Osaka Punch - Served with Mustard [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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This clip was shot over 2 weekends, these legends pulled in every favor and made this sparkling, cheeky, complicated, quirky clip.
Overall its a display of the Brisbane music scene. Everyone in this clip are key players and musicians in our little underground Brisbane, that being said...the future doesn't look too bright for music in Brisbane hehe.
Big credits have to be paid to the following people.
Lars Andersen - Director, Ideology, Editor, Rugged-ness
Kasia Rymer - Producer, being little but scaring everyone, emotional stabilizer, Lars' second brain when his stops working.
Danaj - Director of Photography - This man, this beard, that head.
Never a dull moment, Danaj brings the sticky to sexyness. Always keeping spirits up, working tirelessly all the same.
Jasper Staw - The ideas man, Lead Camera Operator and Editor, manages to keep his cool even after everyone else is drunk. Plus he wore a really cool cap
Second Unit
Simon Gardiner - A projectionist by day but a camera wielding ninja by night, only at night. That's why he wasn't at the day shoots.
Ryan Coates - A man with an agenda, he's been direction/camera operating on videos for a few years now, thankfully he had time in schedule to be a part of the mayhem!
Nick Economidis - A.K.A Crayon, was sick with the flu and made the effort to come out and get his dance on. We chased this guy down for this scene for months...
Matt Mckean - A.K.A The running man. Its funny because we were really running, hard, this guy had to pretend like he is at full speed. Damn him.
Make up
Ngaire Lock - Thankfully someone was there to make these musos look pretty. Someone had to hide the state of things.
We have a bunch of cameos from local rocksmiths also.
The entire LeSuits band basically made this clip, whilst Lars was directing theirs too. One clip is never enough.
Vayer - These intellectual prog demons really show you how clever they are.
Sub Inc - Johnny boy Keen, Tim Bennets and gnarly Glen, super Jed....They came, the brought hair, they left.
More bands included - The Occupant, Big Dead, Bosscats, The Worriers, Atlas Echoes
Some honorable mentions.....MAX, MAYA, BRENDAN, LARS. Thanks for letting us trash your lovely home. Max is possibly the best host ever, she made me pasta. I broke a glass in your kitchen. Full of scotch.
Kent Haines, Jo 'Amazon Appetizer' Bushing you guys rock. Thanks for the shows!!! Thanks for sorting us out!!
So that wraps it up. I think.....