My absolute favorite Metal record ever. This was the album that made me a Metallica fan, a metal fan, just a music fan in general. Cliff Burton died tragically in a bus crash touring the previous album and they got Jason Newstead in his place now and this album is almost a tribute to Cliff. This album showed me a different kind of music I have never heard before and made me a fan instantly.
Blackened: The opening song. My favorite Metallica song, I love how it opens with the slow fade in guitars and clicky drums just hit you and kick off the great riff that carries through the rest of the song. The verse is great with quick vocals from James that are easy to sing along to.
...And Justice For All: Some people complain it's too long but they clearly haven't heard much longer songs. This album does go through some pretty distinct changes and moods that always keep with me and the lyric is great how Justice gets raped and still does.
Eye of the Beholder: A underrated song. I personally enjoy this song a bit more than some others on here. It is very simple compared to the rest of the album but it's a nice break.
One: The famous single. It is a great song that slowly builds up like Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. I love how both start off soft and slowly build up in intensity but this one hits you with a fantastic guitar solo that makes Guitar Hero players break their fingers over. Classic
The Shortest Straw: A runner up for my favorite song on here. I love the complex drums and very busy progish environment of this song which sums up the whole album for me.
Harvester of Sorrow: Another great ballad-esque song. It has such a mood to it that you feel inside a mental patient's mind. Always sticks and moves me.
The Frayed Ends of Sanity: Took me a while to get into this song. My friend always praised this song saying it was Metallica's best but he's wrong IMHO. It is a great song but never clicked instantly to me.
To Live is to Die: Their tribute to Cliff song. This was so emotional and moving for an instrumental song I can't put it into words. Just listen to it
Dyers Eve: Lars really proves his chops on this song and Shortest Straw. It is a killer way to end this amazing album
Overall, Best Metal album ever. 5 stars. Highlights: The Whole Damn Album