Stick To Your Guns - Severed Forever (OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO)
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Severed Forever by Stick To Your Guns
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Director: Adam VillaSeñor (In Fulll Bloom)
Lead Actor: Randy Gonzalez (Mayans MC, The Walking Dead: Dead
City, Dexter: Original Sin)
I trust no running dog
Eat your own for a seat at the table I can’t trust anyone
Walk the line so willing and able What are you so fucking proud of? Why are you so fucking scared? It’s unbearable
When will it be enough for you savages? It’s getting hard to tell
A snake that eats itself
Are we ever catching up before it vanishes? Will it ever be enough?
Are we ever waking up?
Eating your own for a seat at the table
When my time comes I’ll be willing and able I trust no running dog I can’t trust anyone
What are you so fucking proud of? Why are you so fucking scared? It’s unbearable
When will it be enough for you savages? It’s getting hard to tell
A snake that eats itself
Are we ever catching up before it vanishes? Will it ever be enough?
Are we ever waking up?
Eating your own for a seat at the table
When our time comes
We’ll make no excuses
Your turn to feel the pressure
Severed forever
Your turn to feel the pressure you motherfuckers Severed Forever
Your turn to feel the pressure Severed Forever