ANNALYNN - Damage Control (ft. Masato of coldrain)?Official Music Video?
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?Official music video?
Damage Control (ft. Masato of Coldrain)
From album of “A Conversation With Evil” by ANNALYNN
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=== Lyric ===
breaking all the lights, leave me all alone
will it end my pain?, will it end my hope?
leave, abandon me all alone
it’s confusing me to live in darkness
‘cause I’d rather let the darkness live in me
(dead soul) nobody can take away all the pain
(dead soul) ‘cause I don’t feel anything, anymore
I embrace my pain as I am torn in two
every breath that I break, it separates me from you
breaking all the lights, leave me all alone
(surviving through the day, surviving through the day)
will it end my pain?, will it end my hope?
(surviving through the day.. leave, abandon me all alone)
will you get through the day, will you embrace the pain?
taste your pain..
you can’t escape the pain to survive the day
whatever it takes, do it all over again
embrace the pain to survive the day
whatever it takes, do it all over again
breaking all the lights
leave, abandon me all alone
I will taste my pain to retain my broken soul
consume me and control me
the pain you'll never know
whatever it takes or let it break your soul
consume me and control me
it’s time to let it go.. whatever it takes or let it break your soul
I can’t take it anymore.
every breath I break, will it end my hope?
will you taste your pain to retain your soul?
=== Video Credit ===
Production: Rebirth Productions Co.,Ltd.
VFX: Boriphat Panchamawat
Second Unit (Japan)
Director&Camera: Takuya Oyama (THINGS.)