Promos, fans club and other releases (no bootlegs) · 1989
1. Rawhide
2. Detroit Rock City
3. Defenders Of Justice
4. Right Side
5. Bloodbath
6. Battle To The Last
7. Staatsfeind
8. We Need A War
9. Children-Massaker-Blues
10. Faded Pictures
11. Predetermined Destiny (Part I)
12. Predetermined Destiny (Part II)
13. Burial At Sea
14. Speed Bayer
15. Locked
16. Iron Force
17. Living After Midnight
18. Invasion Sector 12
19. Critical Threshold
20. Emma
21. Death Squad
22. The Blues "Oh Baby"
23. Armageddon
- Olli Stanley / vocals
- Arnd Frehley / guitars
- Joeter Vincent / guitars
- Timo Simmons / bass
- Bruno Kulick / bass
- Kuno / bass
- Criss / drums
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Thanks to Time Signature for the addition