing else and although i’d go insane if this were part of my daily diet, this does offer the perfect escape hatch into planet mondo bizarro. While there are really no comparisons to this band, it will appeal to those who most love the musical weirdness of bands like Unexpect, Ethel Death, Igorrr, Jute Gyte, Dir En Grey, Thy Catalfalque, Devil Doll, Thought Industry, Ex Eye, Taal, Yawn, Q’uq’umatz, Perculate or even early Azure Emote but i personally find this band to exhibit a level of weirdness above and beyond the call of duty and blows away the competition. It’s actually quite admirable in how a band can create a uniform complete detachment from the entire musical world and exist in its own musical bubble.

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