About MMA
METALMUSICARCHIVES.COM (MMA) intends to be a complete and powerful metal music resource. You can find the metal artist's discography from 44857 bands & artists, 202668 albums (LP, CD and DVD), ratings and reviews from members who also participate in our metal forum .
How does the artists and albums metal subgenres classification works ?
Initial importation of all the artists and albums associated a subgenre to all the albums the album based on our best evaluation of the artists discography main subgenre. We understand that albums from an artist may differ in genre from one to another -- so we allow metal subgenre(unique) selection at the album level.
The algorithm that selects the main metal subgenre of an artist goes like this:
Main subgenre is the subgenres of albums that occurs the most often in the entire discography of studio albums. In case of parity, the subgenre of the first album is used when listed artists in the site and in subgenre pages.
So, contributors of the site, might be interested in selecting the correct subgenre of albums to improve the site's content quality. We also created a subgenre called "Other" that does not fit in none of the MMA subgenres.
What releases types do you accept ?
Live albums
EPs & Splits
Promos, fans club
Other releases (no bootlegs)
How do I contribute or become a special collaborator ?
Every member can contribute his own way, just login and look for special action link in the left menu of each page , called MEMBER ZONE. Here's the list of all the possiblities that the site offers (as March 27, 2010):
Posting reviews or rating only of albums
Commenting reviews publicly or privately with the reviewer
Posting shouts on artists page and video pages
Search and add video related to artists. Members can vote : like or dislike videos or post shouts/comments about this video
Complete discography for missing audio releases or movie releases, by using the add album action link
Add artists to your "favorite lists"
Participating in forum discussions and creating new topics
Special collaborator list of tasks includes:
Editing artists infos and pictures
Add new artists, using our fully automated importation tool (bio, pictures, albums)
Edit albums informations, subgenre and cover art
Fix some MusicBrainz.org errors using MMA user
Add new MP3 for streaming in artist pages (128kbps fixed bitrate or VBR 112, 160 kbps MP3 format (using MP3_output.dll winamp plugins with I3D tag))
Edit genres definition
As a reminder, we have a forum topic to allow member submit themself as special collaborator
How can I submit a missing bands?
Submit it in the appropriate forum section .
How can I report invalid bands and albums informations ?
Submit errors and omissions in the appropriate forum section .
How do I report bugs or broken links ?
Submit bugs and broken links in the appropriate forum section .
Do you have similar website in other music style ?
Yes, we have a similar website covering "prog rock & related" music www.progarchives.com
I am an MMA artist representative, how can I send music for review ?
Admins are not involved in reviewing, one must invite MMA reviewers members in the appropriate forum section .
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