Dealer - Crooked (Official Music Video)
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Audacious self righteous A martyr? I highly doubt.
Egocentric bitter tongue Bite it off, spit it out.
Audacious self righteous A martyr? I highly doubt.
Egocentric bitter tongue. Bite it off, spit it out.
Orwell said there is no distinction between the thought and the deed.
So I guess in that case you're all just fucking rot to me.
The masses defined Contrived, devoured me.
A sheep in wolves clothing. I’m now your latest public enemy.
No fucking forgiveness.
Next time, shake my hand before you fuck me.
No fucking forgiveness.
I felt the chains roll slowly.
No fucking forgiveness.
Next time, Take me out before you fuck me.
And after all these years. Life might be rich.
But in this dog eat dog world.
You're still the fucking bitch
Mix/mastered: Lance Prenc
Video: Thomas Savage
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