Aftermath - No Time to Waste (Official Lyric Video)
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The title track from the forthcoming album, No Time to Waste – words that everyone should live by in their daily lives. But the song is not about that. Rather it’s about all of us together having no time to waste as a free species.
Everyone you talk to today says something isn’t right in the world and most can’t point out what it is that makes them feel that way. Their gut tells them something isn’t right.
This song is about what we feel isn’t right with the world today and we urge people to wake up before it’s too late. It isn’t about being woke, but being awake.
The song is at its core about unity and coming together to defeat our mutual enemy.
Every great story has a hero and a villain. We the people are the hero in this song.
Pre-save the song now:
Previous album 'There is Something Wrong' out now:
Directed by Calvin West
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Aftermath - No Time To Waste [Official Music Video]
Song No Time To Waste
Artist Aftermath
Writer Aftermath
Licensed by INgrooves (on behalf of Zoid Entertainment and The Label Group); BMI - Broadcast Music Inc.