— the ultimate metal music online community, from the creators of
Nebelmacht is a satirical sideproject by Excrementory Grindfuckers. Rob and Him were making fun of the Black Metal scene, but their album was very well-received by the community. "Seuchefrieden" (German literally "plague-peace") consisted of pseudophilosophical lyrics and over-usage of names out of Norse Mythology. Rob said about Nebelmacht: "Did we fail to create obvious musical trash and accidentally publish a "good Black-Metal-Album"? Or are some experts not able to recognize shit, as long as it smells like Underground-Black-Metal? Which one is true is up to you to decide." („Sind wir beim Versuch offensichtlichen Musik-Abfall zu erstellen gescheitert und haben unfreiwillig ein „gutes Black-Metal-Album“ veröffentlicht? Oder sind einige Experten nicht in der Lage Scheiße zu erkennen, sofern sie nach Underground-Black-Metal stinkt? Welches Fazit man daraus zieht, ist euch überlassen.“)