FALLBRAWL - ILLUSION OF TRUTH | (Official Music Video)
Online Video
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Filmed, edit, cut & color by Moritz Hartmann (http://moluximago.com?)
Produced, recorded, mixed by Dave Beule @ Shrimp Audio
Mastering by Aljoscha Sieg @Pitchback Studios
illusion of truth
Von Verblendung geplagt
Neid und Verrat
betrayal and envy till death us part
denn das ende trifft hart
we only die hard
der Stich trifft ins Herz
like a dagger through the heart
cold as ice with the glance of Medusa
nothing to hold on but a thousand excuses
it‘s hard to
understand that I am not worth the truth but I
paid my dues and i hope you choke on your fucking lies
cold as ice
you better
choke on your lies
no more lies
choke on your lies
no more
no more fucking lies
cold as ice
you better
choke on your lies
no more lies
choke on your lies
no more
no more fucking lies
just lies
time to understand
your reality is an illusion of truth
eine Welt voller Lügen gestrickt
kannst du dich selbst noch im Spiegel anschauen?
irgendwann bricht dein Genick
du kannst niemandem vertrauen
bis der Tod uns scheidet
bis der Tod uns scheidet
the blood runs cold by the look in your eyes
a glimmer of hope turns into demise
it‘s hard to
understand that I could not refuse
but I
paid my dues and i hope you choke on your fucking lies
cold as ice
you better
choke on your lies
no more lies
choke on your lies
no more
no more fucking lies
cold as ice
you better
choke on your lies
no more lies
choke on your lies
no more
no more fucking lies
eine Welt voller Lügen gestrickt
kannst du dich selbst noch im Spiegel anschauen?
irgendwann bricht dein Genick
du kannst niemandem vertrauen
bis der Tod uns scheidet
bis der Tod uns scheidet
no more lies
just an illusion of truth
you gave that promise
till death do us part
till death do us part
but you felt the noose around your neck
from the start