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Started some time around 2004, MCM (their name being an acronym for the band members' last initials: Masi, Coven, Macaluso) is a veritable power trio, bridging the gap between progressive metal and instrumental fusion. The band is comprised of Alex Masi on guitar (MASI, DARK LORD, CONDITION RED), Randy Coven on bass (ARK, HOLY MOTHER, RIOT), and John Macaluso on drums (STARBREAKER, ARK, JAMES LABRIE, YNGWIE MALMSTEEN, RIOT, POWERMAD). Their instrumental music blends shredding progressive metal with fusion, dabbling in other styles (latin, funk, etc) and constantly exploring new territory, but never losing their sense of groove. This is exemplified on their 2004 debut album, released on Lion Music, entitled "Ritual Factory". All of the bands' members have played with each other in various bands in the past, and it shows! While never sounding disjointed or out of touch with each others' grooves, the band members sidestep the soulless pitfalls
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