Ilenkus - Ram
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You've been fighting for too long now. You see the comfort of this padded cell that they are offering. You stuck at what you wanted in spite of having your eyes open and no illusions. Why did this have such a hold on you? Was it cos it made you feel alive?
You're contradicting yourself.
Won't let yourself through the door.
Fighting yourself to be free.
Strapped in, now wait again for it to come.
You know when you follow, there's someone to blame. You know they are better at playing their game. They're selling you truth now, that you are too weak. And in your acceptance you feel that there isn't a reason to leave.
They're looking to buy you, but to your surprise you cannot just swallow the pill now, that's stuck in your throat, while there's someone else telling you 'ignore the destruction you're causing and smile' while people burn alive. You've realised that you'd just be a prick!
Your feet are moving over old ground now, but you can see. The way is lit in flames. You get the picture, that life is hard every way. You'll never rest until you're dead.
You took my open door, you pulled off all your chains, cos now as you're going under, you'll blame my words. And now as you look away, the picture fading out. The one left in your eyes now is one we thought to be gone.
We all want to have a reason to believe. To cheat you out of your life would be wrong. But walk free, be you. In the end you'll shape your reflection.
Music written and performed by ILENKUS, recorded in Twigsnap Studios, engineered and mixed by ILENKUS.
Mastered by Mike Piacentini (West West Side Music).
Video shot by various members of Ilenkus and Shardborne during our UK tour in October, edited by Josh Guyett.