Altarheart - "Suffer Alone" (Official Visualizer)
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Written and performed by Altarheart.
I don’t want your pity
Sometimes I do
Forgive me
You can’t see
Things from my point of view
Empty womb
Heavy urn
We feel we patiently waited our turn
I look at these walls and wonder what could have been
As we watch the sunset
Suffer alone
Can you see me when I cry on my own?
Amongst the sea of jubilee
What becomes of me?
Replaces my heart
Tunnel vision
Keeps us apart
I want you to be happy
and not dance around my tears
The guilt sets in
The shame persists
Is there anyone who hears?
God, You’re near the brokenhearted
God, we’ve cried You a river
Would You walk on the water?
We ask Him why
We waited for the morning
But the joy never came
We are not alone
Suffer alone
Our Father sees your when you
Cry on your own
There comes a time when you have to choose
A cry for help or a life to lose
We are not alone
This song is inspired by the heartbreak of dear friends losing a child through stillbirth. The emotions of experiencing tragedy can lead to feelings of bitterness and isolation. The song's lyrics are also crafted to allow for application to other difficult circumstances, and the need for social awareness of those going through these difficulties. You are not alone.