Are We Alive - Saint Nicholas (Official Lyric Video)
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Your pawns are falling off the board
No end 'till you're put to the sword
How long can you take this?
This is no game it's war
Drunk on your wealth and power
Yet you still want more
Empty hearts and broken places
Is this really what you're fighting for?
Selfish war
Children blown to pieces
Families are torn in two
Will you face your demons?
'Cause one day they'll come for you
How can you restore the land you've raped?
Soon death will knock at your door
The youth do the dying
You cower in hiding
Just relent
Vile lies and threats of violence
Provocations equal to your sins
Even if you win
You've already lost
You'd be the last to know
Can you abandon your prize?
Before your last sunrise
Your demise
Defiance, chaos, hate, and violence
There'll be no compliance
Invaders must be silenced
Horror, murder, rape, and torture
Treacherous betrayers
Bring death to all invaders
Know we stand together
We'll cast out your demons
Murderous heathens
Why can't you just see reason?
Is this really worth the price?
Destruction and blackened skies
There's no place like home
Painted with flesh and bone
So send down your demons to die
To die
This is what you want?
Well say goodbye
Say goodbye
'Cause your fucking end is nigh
The end is nigh
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