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Nobody · Skindred
? 2004 Lava Records LLC for the United States and WEA International Inc. for the world outside of the United States.
Pro Tools: Branden Abeln
Pro Tools: Dave Holdrege
Digital Editor: Eric Miller
Additional Engineer: Eric Miller
Technical Engineer: Gersh
Keyboards, Producer: Howard Benson
Digital Editor: Jason Lader
Digital Editor: John O.
Technical Engineer: Keith Nelson
Co-ordinator Production: Martie Muhoberac
Digital Editor: Martyn Ford
Digital Editor: Mike Plotnikoff
Recording Engineer: Mike Plotnikoff
Mixing Engineer: Rick Will
Music: Skindred
Masterer: Ted Jensen
Writer: C J Webbe
Writer: D Pugsley
Writer: M. Ford
Lyricist, Writer: Skindred
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