Time Signature
Metaltill the world...
Genre: traditional heavy metal
When you release an album called "Metalkill the World", you better deliver the goods... and Skullview, fortunately, do deliver the goods on this album, which falls in the category of traditional heavy metal, although there are some power metal tendencies and references to a couple of other heavy metal subgenres.
There are plenty of galloping guitars, high pitched screaming and insane vibrato, and lyrics about epic battles, mythical artmies, crushed skulls and the mights of metal music. In other words there are classic metal elements aplenty.
And mostly it works very well (and, I'm sure, has a powerful appeal to nostalgia), as the band are very good at using all these 80s metal klichés very constructively. I do think that, at times, it's a bit over the top though to the point that it seems too forced, as with the narrative in the beginning of "Remnants of the Storm" (which in itself is a fantastic track) and the title track, I think, is just a bit too long for its own good and stuffed too full of metal kliches.
This is probably just a mater of my own personal preferences, but I think that the songs are also generally a tad, too slow, and I would have preferred some slightly faster ones. But that is a minor point.
I like the seemingly black metal inspired riffage in "Remnants of the Storm" and "Blind and Unconscious" and the slightly off guitar harmonies in "Defiance, Desperation, Defeat" which also contains some crossover-thash-like riffage, and which, I think, is one of the best tracks on the album.
"Metalkill the World" is a powerful display of the might and power of good old traditional heavy metal, nad it's recommended to fans of that genre, but I think that power metal fans would like it, too.