AFTER SMOKE CLEARS - Beta to Gamma - [Official Music Video]
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The third of our 2020 onslaught of singles, introducing Beta To Gamma.
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"Beta To Gamma’s message is simple: the mind is a superb instrument if used rightly, and meditation holds the key. Many of us are hopelessly enslaved by our minds. For some of us, it’s our own worst enemy. But there is a way to break free from the prison. If we stay intensely present, and let the resistance go, we can watch our minds with curiosity instead of being it’s victim."
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Recorded and Produced by Meyrick De La Fuente at Floodgate Audio
Videography by ShotbyO_X
Let resistance go
Be the watcher of the mind
Taking back control
Becoming unconfined
Cannot sit alone
For 5 minutes
Cannot sit with yourself
You cannot find the courage
No discipline or determination
All you want to do is be free
This meek attitude will bring no salvation
Blame it on anxiety
Feel the fire burning at your feet
Channel the pain and Edificate
Feel the fire burning at your feet
Channel the pain
You can endure the pain if purpose is present
Build identity and then you can change the world
Beta to Gamma
Live a life of pure Dharma
In stillness you watch the presence unfold
Feel the fire burning at your feet
Channel the pain and Edificate
Feel the fire burning at your feet
Channel the pain
Let resistance go
Be the watcher of the mind
Taking back control
Becoming unconfined
The choice is yours
Will you live a life
Of security and safety
Or will you break free
From the shackles of your timidity
You get what you give
The universe doesn’t care about your feelings
Your outer reality is a mirror of your inner state
Let resistance go
Be the watcher of the mind
Taking back control
Becoming unconfined
Identity is forged through suffering
Personality is shaped by pain
Take the trauma
Make it a part of you
Use the pain
As a tool