Nu Metal / Groove Metal / Alternative Metal • Argentina
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A.N.I.M.A.L. (Acosados Nuestros Indios Murieron Al Luchar) meaning (Our Harassed Indians Died Fighting) was a metal band from Argentina and one of the most important in Latin America. It was founded by the singer and guitarrist Andrés Giménez in 1992 in Buenos Aires, Argentina with Aníbal Aló on drums and Marcelo Corvalán on bass and backing vocals. They originally formed under the name of "Animal", but due to legal issues the name was quickly changed to the actual version. A.N.I.M.A.L.'s sound is that of heavy metal and most lyrics are in defense and in favor of ethnic minorities and original peoples of Latin America; this can be seen in many song titles like Solo Por Ser Indios ("Only For Being Indian"), Guerra De Razas ("Race War"), Poder Latino ("Latin Power") and Raza Castigada ("Punished Race"). The band's success grew taking it to play in most Latin American countries,
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