
Mike Sharkey
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Registered more than 2 years ago · Last visit more than 2 years ago

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3 reviews/ratings
JUDAS PRIEST - British Steel Heavy Metal | review permalink
HELLOWEEN - Unarmed - Best of 25th Anniversary Non-Metal | review permalink
TORMAN MAXT - The Problem of Pain (Part 1) Progressive Metal | review permalink

Metal Genre Nb. Rated Avg. rating
1 Heavy Metal 1 5.00
2 Non-Metal 1 2.50
3 Progressive Metal 1 0.50

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TORMAN MAXT The Problem of Pain (Part 1)

Album · 2007 · Progressive Metal
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Torman Maxt is a band that's been hanging around since 1994, yet have only released three albums to date, and are not very well known at all. There may be a good reason for this, however. While the band claims to play progressive metal reminiscent of Dream Theater [DT] and Rush they sound more like something of a church bound garage band. This album is part one of a two part saga, a story about a guy named Job. Yes, Job. While it's clear that this is an allusion to the bible, it's fairly awkward and somewhat embarrassing to hear all throughout the album. As for the vocals, yes they are reminiscent of DT and Rush, but not really as high. Is that good or bad? It's up to you.

The album is supposed to be the Maxt's 2112, and it shows that they really wanted to copy the pattern. The album opens with Overture, which is a short instrumental reminiscent of some kind of hair metal band from the 80s jamming to their hearts content. What is nice about it however is the fact that it flows fairly nicely into the next track, Job's Song. This song is definitely a highlight of the album and it's where the story and character are introduced. Not a ton to say about it still. Also good is the acoustic, Job's Contemplation, a soothing track that is far too short for it's own good. Another fairly good song is Satan's First Song. With some good Coheed-and-Cambria-like instrumentalism at the end. Here, it is annoying again that the name Job just keeps coming up (Someone please change that name!). It's too bad that Satan's Second Song sounds exactly the same as the first, otherwise they might have had something good going there. Surely, the only difference between the two of them is the name and the length. The second one being a bit shorter. One final high point of the album is the very last song, with some bizarre ambient progressive things going on about halfway through that will actually please the average prog-head. It's too bad though, all of these high points are freakishly short lived.

After that is a mixture of things, some songs are very short and forgettable, sounding like modern alt rock more than anything. Really, any title with Job in it will accomplish this and, hey, there's enough of those to feed a small nation. It also seems that this band likes to recycle that one guitar riff throughout all of these songs. A riff as a recurring motif in a concept album is more than okay, but using the same riff, and indeed (in some cases) same guitar solos without any changes in them is just plain unforgivable.

A couple of very annoying points. There are too many songs on here that simply sound too much like a church hymn. The Angel's First Song for example, with it's repeating chorus of 'Holy, Holy, Holy Lord' is enough to annoy any nihilist or non-Christian. This is also not to mention that the way that that particular repeating line is sung is enough to make the ears fall off a cat. Simply annoying. Job's Resolve is similar in this way, with the main character making some sort of prayer 'You are the father...' yada yada yada. Luckily, Angel's Second Song actually has a bit of good ambient Prog in there... for about half of it anyways. Then they're right back in there with their repetition of that freaking hymn. this time, however, it lasts for less time, and that's a good thing.

Well, what shall this be rated...?

This band clearly needs some inspiration to write more than one riff for an album and maybe pick a more avant gard way of discussing religion. While religion is an interesting enough topic there's already too much music out there trying to make the most of it. This album is clearly for the Christian rockers of the world who want some kind of concept album to listen to. That would be fine if it was better done. This is an album to avoid for anyone who is uninterested in religion, or any prog head in general. This is Christian rock music, nothing much more. Maybe this review has missed the point, but there's too much to look around to see the point if there is one. 0.5 star -- miss it. If you're still interested this album is available for free download on the band's website.

HELLOWEEN Unarmed - Best of 25th Anniversary

Boxset / Compilation · 2010 · Non-Metal
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Quickly! Arm them again!

Helloween have been one of the best underground metal staples for decades, although they've never really "gotten" what makes them so popular. It seems like every single time they release a fantastic album that makes people think "my god! The pumpkin heads are back!" they release some weird album that splits people into different camps once again. From Keepers 2 to Pink Bubbles, from Raw to Dark Ride, from Gambling to Unarmed.

This is probably a discouraging thing to ready for pumpkin fans out there, but it's the truth. Let's face it though, this album is pretty awesome for all the fans out there. The basic premise is to take every one of the band's most popular songs and rerecord them in an unconventional manner. This includes turning Dr. Stein into a jazz-rock tune and the Keeper's Trilogy into an orchestrated epic. It's all very cool in the end, really! But definitely, DEFINITELY not an album to get if you're not a fan.

Some of the songs have been done too slowly, making tunes like Where The Rain Grows actually one of the weaker songs on the album. It would have been great to hear a slow song turned fast, but that never happens unfortunately. Some of the songs are very cool, multiple listenable versions of the old classics while others are good for one or who listens before you're bored and would rather hear the original.

Overall this is a very interesting collection that I would encourage fans to buy if only for the highlights. Do not start with this album if you're looking to get into the band. it would be a horrible first impression.

JUDAS PRIEST British Steel

Album · 1980 · Heavy Metal
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Breakin' The conventions.

In 1980 the world of heavy metal would never be the same after the release of this album. After defining their style on albums like Killing Machine and Stained Glass, Judas Priest would finally reach their zenith with British Steel, an album that embodies the entire NWOBHM movement in a single blow. It's got catchy hooks, rocking riffs and some of the best songs of the time.

With classics like Living After Midnight and the amazing Breaking The Law with it's incredibly memorable riffing it's also no wonder that this is the album that broke Priest into the mainstream. While it's worth having simply for those singles it also helps that every other song on the album is a powerhouse that never lets down. Grinder is a throwback to the earlier, sludgier days of Priest while Rapid Fire breaks open the album with some speedier works.

All in all this is an absolute classic and essential album to any metal collection. If not for this release you could say goodbye to the NWOBHM and European power metal movements. It's hard to imagine anyone from Helloween to Iron Maiden making a splash without this masterpiece being around. In this reviewer's most humble opinion, that is.

5 out of 5. If you don't have it - get it.

Latest Forum Topic Posts

  • Posted more than 2 years ago in Helloween - new album soon!
    AWESOME!!!!I was hoping that Unarmed wouldn't be the only thing to be released in the next couple of years.
  • Posted more than 2 years ago in Best Marilyn Manson album?!
    Holy Wood, but you forgot Portrait of an American Family.His last two are such steaming piles of ass....
  • Posted more than 2 years ago in Heaviest
    Gojira, specifically on "From Mars To Sirius" - songs like Backbone and, of course, The Heaviest Matter In The Universe are definitely the heaviest in my collection.Of course SYL is a big contender.


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