Befouled Tongue - Frostbitten Death (Official Lyric Video)
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Isaiah Driscoll - Vocals
Zack Mild - Drums
Music/Lyrics written by Befouled Tongue
Produced/Mixed & Mastered by Nico Beninato at Kimera Recordings
Lyric Video by BSA Graphic
The shattering stars blaze through the skies and align to my crimson eyes
The pull of gravity relinquishes as the warmth of the sun extinguishes
Frost and wind have slowed my pace
Trying effortlessly but my state of consciousness manifested into the forgotten world
Cast out and buried in the tundra
The night came upon me with its bitter fury
It’s fascinating that death can be so cruel
Gnawing on my bare bones to feed my starving soul
As I wept through the night
Left here devoured, maimed and tortured
I look on in horror as the layers of my skin blacken and rot, stolen by the cold
Hideous wounds stricken across my face and hands, claimed by these frigid lands
My pace slows to a halt, collapsing in the powdered snow,
At the edge of the plateau, a painful death below
I see at the base of the precipice, a clutter of corpses
Fools that made the same journey only to meet their end
The night came upon me with its bitter fury
It’s fascinating that death can be so cruel
In the twilight of my life
I rest in these ancient grounds
The stars blaze across the sky, as my final moments near
A sight so breathtaking yet all I feel is fear
My spirit has abandoned me to my ultimate demise, as this frozen dominion swallows me into the depths
Visions of a different existence gleaming through the aurora, I accept my death as I inhale the frozen winds