Album · 2002
1. Black Hole Monster in a Spin Releases Energy (0:48)
2. Billion Suns (0:29)
3. One Thing Is Sure (1:06)
4. Buzz (1:38)
5. The Paul Dirac Medal and Prize /Gorilla Gorilla Beringei/ (1:26)
6. A Generalized Lie Derivative and Homothetic or Killing Vectors (1:39)
7. Xmm - Newton (1:33)
8. Electric Dynamo Effect (0:52)
9. Literate Physicist Gets Taste for Fiction (1:46)
10. Analysis of Iron Line (1:48)
11. The Hunt (0:59)
12. Payload Specialists (1:24)
13. Not Out (1:27)
14. Mcg-6-30-15 (0:31)
15. New Generation of Neutrino Experiments Begins - the Ursus (1:34)
16. Something Is Collapsed in My Analbase (1:49)
17. Focused (2:47)
18. On the Return Trip Home (1:07)
19. The Brain Is 'classical' (0:45)
20. Two-Dimensional Penrose-Tiled Photonic Quasicrystals: From Diffraction Pattern to Band Structure (1:49)
21. Quantum Modelling of the Mind (0:48)
22. Spacetimes Admitting Isolated Horizons /Killing Vector Field/ (1:29)
23. Chain Reacton's Domino Aka Termic Firer /Metamorphosis/ (3:47)
Total Time: 33:31
About this release
Full-length, Obscene Productions, 2002
Recorded at Professional Sound Studio
Thanks to UMUR for the updates